In search of tracks across mountains.

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Wow thats a lekker ride - well done!
Great RR ! Really humbling when you think that there are so many great areas left to explore in our neck of the woods ! DD that HPN is the stuff of dreams and my nightmares !! :thumleft:
Michiel and friends - many thanks for taking time to reflect on your trip and to share your experiences and fantastic pics with us!!
Respect to you and your friends :thumleft:
This really looks great...  :drif:

When you gonna show the rest of us?  :deal:
Jeepers guys , you are such daredevils!!!  Looks like you discovered some great scary new routes and that you had a great time doing so .  Respect !
Now that is what I call real adventure riding!! Mooi So. Oha Hallo Rynet, long time no hear or see.
One tries to take photos, but you know that the smells and scenery will live in your memory for ever. Thanks for sharing.
Hierdie RR som vir my Adv riding op - befok!!!

DD - ek, en vele ander, deel jou sentimente :thumleft:

Beware:  Een van die dae is ek da O0
Michiel and the other WILD dogs, that sure looks like a memorable trip!  Thanks for sharing!  :thumleft: :thumleft: :thumleft:
You have no idea, I still have withdrawal symptoms. A lot of the pleasure also lies in being able to share, thanks for watching.
What I'm curious about Sacke is that you " downgraded " ( upgraded in my opinion ) from a GS1200 to a GS800 and not many people do that. How did you find the GS800 handling as compared to the GS1200 ?( since you were quite an expert on the GS1200 )

I rode a GS 800 on Tuesday (only to work and back) but loved it . Ok it was not so stable and smooth and easy to turn as the GS1200, but the gears are so much easier , and the whole bike so much more exciting .  In fact I was disappointed when I collected my GS 1200 from the service , riding it suddenly felt like riding a tank  :-\
Hi Rynet.

I haven't really spent enough time on the 800 to give a detailed comaprison. My main reason for buying the 800 instead of another 1200 or a 990 was the weight.

20 odd kilogram doesn't sound like much but when the going gets really tough it makes a hell of a difference. I'm still getting used to the suspension and nearly soiled myself a few days ago grabbing a fistfull of front brake in a fast corner. On the 1200 that's no problem. On the 800 it's a whole different kettle of fish. I'll have to completely change my riding style.

The first few times offroad I kept on stalling and had to concentrate to keep the revs up. To get the most out of this bike I think you have to be very aggresive.

I've only done about 500km off-road but so far I'm very happy. The conventional suspension and larger front wheel really make a big difference.

Why all the interest? You thinking of changing as well?
Thanks Sacke !! I was not seriously thinking of changing until I rode the 800 on Tuesday , and I fell in love with it .  It is so much lighter and easier to handle without compromising too much on power. Another plus of the 800 is the easy clutch as opposed to the very heavy clutch of the 1200 , but I dont want to hi- jack this thread too much . Let me dream on . Thanks for the info and enjoy many happy hours of riding on the the 800  :)
