Day 9: Rally god upgrade and The Traffic Jam
As time frose and the proverbial shait shat...I thought to myself:
"Do I dare try and get a fotie?"
My rational side tends to override my inquisitive side at moments like these:
"Fok boetie, vergeet die 'foto or it didnt happen' kak...roer jou gat voor Oupoot jou trap!"
And it was there then when Kaokoland approved my application for Rally God status.
A pivot turn ensued...well in my mind it was a pivot reality probably more a very wobbly u-turn.
I somehow cleared the substantial and very sandy middelmannetjie with my newfound trials skills. Toni Bou jy kan maar kom vir lesse...
A few meters of slight bundu bashing ensued followed by about 80m of sprint down the tweespoor. Laat ek dit so stel...Marc Coma sou agter geraak het.
I spot a fork ahead that flanks left to the clearing that is the man flow of the river.
Once clear of the vegetation I dare a look back to monitor what in my mind is a seriously livid Elephant bull in full pursuit.
During the look back 'dejavu'...remember the mention of the Himba girl? Alweer slet ek amper neer!
Wobble wobble and my attention is drawn back to the trail ahead. Fok bra as jy hier neerslet dan is dit verby!!!
I dare another quick look back to try and assure my subconscious that was busy generating full on Deffcon 9 level fight of flight response.
And the penny drops...
"Die olifant jaag jou nie jou dom doos!"
Relieved I go park the bike on a clearing on the bank. I stand around not sure what to do....then decide to carry on downstream.
Not 100m on and my GPS screams at me to turn around. I inspect, pan, zoom etc.
Jammer boet...terug afdraai toe met jou...daai s al plek uit"
I go back to the parking spot and climb up the ridge on the opposite back.
I stand there smoking and looking for an alternative exit from the riverbed that does not involve Erberg level enduro riding.
No nothing...
Ja boet...deur daai ruigte sal jy gaan. Dit al uitweg"
I sit there on the ridge and give the 'ruigte' a good stare down.
And there I spot the Elephant feeding in the dense bush.
My freshly scarred subconscious release a batch of scattered images of the imaged pursuit. I shudder.
After another smoke and an energy bar I start to calm down. It was hot.
The elephant was feeding steadily but alas, not really moving around much.
Maar fokkit dis beautiful.
The elphant is about 120m ahead of my bike on the opposite bank. Stuff this I thought...
I will walk down and go get my fotie dammit. And then I will drive up and hoot/rev at the elie until it moves off.
"Yes, yes...get going boet."
I walk down to my bike and leave my jacket on my seat to enable a better change of escape...should I need to run.
I grab my phone and walk the sandy band to the edge of the vegetation. I start a slight bundu bash but vegetaion is sparce and I quickly make about 60m progress in the direction of the ellie.
No the vegetation gets taller and dense. I soon forgo any hopes I had of running. Mx boots is nie spikes nie jou poephol.
I get a few snaps but not of the photos are really good. I am frustrated as I cannot get closer. I backtrack and try another angle.
Then CRACK I step on a twig...
The elelphant turns his head and take a shouder forward...
A puff of wind...
Out come the ears.
fokitfokitfokit ekakinmybroek
All those chats from random strangers offering advise on the desert ellies come as one unified voice over my subconscious:
"As die ore uitkom dan pla jy die Olifant. Passop"
Fok dit!
First to Reverse
I slowly retreat as softly as possible to the bike.
I inspect the GPS again..."Nee boet, al pad hierdie"
And stuck.
I realise: "Hier gaan ons staan en wag...geen ander opsie"
Not, not fuck at all.