Kakkerlaksvlei - PE Wilddogs go technical riding

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Race Dog
Jun 22, 2006
Reaction score
Port Elizabeth
Suzuki Djebel 250XC
Kakkerlaksvlei - the PE Wilddogs go technical riding

In response to the following threads:
Kakkerlaksvlei - exploring and technical outride for PE dogs
Kakkerlaksvlei - a secret riding place near PE?

An outride was planned for those PE dogs wanting to go and visit the above mentioned area.  However, this was not to be just another gravel road travelling experience, but the idea was to give some of the newer members a taste of real technical stuff.

The Route and map


The gathering.  Photo A


Numbers would possibly have been more than the 12 riders that gathered in the usual manner of admiring the bikes, talking k@k even before the event, etc.  Some PE dogs were away doing the BMW training thingy and another bunch was away on their "mystery ride" that was earlier postponed, but had to be re-scheduled.    

After waiting in vain for three dogs that have indicated that they will ride along, we set out at 14h00 from the Wedgewood Golf Estate along tar initially.  A little used gravel road leading to Bethelsdorp was turned into after about one and a half kilometres - the adventure started.

The first casualty was yours truly.  A low flying blêrrie bee decided to meet me head on, and made contact just below the helmet and found a little gab at the top of my jacket.   Zap! One bee sting equals pain.  Not nice to start a beautiful day of riding.

After turning of the gravel road to follow a track, we has or first stop to recollect and admire the absolute beautiful environment - the veld was in prime condition.  Also had some surgery done by RedTiger and SlowPoke to remove the sting from my neck - just wished they used a small blade than my hunting knife I had to produce from my top-box!  Photo B


Wild dogs in attendance.  Photo C1.  Very interesting object in the middle of nowhere was observed at this location.  Very old farm water reservoir (must date from the 18th century, some very old ruins of a house nearby).  At least 10 to 12 meters deep - just the place to dump your enemies into.  

Tyger actually made an interesting discovery at the well - a GPS Geocache capsule hidden in the masonry.  So the Wild Dogs are able find goodies that only the GPS fanatics are suppose to find.

And, what is a Wild Dog without his ride.  Photo C2

The aftermath of the first water crossing.  SlowPoke getting his composure back in line.  Photo D.  However, for Pie it was more a matter of a very deep crossing with a muddy ending, to be different he just had to go left and hid the deep section, in order to get out he had to twist the throttle with vengeance, had mud splashing all over his back, right up on to his helmet

Thump's water crossing
Last dog across

After the mud bath the route winded along in a northerly direction, with a "you better concentrate" decline where the recent heavy rains in the past have left quite sizeable ruts and dongas - one misjudgement here, by dropping your front wheel in a hole, and then - ... well, lets just speculate that your ride will terminate promptly.

The route continued up to a preceded point where the track intersects the service lane of high power lines.  The idea was to turn west at the point and follow the service lane. Photo E

Our first real hill climb - everyone enjoying the "give stick" advise and discovering that the saying momentum is your friend actually means something.  Unfortunately the optical properties of digital photographs do not always give the incline perspective clearly.   Pie leading some dawgs Photo F1

Tyger with her recognizable pink helmet going boldly, and with determination where all the guys venture. Photo F

The actual first real "Ooops, what now?" situation.  Everyone stop and ponder about the technical challenge ahead.  A lekker long and steep decline, decorated with lots of loose stuff.  Photo G1 and Photo G2


So, the advice from the main manne was given:  
Drop down into first gear and let the clutch out.  Stand up on the footpegs, just enough to lift your butt off the seat.  Keep your weight as far back as possible. Use the motor's compression to control the speed. If you do want to slow more, feather the front brake.  The back brake is useless, little downward pressure. 

First those that knew went, followed by the rest.  No mishaps, although I must admit there were very anxious dogs in the pack, but, who now realise that it just takes commitment, confidence and belief that the bike can deliver.  

I waited my turn till last, ensuring everyone got down safely, however, as fortune would have it, I nearly came short.  My mistake?- very simple.   I stop just over the top of the decline to retrieve an object that was dropped by another rider (being the last one I did not want to leave it).  Had to get off the bike, which I had to park on an incline by leaving it in 1st, and I obviously had to kill the motor.  To make a long story short, I really battle getting back on the bike with mooring over - gravity can be a mischievous sprite!  And all my maatjies were far down the hill. After a lot of exertion, I got back in the saddle and, after more starting the motor hassles (flooded the thing with my antics), I eventually made it down.

From these photos, one can get an idea as to the degree of the incline.  Here TwoOneFour was standing by to give Tyger some assistance if required (she made it without any help).  The angle can be judged by TwoOneFour's crawling masquerade. Photo G

Here RedTiger's left leg safe the day for his beloved BMW R1150GS ADV.  Photo G3

After our rapid decent and concentration, time to relax in stunning little ravine.  Nature at its best! Photo H2

But to get there, yet another water crossing  Photo H1

For the next 80 to 100 meters it was single file stuff â?? we followed a footpath, ducking under branches, dodging reeds, some soft sand (but who moaned, this was a technical outing anyway).  Photo H

Then some more lekker throttle twisting inclines until the gravel road servicing the old Ford testing ground and quarry was reached.  By now it has started raining, and the camera had to be secured.  Man, it is really difficult to see where you are going in a drizzle with the visor and spectacles constant needing to be cleaned.  Also the mud monster was being awoken.

Next stop was a sports bar in the bundu, Out of Africa.  Be what it may, this place even serves red wine in glasses. Photo I

Note:  No KTM riders were harmed or molested during the outride ..... Photo I1

I learn one valuable thing from this trip ... saddle time is important!  Not been able to really go off-road since organising the EC WD Bash in July, I once again realised on that steep decline the value of knowing your bikes capabilities, and above all, your own capability to use it properly.

In conclusion, a trip of note and real dual sport adventurism!  

Thanks to all that attended.   :thumleft:



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