jupiter's travels - the story of a journey ( Index Post 1)

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:laughing4: :laughing4: :laughing4:

Sorry Jup...ek is soos Oupa Heimie...kan nie ALZ onthou nie!!  :ricky:
ClimbingTurtle said:
Hando said:
Wanneer stap ons ?

Kan ek saam ?

Ry met die bikes tot by die begin punt. Kry v stoetie om solank die bikes om te stoetie na die eindpunt. Dan stap ons.

Noem dit die hike en bike toer.

Goeie plan Hando! Ek gaan my naam oppie lys sit!

Hier gaan ons dan  :biggrin:  https://wilddog.net.za/forum/index.php?topic=122572.0
Wow . Crossed-up wasnt wrong ! What a good read.

Most enjoyable

You write like Colbatch on Advrider , just keeping us on the edge of the chair.

Twas a long read though , these 11 pages.

Thanks for sharing Jupiter  , and yes , joining the WD and meeting the riders will always be a most enjoyable chapter in my life too
Jup dit was nou uitsteekend, een ding wat by my sal bly is dat jy alles deur dink het voor jy iets aangepak het.
Difflock said:
Jup dit was nou uitsteekend, een ding wat by my sal bly is dat jy alles deur dink het voor jy iets aangepak het.

Hoe het ek jou geleer... moenie sweet nie, want dan maak jy foute  :thumleft:
                                                                    October 2008 - The First Trip

The journey is made up of a whole lot of events, and when hung together, it makes the story. Some events are exciting, like the Solo Trip, others happen, but are as important to make up the whole.

This would be our first bike trip together in almost twenty years, amd turned out most significant. Unfortunately, it seems that the pics of this trip were on the same download as the Solo Trip and got lost with the old computer.

I trust I can therefor keep you entertained with the narrative only.

First, and after many RR's, I have to do a formal introduction. My cousin Annalie and I grew up together and are the best of friends. Most of the trips, in fact, I think all of them, you will read that we stayed with her either starting the trip, or on our way home. At the time of this trip they stayed on the farm, Rushmere, just behind the Sedgefield hill, of which they were caretakers for a while, and now of course at my DIKSTE SERENITY place, Hoogeveldt, at Hoogekraal further in the hills behind Sedgefield.

Like so... the house and the view over Swartvlei towards Mosselbay


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Yes yes. Here we go again.

Smaak my ek moet daai bike zen boek in die hande kry. Hier word klomp Zen goete gequote wat ek nie van weet.

Ek vermoed daar is n gat in my opvoeding.
                                                                                Day 1 - Friday

The trip came about because we were going to Annalie's 50th birthday party. Camping is always our first choice and I saw my chance for our first trip. A short long weekend one so as to ease Lyn back into it. I'd been riding again for a year, but she was still apprehensive about being on the bike again. So I planned for it to be an easy ride, tar trip.

We were excited... it would be good to be on the bike again after all these years. We had taken the day off and leave early Friday morning so as to have plenty of time to take it easy. You do not want to upset your pillion. We always enjoy the Langkloof. Its quiet and scenic.

The AT was packed as has now become standard. Topbag with the camping gear and saddle bags for clothes. It handled fine with the load and I was riding easy. The plan was of course tar all the way, as Lyn had said when I bought the bike, that I can do the gravel trips on my own, she does not like the idea.

Now I had been riding this road for many years and done it countless times. About 10km before you get to Kareedow there's a sign board to the left that says "Waterval" and I've always wondered about it. This would become a theme on all our tours... I would see a road and wonder about it ! A few hours later we would become un-lost again. :biggrin:

As we come down the hill I see the board, hit the brakes and do a u-turn. It is however a gravel road  :eek7:
We stop for a short discussion. Lyn does not like the idea at all. The surface is loose gravel with some stone, much the same as I did on my first gravel ride with Crab the month before. I'm confidant I can do it, even with the heavier bike. Curiosity prevails over fear, and off we go at a pace where I can barely balance the bike. If I want to speed up to get better control, I get a pinch in the back. I can feel she's as stiff as a rake.

We make it safely to the house where we meet the kindest lady by the name of Sonskyn. Its a sort of Happy Retreat for people whose heads make a noise. I ask about the waterfall and Sonskyn starts to bubble with enthusiasm about the place. Soon she pulls out one of these little off-road buggies and we go sight seeing... and what a magnificent place.

For those who know the area it lies in the valleys just north of the mountains where the Clarkson tower is and up-stream of the Churchhill dam.

We wind our way around deeper and deeper into the klowe untill we get to the waterfall. Its a smaller version of the one in Meiringspoort and absolutely beautifull. There are some Chalets around, seclude and eerily quiet. Those that have seen the "Wrong Turn" movies will get what I say.

We cruise around the place for about an hour. It is plastic heaven. Finally we have to make our way back to the house and get going. On the ride back to the tar I can feel Lyn is a little bit more relaxed. For the first time she has seen what can be seen when you venture on gravel. It would bode well later.

At Kareedow we go over the mountain to Oudebosch Padstal for refreshments and guess what the talk is about by Lyn... all the time... our first gravel ride and the beauty we saw. I was beeming... hier kom 'n ding.  :biggrin:

The rest of the way its tar to Sedgefield where we book in at lake Pleasant and make camp. There's a sense of excitement about the whole weekend. Camping in our tent for the first time in years, promise of a monster party, and the whole day tomorrow to ride around and explore on the bike.

