IMS Tank Range - a bit disappointed...

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Pack Dog
Jul 19, 2007
Reaction score
Honda XR500
I filled my IMS long range tank up with eager expectation, "600kms plus here I come"  ;D ... or so I thought...

Attie and I put on about 320km cruising to Warmbaths and back and I then took the tally to 390 commuting to work. I was chugging along merrily when at about 400 the tell tale surging made me switch to reserve. NO! :(

I was still pretty hopefull though, guessing that the reserve would be huge. I filled up a Pepsi bottle with fuel and chucked it in my tail pack so that I could run the bike dry... which turned out only to be 45km later, at 445km. Damnit! Turns out my Black Long Range Beast is only a Black Beast  :'(  (Check this thread for photo's of her:

I'm sure that if I leaned her right over to the left I could get another 50kms, so lets put the range at about 500km. It's still not too bad but I was hoping for more... Most of the IMS extra fuel lies in the "shrouds" which are below the reserve intake of the fuel tap, so I could shorten the length of the reserve tube in the tank to get a few more kms.

Am I right in saying that the KLR has a gravity fed fuel system? This would mean that I couldn't extend the reserve tube so that it took fuel from the bottom of the shrouds hey? I guess I will have to check if the carb is below the most bottom point of the tank (which I doubt). What are your guy's thoughts?

Thanks a lot!!