Into Africa - DASKOP's 12000km drive

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Day 3 driving to Ai-Ais.

Just some photos. More RR later.

How I wish I was back there right now. Hey Murphy?


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:drif:  :drif:  :drif:

Baie nice ek se  :thumleft: Nooit geweet jy skryf sulke lekker stories  :sip:

Gooi nog semblief meneer  :ricky:
It is back to work. Gotta earn so that the next ride can be done.

Still Day 3 - the road to Ai-Ais.

We were running late. Riding into the sun on a very dusty road. The passing 4x4 fraternity also had no respect for two bikers and once they passed us, we could see absolutely nothing. The dust was thick and hanging. With the sun's rays behind it, it was hair raising. So it was very SLOW going.

The last section we did in the absolute dark. Very dark and the road was seriously corrugated. We were very aware of the fact that we were dropping in altitude. As we went down, it got warmer and darker.

The photos for this section are limited as I had to spend so much time concentrating on staying on the road. The corrugations were bad and in the dark you could not really select a line that missed them. So, once you were caught in their grip, it was a matter of HOU VAS.

One thing, beautiful star-filled sky.

We arrive at Ai-Ais. Murphy immediately had a cold beer. Don't blame him. I nearly had one too, but settled for a Grapetiser. Did not at that time realise that I would at some stage miss being able get hold of it at any corner shop.

We arrange our camping site. I get back on my bike and prepare to follow Murphy. I pull off and suddenly realise my prescription glasses are gone. I had taken them off to put my helmet on and put them on top of my seat bag. My heart sinks. I nearly fall off my bike, get it under control with great effort, turn it around, put it on the side stand, jump off and try to look in the dark in the dirt for my glasses. There is a Land Cruiser heading my way, I recoil in panic and it drives right over where I think I dropped them. I put my hand up to my face and feel my glasses on my nose. What a ..............!!!!!! Embarrassing, don't think I told Murphy.

The Ai-Ais shop is disappointing. Paid R15 for a loaf of bread that was of questionable age and origin. Long story short, Murphy prepared us an amazing meal. The man has an obvious passion for cooking and does it well. Some ladies were kind enough to leave us their fire which they apparently inherited from somebody earlier.

All in all, it was a day that lived up to what we were doing.........adventure riding.


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:thumleft: :thumleft:

  Great Stuff in the Making ......  :sip:

  Roll on ..... (I can hear into the Universe from Hobas)

  :ricky: :ricky: :ricky:
Day 4 at Ai-Ais.

We arrived in the dark and could not really get an idea of what the place was like. We did, however, whist riding through, looking for a nice camp site, notice that there were a lot of people.

Sunrise brought a realisation of the place with the "Burning Water". And the amount of campers.

It also brought the marauding baboons. They ran along the top of the roof, climbed down onto the open porches, opened the sliding doors that they could, grabbed whatever was available and made off with their loot. Absolutely not deterred by the presence of humans.

The winter conditions of South Africa were becoming a faint memory. (FOR NOW!!!!!!)


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Somehow these photos stayed behind.




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We stayed there in November last year and were the Only campers in the whole place!

Awesome spot tho!!

Loving the RR! :thumleft:
:thumleft: lekker, what happened to MURPHY on day 2? did i miss something? did he fall over and break something?  :deal:

looking forward to the rest!
dirtyXT said:
:thumleft: lekker, what happened to MURPHY on day 2? did i miss something? did he fall over and break something?  :deal:

looking forward to the rest!

Howzit DXT.

This is Murphy's version of what happened. There are some photos on the RR he did. Personally, I think .................... NO COMMENT!!!!!!!!!  :pot:  :spitcoffee:

Before we head straight into the Namibian part of the tour lets tell what stupidity does at the petrol station in Prieska . After filling up and preparing to head towards Upington i decide to rock my fully loaded bike off the centre stand while i am sitting on it " dumbass" . Well its now probably about 400kg plus and decides its going sideways . What a dingbat i felt picking up my bike on the forecourt .

The screen support in the front broke off and we had to cable tie everything together .

We pull into BMW Upington at about 3.15pm and they were super helpfull , put in the clips we needed and we were on our way.
Day 4 at Ai-Ais (continued)

Murphy and I decide to do some exploring of the Fish River. As we are walking towards the river, we come across a 1200 GS and it's rider. This is how we meet Martin and his best mate, Jannie. This was to be a meeting of great consequences.

We first walk the river and then go and visit our new mates.



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Losing connection and not all the photos are posting. Lets try again.


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Great trip :thumleft: Can't wait for the rest!
Just one question - 4x4's passing you??? You gotta be kidding?
Orangeswifty said:
Great trip :thumleft: Can't wait for the rest!
Just one question - 4x4's passing you??? You gotta be kidding?

Common sense prevailed. We were riding directly into the setting sun. The dust from a vehicle that had been traveling in front of was just hanging on the road. That did not seem to deter the 4x4 drivers who went past us hell for leather. I do not have a death wish and I still had a long road ahead that I wanted to enjoy.  :ricky:

There you could go from Orangeswifty to Bloodyswifty in the blink of an eye.  :lamer:  :biggrin:

Dag 4 by Ai-Ais.

Jannie, die boer van Piketberg en Martin, die besigheids man van Kaapstad, het ons laat lag soos baie min vantevore. Ons het so lekker gekuier, hulle het sommer besluit om nog 'n dag langer te bly.

Ek weet dat die vertel van hierdie volgende storie nie dieselfde sal wees as toe Martin dit vertel het nie maar hier gaan ons.

Die twee broers kuier saam voor 'n jag en, soos gewoonlik, begin die jag stories en die twee probeer mekaar uit doen met elke storie wat vertel word. Soos die verversings al meer en meer 'n effek het op die twee begin die gewere uit kom. Die eerste broer spog met sy nuwe geweer en scope en laat sy broer die balans voel en hy korrel so deur die scope na die uit-peul-oog terriertjie wat daar op 'n stoel in die hoek sit. Hy trek die sneller en daar is 'n luide "klik"

Die tweede broer haal toe trots sy nuwe roer en scope uit die sak en raak liries daaroor. Die eerste broer vat die geweer, bewonder die "finish", voel die balans en korrel op die einste uit-peul-oog terriertjie wat daar op 'n stoel in die hoek sit. Hy trek die sneller en die geweer gaan met 'n groot knal af en die koeel tref die terriertjie tussen die oe. 

Hy laat die geweer sak en se vir die hond: "Moenie met sulke donnerse groot oe na my kyk nie, ek het net so donners groot geskrik."

Ek het vir 'n paar dae hierna, elke keer as ek aan die storie dink, begin lag, en dan gekyk of die interkoms nie aan is nie, want Murphy sal dink ek is mal as ek so aan die giggel raak.



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Final of day 4 at Ai-Ais:

Murphy and the birds.


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