Introduction Trip - WC - 16th Aug

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Julle manne is te vinnig vir my. Wil net ook ongelooflik dankie se aan al die mense wat opgedaag het. Was 'n stunning ride. Thanks Rov en Foerie, julle het die ons twee nuwelinge sommer welkom laat voel, en vir die geduld en noob tips. Great fun and learned alot.

Het beslis 'n paar baie nice mense ontmoet. Trix and Johan, was great driving with you, hope we can do it again sometime.

Ek kan darm nou se ek voel soos 'n volwaardige Wilddog  :thumleft:

1) Dis mos nou die lewe  :ricky:
2) Die water crossing
3) Dis darm 'n mooi wereld


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Lekker Rovrat en oom Fourie, hou van die skoolsaaltjie...heimwee nè! Hoop ek kry so gawe klomp WD's in Brits as ek terug is om so af en toe mee saam te ry!
I am one of the newbies who was on that ride and what an awesome day it was!!

The scenery was beautiful:  those green hills and wow, those Canola fields!!  We covered a lot of dirtroad, which was great for my confidence level.  One or two challenges thrown in for us beginners.....  yes it was a great day.  I'll be back for more!

Thanks to you guys for making me feel very welcome amongst you - my first WD ride!
It was a lekker day out, thanks guys.

I decided to join this ride at the very last second.

Grabbed the bike and raced over Franschoek pass to try and catch the group en-route. I scared a few superbike posers going over the pass though... :evil6:

Lucky for me I managed to find the guys on the dirt towards Botrivier.

And the rest was a lekker leisurely cruise to Greyton and beyond. I have never been to these areas and I was loving it to bits.

And then the roadblock just before Greyton...  ::)

I asked the cops if they werent supposed to be in church, being a Sunday & all... :eek:scar:

They saw the humor and chirped the same back to us... They were all very friendly except the one poepol who wanted to take Uncle-Fury's camera, hahaha!!!

Lekker brekkie in Greyton, and once again I need to apologise to Daisy for taking the French toast before she had hers...  ;)

Thanks to Rovrat & Uncle-Fury for taking us on these routes.

And Rovrat, we need to go back to your secret trails...  :drif:

No pics from me though... Forgot camera in my rush...
Wow, awesome looking ride guys.
Sorry i couldn't make it.
Uncle-Fury, can you zoom into this pic a bit... To the guy at the back... on the right...  >:D

Bus said:
Uncle-Fury, can you zoom into this pic a bit... To the guy at the back... on the right...  >:D


I only saw it last night when downloading from the camera and I said " Kyk daar ry Bus alweer op sy agterwiel" ;) I did not see it while taking the photo  :thumleft:
good one guys , looks like everyone enjoyed themselves !
Hey Bus, I appreciate your thoughts on the serving order of the French Toast, but no need to apologise. It was worth the wait.  :)

But hey, those wheelies.....  maybe one day you could show me how that's done!!

Thanks to all for sharing your photos - some great ones!  I still got to figure out how to post pics on here...... 

Dankie vir 'n heerlike dag :thumleft: Sal kyk om later gou my paar foto's op te sit.
Lyk mooi daar, amper so mooi soos die ooskaap.
Would love to do a pillion ride in that area! gonna show the way :) :thumleft:
Pistonpete said:
Would love to do a pillion ride in that area! gonna show the way :) :thumleft:

You!!!!! Of course you are always welcome. I will arrange another ride soon in about two weeks time. Just gotta go do me Namibia trip first.  :mwink: :thumleft: