Hello Africa tell me how you doing?

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Bachelor Dog
Jan 20, 2006
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The words from DR Alban keeps popping in I my head as we ride the last few k’s into Upington after a damn hot day sitting on tar. It’s the start of our 5 month trip up into Africa and it’s slowly starting to grow on me that it’s actually happening.

It’s been a long year of planning and getting things organised for the businesses and to make sure they can work without us. The planning for the trip was the least of the issues. It is unbelievable how difficult it is to just close the door and walk away from your way of life as you know it and to let things go. We do not have kids and I thought it surely had to be easier for us, just close the door, say good bye to the old Staffie and leave. Not te hell, we are so tied down in our daily grind and business it takes effort to let it go and trust all will go well while away eating dust.

Apart from that hoping nobody gets injured or a bike decide to call it a day while on the trip and ends it prematurely. But sitting here next to the Orange River at Sakkie’s place in Upington sipping a cold Carling the worries are fading fast, what’s the worst that can happen anyway?

It all started a year ago when Elsebie and I met up with Harold and Linda in Port Alfred for lunch. Travelling for all of us are a bit of an addiction, one thing lead to another and we decided a trip through Africa is a must before we grow old and die. Firstly, because we were born here grew up in Africa and love the place, we just have to experience the rest of Africa.

Secondly jaaging through Africa in 40 days is a waste of time in my opinion, you only see tar stretches and experience very little about the people and the countries. I would rather visit a country per year staying 30days or as much as you’re annual leave allow and do it properly. That’s the reason why we committed to at least 5 months. It's not a hardcore off road trip, it's a trip where we want to experience Africa and it's people.
We left East London in the rain with a few friends that decided to ride with us.  The plan was to go up Sani and then on to Bethlehem and JHB. That did not happen as our passports were still with the embassies. Lundeans neck was a good second alternative and one of my favourite places to ride, the scenery are spectacular and offers some of the best riding in SA.


We will meet up with Harold and Linda at Ruacana just before December where we want to enter Angola, they insist they want to work till near death instead of leaving earlier, not even a cheap wine bribe worked.

I am not sure how often I would get a change to update the thread but hopefully at least once a month or so. There will be more post from the others on  www.pikipiki.co.za

Lekker safe trip julle 2 hou di honne se naam hoog and remember we are waching you
Hei Michnus

In your absence the forum is going to suffer without your marketing and people skills but if a man's gotta go away, a man's gotta go away. My best wishes and the best of luck for you, Elsebie and your other riding companions on your travels. I go along with your travel philosophy and I am glad that you have been able to set aside as much time. Travel safely and if you ever get stuck I trust that there will be someone in the vicinity that will be as kind, helpful and friendly as that guy from East London who had organised a chain for me five years ago when I got stuck on my way back from the Transkei.

Nou ja, laat jy fokken weg wees en geniet dit!
Wow! Ek wens julle die beste toe! Geniet dit. En post genoeg fotos en stories vir al die jaleors brakke wat moet agterbly!
Damn I am jealous... Enjoy and be safe.

Please keep us updated.
Please check or subscribe to our site https://pikipiki.co.za it is a major mission to upload photos on both the Wilddog site and our homepage and the data charges are short of robbery. I will try and upload when we can get decent access.
There's pictures on our homepage.

Namib bikes and Boobs
What can be better than that? Sure real boobs would make a difference!

We stayed over in Ai-Ais, the revamped Ai-Ais that is. They say it took R30milj to get the place in tip top shape again, it definitely shows. It’s a great place to relax for a day or so and enjoy the moon-like surroundings.

Spectacular Fishriver Canyon, it's mind blowing.

On our way to Aus we found a place called the Cañon Roadhouse. Old rusted cars, engines, stickers and everything from way past when. It’s unbelievable that they were able to put this together in the middle of nowhere. Any real man deserve a garage like this, even the toilets are a work of art. Why do we not get adverts like this anymore? Bloody feminist crusaders!

Just outside the Fish River canyon we stop at this French couple cycling all the way from France to CP. The spirit and friendliness of travellers always amazes me. Maybe they are just a different breed of person, as they always seem in good spirit. This is hard core balls to the wall travelling and way past my abilities, respect, that’s all I can say. He came down the West coast and had zero troubles, she joined him in Lusaka and they pedal around 100km per day, eating 5 times a day mostly rice.

In Seeheim we stopped for petrol just to be told by Marinda that they prefer not to supply bikes with petrol. The oke’s that did “Op die rug van ‘n Ysterperd of Donkie of iets” that was aired on Kyk-net said they got dirty fuel from Seeheim Hotel. What they did not air is that the Seeheim owners supply fuel as emergency only, they are not a proper fuel stop and cart fuel in drums from Keetmanshoop to assist people in need. Serious journalist error in my opinion. Locals around the area as far as Aus know about this and are not in the least happy about this program. Seeheim’ owners were told by friends that this program aired them and not once did they even make an attempt to contact them for comment. Some of the comments from the locals were rightly, why only one bike if all the bikes got petrol from Seeheim, from the same container?

