jupiter's travels - the story of a journey ( Index Post 1)

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Waar's die RR?
WD se lesers getalle daal en Grrrr doen sy bes maar sy gevroetelry in sy trille jeug kan ons net so lank besig hou!! :deal: :peepwall:
ChrisL - DUSTRIDERS said:
Waar's die RR?
WD se lesers getalle daal en Grrrr doen sy bes maar sy gevroetelry in sy trille jeug kan ons net so lank besig hou!! :deal: :peepwall:

Dis te baie prentjies vir my om een vir een op my dom manier te edit, so ek hoop Tiger8 kan my vanaand help. Hy't 'n manier wat almal eenslag ge-size word.
Werk jy vandag, of is jy nog rondloper? As jy nog voëlvry is, bring jou Laptop en ek maak koffie  :thumleft:

For the sake of rhetoric some facts have been adapted, but one should never let the truth get in the way of a good story.

Every year in April I give myself a few weeks off to go ride. Its the best time to be in the Karoo, and that's where I love to ride. I don't really plan the trip... I just let it happen. Some of the roads travelled are old favourites, and as I go along I add new roads to my head map, from turn-offs seen in the past. Often I get happily lost, but that's how I got to know the roads over the last 36 years or so.

Every story must have a beginning. So how did this ride come about ?

Early in January this year Lyn and I stayed over at Cederberg Oasis for a few days (we arrived there during daytime BTW  :biggrin: ) At some point I was talking with Gerrit and Chantel about the Spitbraai and that I like to go to one, but the timing is bad. Last year was the weekend after EC Bash and then in November when I can't take off. I told them about my April ride and after some suggestions of holding it between the WC and EC Bash, the date of 18 April was decided.

And so the focal point of my trip was sorted.

My granddaughter was due on the 11th, so it would work well. Visit for the birth and then start making my way to Oasis and then just ride around a while.

A few weeks before the trip Flatout posted the he and Gwild want to ride Swartberg pass and Gamkaskloof, but it must be in school holiday which ended the weekend of 11th. Eish ! I met Sakkie in 2010 at the CABC and since then we kept missing each other. I really would like to see him again and have not been to The Hell for a while.

Then fate intervened.. my daughter had to have a C-section birth and it was booked for the 2nd April. You gotto love it when plan comes together  :biggrin:

And so the start of my trip was sorted. After the spit I would have some time left and planned to get to CT and see if Superfoxi can sort the DR suspension for me which was real shitty.

Where I would ride in between, I'll decide when I get there, but there were some pointers... I wanted to go say hello to Chris and Amanda in Stilbaai and Tiger8 and I would meet at Velties place, as he was going with me to Oasis.

And that was sort of how it came together by the time Lily was born. Now to get the bike and my kit ready and go  :thumleft:

                                          Day 1 - Thursday 9/4/15

I'm off to George to visit my week old granddaughter. Its a nice crisp early morning. The DR's only been running for a week, have not really had a chance to test it, but its running smoothly, making all the right noises. I find the sweet spot at around 4500 revs, 100 to 110 km/h. I ride happily at that speed when cruising on my own with nowhere to go.

By the time I get to Jeffrey's I need coffee and pull in at Mentors Kraal for a good cuppacino and get a bit of warmth in the bones

The DR is not a bike often seen and most places I stop people come chat and want to know about it. Most people are amazed at it being a big single, as I was when I first saw this exact bike some years ago, then belonging to my mechanic Barton, from Track and Tar.



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I head Langkloof way. The plan was to have breakfast at the Klip Hotel along the R62, but by the time I get to Kareedow I'm just to hungry and pull in at The Sweaty Dutchman. Now this is the third time in as many weeks that I stop here and every time on another bike. Hans the owner is gob-smacked and we talk some about my bikes. Breakfis as always is good

1. Kareedow
2. The beautiful church
3. Where you get the best biltong
4. Nice car. Can't remember what it was, but think its a Chevy Impala.


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At Joubertina I take a ride through the town.
1. The church
2. The old railwat station that has been restored and is used as a community centre

I'm keen to fill up for the first time since the Funduro carbs were fitted and check the fuel consumption. (Previously with the old carbs I got 9km/l) I had done 115 miles at 15.3km/l. I'm happy with that. For good measure I check the oil and its still full (Later on the trip this would change)

So tank range at around 420km. Good enough.


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1. Just before you get to Misgund lies the Kliphotel. I the early 1930's a then Rhodesian won the Sweepstakes, moved there and build it. It was a 'dry' hotel and only lasted a few years. During and after the WWII it was used as a hospital and closed down in the early 60's. Since I can remember it was unused and we called it the Spookhuis. Some 18 months or so ago I saw life around it and pulled in. The owner of the Assegaaibos Hotel had bought the place and fixed it up as a padstal and restaurant. They make good coffee and its one of my must stops.

2. The view from the stoep while I'm having coffee.


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1. Should I or shouldn't. This weekend is the tester for the bike. Initially I was going to stick to tar over Oteniqua pass to George and not venture away from civilisation, but the pull over gravel is too strong and I take the turn-off on the R339 from Avontuur to Knysna.
2. Beauty from the top of Prins Alfred's pass
3. Some more getting down in to the klowe
4. Going through the poort
5. The waterfall

While taking the last pic two bikers on 1200 GS's come past and I find them stopped at the next corner. I stop for a chat. I recognize the one and ask his name... Witjan. So wragtig. In December Lyn and I camped at Skurweberg (near Sutherland) and met Witjan and Elsa, the owners. Great people and place to stay if you that way and need a sleep over before going down Oubergpass into the Tankwa.

Biking makes the world a small place.  :thumleft:


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1. I've known Esme, the tannie who owns the little coffee shop at De Vlugt, for many years and always stop for a coffee and chat. Sadly I hear she's closing down and moving to America to be with her children and get better care for her husband, who's health is not good. I'll probably not see her again. All the best Esme.
2,3 &4. Its late in the day already and decide to take the road over Joncksrus, along the Keurbooms river, to the N9.

The views are just as good


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1. Nolshalte. When I do winter rides I stop here for some hot chocolate from the shop
2. There's time in the day for Montagu pass. View from the top
3. The old rail bridge is a favourite for pics


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I try my hand at being the artist  :ricky:


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Some more views going down the pass and this old building that I can't remember why its there


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The end to a good day.


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Nice Jup,  :thumleft:

Is die vroutjie van die winkeltjie in De Vlugt se naam nie Anelize nie ?
Jakkals said:
Nice Jup,  :thumleft:

Is die vroutjie van die winkeltjie in De Vlugt se naam nie Anelize nie ?

Ek ken haar as Esme.