Later in the afternoon we make our way to Rushmere for the before party. Its a rustige affair, knowing that tomorrow is the real thing. We had not seen some of Annalie and her husband, Hentie's, friends in years, and met some new ones. Altogether a pleasant evening and I make sure I don't hurt myself, as I have plans for the next day  :ricky:

                                                                          Day 2 - Saturday

When we're up the next morning, I divulge my plan. We take a ride to Knysna and buy some foodstuff for a picnic brekkie. I will then find a nice place to go. I don't say, but I want to show Lyn Gouna's Drif. A place of serene quality.(Robert Persig would be proud of me  :eek7: )

Now those that don't know may have heard of Kom se Pad towards the Prins Alfred's pass road. Gouna's drif lies at the entrance to the forest, just past Simola golf course.

We take an easy ride in. I can feel Lyn is a lot more relaxed and its a nice smooth gravel road. As always its beautiful down at the drift and just the place for a romantic brekkie with your wife, with whom you're falling in love all over again, because she's riding bike with you.  :imaposer:

I long to take a ride up the hill, but there had been a little drizzle the night before and that white clay can be snot. We live to ride another day  :thumleft:

This was the highlight. For the rest of the day we cruise al the places around the lagoon which he had not seen for a few years. A most pleasant day.

And then the party... a raucous affair. I do not remember much.
I found some pics of Gouna's drif on other trips. Someone got the idea and did some ZEN.( I have lots of other pics of the drif  :biggrin: )


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                                                                            Day 3 - Sunday

Slab it home on the N2 ? Not a chance. We've tasted gravel and its not such a bad idea after all. We pack up and go back to the farm. Its early and nothing much is happening. Some serious babbies are being nursed and most are still floored. I feel remarkably well and think its the anticipation of my planned route that has me all perky.

I tell Lyn I want to take The Prins Alfreds pass road to the R62. Again she's apprehensive, but I assure her we'll be OK and she trusts. And this has contributed much to the success and enjoynment of our later rides. She learned to trust me as a rider completely and I could go where I pleased, knowing she would be a relaxed and safe pillion. That is in the end what this trip did for our riding.

Again its a bit misty and wet so I give Gouna's drif and Kom se Pad a skip. I don't do stupid remember... well, most of the time not. We would ride it many times in the future. Past Knysna and the Township we take the turn-off. The forest is quiet and wet but low risk. I ride easy and Lyn soon relaxes enjoying the splendour around her.

We know this road well from my MTB and other trips in the car, but she's never seen it like this, where you are IN the scenery while riding. Its a kind of magic.

At the top of Buffelsnek it dries out and we have an easy cruise down to De Vlugt where we stop for coffee at the Tannie's place. Climbing up Prins Alfreds pass we have a close shave with a bakkie which unsettles Lyn a bit, but no major damage.  I stop often that she may admire and drink in the views. I'm on a mission to convince her that this is IT.

From the R62 we head home as its afternoon already and I don't want to ride in the dark

But the day is far from over yet.
Sorry for dropping in between the new posts. Just something on the first ride:

jupiter said:
Lem said:
dink jy nie jy moet daai (in)famous pas vir ons gaan wys op 'n small bike trip nie?

Ek dink die enigste manier hoe jy nou daai pas sal sien is om hom te stap, want hy is nou blykbaar onbegaanbaar vir enige soort voertuig. Ek weet daar was twee Honne wat hom laasjaar wou doen en hulle was nie toegelaat om in te gaan nie.

I know about this pass. Always wanted to do it, but it's washed away and not repaired.

Then luck struck. My son started dating a girl and as it happens, they own one of the farms there! I could not believe my luck. I spoke to the parents about it and they seemed to think that an extreme 4x4 could do it.

And then before I got the plan in motion he dropped the girl. :xxbah:

jupiter said:
Then there was the ostrich(after I missed the goat) I pass the farm yard with the goat still throwing me the bird and down the road there's an ostrich, his chick and a couple of little ones. Mommy and the babies take of to the left into the veld and he watches me. At the time I did not know about the branch-above-the-head trick. I slow right down and watch him as he starts walking towards me. I have no idea what is supposed to happen, but he is clearly the Moer in. We're still a good distance apart and he starts to jog, and I keep moving forward,... and he charges, oop ketel and we're on a chicken run.

Now these things are quick and change direction in a flash. I measure our meeting point, second gear in the bikes torque band... I'm going to need instant power for my manouvre. You wanna play games, lets play. To the right the road slopes up an embankment with a clean approach, all allong our collision path. At the last moment I sweep to the right, up and around him on the embankment and blast down the road. He never flinched. MOFU. I have no idea what Bennie did to get around him.


Ek het daarna op trips weer volstruise raak geloop en na Jacko my die tak-bokant-die-kop metode geleer het, was dit geen probleem nie. Hy dink jy is groeter en hol weg.

Toe ek deur die pas is was daar twee van die dongas wat enige 4 x4 moeite sou hê tensy jy ernstig padbou. Nou glo ek nie meer nie want ek verstaan die kloof het heel verspoel.
We get to Joubertina and I decide to do the Kouga loop. I know it as the Agter Kouga, but I see there is a board now that calls it the Onder Kouga. Its late in the afternoon and Lyn worries about it getting dark. I reckon and hour and a half to do the 60 km loop and enough time to get home. We are there... why miss it.

It would become a feature of our future trips that I always get the timing wrong and we often end up at our destination in near dark. I do tend to overdo things.

Those who know it also know what a beautiful ride it is. I try to be relaxed, but time is pushing us. Nevertheless we have a good ride and this would finally clinch our off-road inaugaration. From here on we would be Gravel Tarvellers

The ride home is just that and we do get there in the dark.

A great weekend. We had started our Dirt Road Adventures and from here it was only going to get better. In the next year we would do a pillion course and then there would be no stopping us where we chose to ride.
Great stuff, Jupiter.  You are indeed a fortunate man to have such a partner.  I look forward to your further adventures.

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