With some convincing she gave us each 5L of fuel – no sand included. My comment: “not all of us are like that”

It's trip is not about hard core testosterone riding. Although I hope we would get some excitement along the way to take away the boredom of some of the roads. We read up in some magazine the way to Sossusvlei is best riding the D707 that run along the edge of the park. It’s also on this road that I had my wish come true for a bit of excitement.

In Ai-Ais we were asked whether we are part of the 30 GS’s, all French people,  that were doing a loop of SA, Zim, Bots, Zambia and Namibia. Aus’ garage owner told us not to take the D707 … sand, sand, sand, apparently some of the French fell them moer toe on that piece of road and one pillion broke a collar bone. Well, that’s the sign right there brothers and sisters!! We had to take this road!

It's one of those roads where you want to stop every 10 minutes and take pictures. Breath taking views, I stopped taking pictures knowing that my amateurish attempts will just not do justice to this place. I just took it all in and enjoyed the moment.

I understand why so many people get injured in Namibia on bikes and why the locals keep telling us about people blikseming the dirt. The broad long stretched out roads lures you to go faster and faster and then you hit a sand patch and everything goes belly up. For new riders or ego laaities it’s the biggest danger.

As we rode into Betta we saw this young dirty Jenson Button look-a-like named Neil with a oooold XT500 6Volt bike. He started riding bike a few months ago after drooling over Nardus’ ride report on his Africa travels. Nardus is his all-time biggest hero, he nearly gave up his religion for Nardus and travelling. It inspired him so much he just had to do something similar, except he does not have the funds or time for the entire Africa he will do a loop of Namib, Zambia, Malawi and back SA.

This guy is a true adventure rider, and I am super impress with him and his exuberance. He is a native Nataler, and only got his learners licence a few months ago and the previous owner had to show him how to ride a bike, he even asked if the bike got a reverse gear! He kitted his bike with empty 2L Coke bottles and set off to Springbok, he phoned ahead to make arrangements for his bike license and still had to stay a week longer in Springbok to get the booking and pass his license before going into Namibia.  

In Solitaire I gave him a crash course in dirt road riding, the poor guy was taking strain on these roads. It’s humbling and makes one think about our perceptions of what we need in life. This guy does the same as us with a hellova lot less and still enjoys it. This is a HUGE big up yours to the entire nose in the air poser D/S riders.

This picture is dedicated to Nardus, he could not get a Hansa can so a Cream Soda had to do.

At Sesriem there’s only one place to stay and it’s the Oasis camp site. It’s cheaper and miles better than the Park campsite. Each campsite has its own private facilities. The park wanted R380 plus R20 for the two bikes entry to the campsite. But the best is NO bikes allowed into the park! You pay the entry but you cannot enter!

Now if only these bliksems would make it known in all their marketing material. We asked why and got the ‘I only work here’ comment. Is it not because of groups of bikes hauling ass in the place with a backup vehicle carrying the luggage? Or smaller bikes making a moerse noise? Very disappointing … I stated it stronger, but Elsebie reprimanded me on my language ;-)

It’s also at this stage where we loaded the additional petrol to get us to Swakopmund. I crank up the preload a half turn and the next moment I hear this hissing sound and there’s oil leaking onto the ground. My 3500km old Martin P revamped and improved shock have just broken the preload adjuster.

I had a noise from the start of the trip on the suspension and this must have been the cause or part of it. We decided to head for Swakopmund and get hold of Martin to assess the damage and decide on a possible solution. Martin’s advice to me is to ride the bike as is, because the preload adjuster is only to adjust the spring it does not affect the shock itself and since we have the higher rated springs fitted we actually don’t need to have it adjusted. Luckily we travel relatively light at about 30kg luggage each.

Not nice having to start a trip with part of a shock failing. Luckily we have a time on our side should we need to get a shock somewhere later. All four bikes now have MP revamp shocks in them and one has already shows failure. I hope this is just a once off and not a one of more that will break go wrong on the shocks.

Since we were not able to destroy the Sossusvlei dunes with our gas guzzling echo destroying bikes, we tried to conquer Dune 7 with the bikes but that plan did not worked out to well.

The wonderful free feeling, meeting up with new people, experiencing new things, that’s all part of travel is addictive and I suspect it is going to get worse not better in the future, for us in any case. Not that I want a cure for this, I love this, and truly wish every person that has a love for travel and especially this kind of minimalist travel can have a change in their lives to experience it, even if it’s only once.

Enjoy it.
Safe riding - have a blast.

will def follow the trip on your site.
lekker man!
TOLD you you should've gone on a diet before the trip but noooo

I'm following your RSS feed so don't stop posting  :thumleft: