jupiter's travels - the story of a journey ( Index Post 1)

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jupiter said:
Jakkals said:
Nice Jup,  :thumleft:

Is die vroutjie van die winkeltjie in De Vlugt se naam nie Anelize nie ?

Ek ken haar as Esme.

Ja, goeie tannie daai wat ken van swaar kry, sy is baie lief vir daai wereld maar ek het geweet sy sal een of ander tyd moet trek,  

Het jy geweet dat Thomas Bains op 'n stadium ook daar gebly het, nie dieselfde huis nie maar die huis agter haar.
Bly jy's veilig tuis. Ek's natuurlik al weer klaar disnis gewerk  :xxbah:

Sien baie uit na die res van jou RR.  :thumleft:
                                                              Dag 2 - Vrydag 10/4/15

Ek het met Sakkie afgespreek dat ons mekaar 1500 in Prins Albert sal ontmoet. Dis 'n hel warm dag en ek is traag om aan die gang te kom.Ek gaan nie draaie ry nie, maar teer oor Outeniqua en dan Swartbergpas.

Die plan vir die naweek is om twee aande oor te kamp naby PrinsAlbert en dan more(Saterdag) Gamkaskloof in en uit te ry. Sondag vat hulle pad huistoe en ek drentel aan.

1. In Oudtshoorn ry ek my vas in die KKNK en moet om die dorp ry om uit te kom. So ry ek eers die die ou vas. "Kyk Noord en Fok Voort" Kannie glo hy staan nog nie

2. Dan eers 'n koffie stop

3. Die berge suid van Swartberg moes onlangs gebrand het en so ontbloot die pad hom. Wonder waar gaan hy ?

4. Dan eers weer 'n stop by Wigewandel aan die voet van die pas vir 'n Coke. Dis warm !

5. Komieklike fokkers


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Op met Swartbergpas


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Die Top en anderkant af.


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Ek wag vir hulle by die Swartberghotel en drink solank 'n koffie  :biggrin: Dieherontmoeting met Sakkie vyf jaar later is aangenaam. So paar jaar terug wen Bob_Nob 'n valhelm by die EC Bash, dis te klein en hy Pay dit Forward. Gavin (Gwild) sê hy wil dit hê vir sy seun en so klompie maande later daag hy by my huis op om te kollekteer. Dit was lekker om hom weer te sien. Ek onthou sy jovialiteit. Andre (Breinsel) daag ook saam hulle op. Hy's ook aan die begin van 'n toer en het besluit om vir die aand saam te kom. Gawe kerel, maar komielik, soos julle later sal sien.

Sakkie het vir ons bespreek by Oude Kloop, 'n wildplaas teen die berge niet oos van Prins Albert teen die dam. Effe primitief maar netjiese plek met al die geriewe wat 'n biker soek. Plek vir die tent, braaiplek, yoilet en stort.

Breinsel het nie vooraf laat weet hy kom saam nie so Sakkie het vir my, hom en Gavin pette laat maak met die WD poot en ons name op. Mooi idee Sakkie... Thanks.

En daar word lekker gebraai en kuier. Opvang met die jare en ou tye. Dis soos army buddies wat mekaar weer sien, asof dit gister was.

2. Platout, Breinsel, Gwild en ekke


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Dankie vir die lekker storie en mooi fotos.

Dit is darem mooi wêreld daardie.  :thumleft:
Breinsel ken nie juis die paaie nie, maar weet van plekke waar hy wil ry. Hy sê hy wil Baviaans ry (almal wil Baviaans ry  :lol8: ) en ek verduidelik hom Ou Muragie, Kammanasie, en Hartebees rivier langs Uitspan toe, waar hy Saterdagaand kan slaap en dan Sondag deurry Patensie toe.

Soos ek beduie sien ek sy oë raak so glaserig. Ek sou later nog lekker lag soos hy verdwaal  het.
                                                   Day 3 - Saturday 11/4/15

We were camped next to a vlei and Sakkie was up some of the night swatting mossies, while the wind howled outside. We wake up to a beautiful and great day for riding. Its up early as I must have breakfeast first after which Breinsel will leave us to go his merry way. We reckon Prins Albert should be awake by 0830.

Some years ago Lyn and I were on a tour with the Africa Twin and one morning it gave trouble starting. Sonce then I've called that first push of the button in the morning the 'magic Moment'

We are ready to leave and I push the button on the DR... niks, nada, fokkol... dead. All the lights are on but nothing happens, as if the kill switch is off. Gavin fiddles a bit and Purrr it starts. O well, just an old bike glitch we suppose. But not, it bites later again.

1. Early morning camp activities

2. Prins Albert in the distant morning glaze

3. The church



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1. Heading into Swartberg pass. No matter how many times you do it, and I've been riding over it since I was a kid, its always enjoyable.

2. Flatout

3. Gwild

4. The Big Banger


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Heading up the pass. Every time I ride up seeing the construction of the road hanging from the mountain amazes me. Near the turn-off to Gamkaskloof we meet up wit Grim101 (Andrew) on a V-Strom, who is riding with us for the day. Nice meeting Andrew.



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Riding into Gamkaskloof. Always a nice, exciting ride. The road is rough stone in places but good. Its very dry. We have all day to enjoy the ride and take our time.

And then that view you ride for... must be one of the most pictured views in the country.


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Down at The Kiosk we relax. Its hot... I enjoy a couple of coffees and a coke while the others have some frosties. Initially the plan was to ride down the kloof, but its too hot and we decide just to laze a bit. Its Gwild's first trip here and it leaves him something to come back for.

I love all the old stuff in the place. I'm a bit of a picker myself  :biggrin:



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Riding out is just as much fun. And then at the top, near Swartberg pass again, we take a break and when we ready to leave the DR is dead again. Gavin and Andrew give a push and we bump start it. Not funny with that big single.


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We make it back to camp and I start problem solving. Easiest and first is to check the starter switch. Its all dirty and corroded and I clean it up.

Now I make the mistake that everyone knows you don't do. I make two changes. I fiddle with the wires under the seat, checking that all the other connections are secure. I should have tested the starter button first.

Anyhow, once I'm done fiddling I press the button and BOOM it goes. Happiness all round. We conclude it was the dirty starter button. MISTAKE... I would learn some days later.


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And that brings another successful day to a close, although anyday, no matter what, that I can ride my bike is considered successful. Last night I braaied some varknek bought from the butchery and tonight its Karoo tjops... njom-njom. Otherwise we just spend a rustige evening together sharing our experiences and rides.


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Great R&R so far Jup  :thumleft:

I rode MANY of those roads on my solo 3-week "sanity reset-button alignment" trip last year in April/May...
...brings back many memories. I will definitely be doing it again...  :ricky:

(En ek het serious begrip van die moeite & tyd wat dit vat om so 'n R&R te pos hoor...)
Ek lees baie lekker, dankie Gerard.

Daai mooi groen kar in Kareedouw lyk my is 'n +-1970-1972 Ford Fairlaine 500  :thumleft: