Reaching the D2342 I sigh with relief...time to get moovin!
About 5km on I take a few foties. Fuck me I thought as I secured my phone back into nav mode...this road is rally baddly corrugated.
Some kilometers on the going gets rocky as well...still really corrugated.
By now my hands are really hurting. Te veel keyboard streel Van Rooyen...sagtebaard. Jou bleddie pissie.
I try and get the speed up and nearly hit a riverbed at 110km/h. Sun is directly behind me again and I do not see the flood damage in time.
Some bouncing ensued and my arsehole was chewing hole in my seat from puckering. Close attention idiot!
A few km on and my phone bounce from the cradle attaching it above the odo. Luckily it gets caught by the usb charging cradle attached to it. Phew...close call!!! All my photos are on there as well as my navigation.
It was I did not linger. I remounted the phone and made sure it is secure.
On the next badly corrugated piece of road I am pushing on at about 80km/h and then disaster struck.
The phone dislodged itself once again from the cradle but this time the cable neglected its duty at the lifesaver station.
Luckily I noticed the phone jumping out that cradle so I slammed on the brakes and came to a grinding halt. An angry U turn later I keep my eyes peeled for the phone as I backtrack.
There you are.
I pick up the phone. I noticed that it got undressed and was not wearing its protective cover.
I flipped the phone back cover or battery.
I look around...ah, there is the battery.
A few meters later the back cover and eventually the protective cover.
I reassemble the phone.
A little irritated...worried that my photos are lost for ever.
The trusty little Samsung starts up.
Screen is fuct...only the upper third reacts to touch. Rest is dead.
I cannot get the screen unlock code in as a result...
Double fuck.
I strip my moer right there on the D2342.
Fok die donnerse pad.
I saddle up and decide to head straight for Uis.
As I progress towards the Elephant Rock Campsite I notice so movement from my screen. It was bumpy corrugated going.
I reach the camp and as I pass it looks like they have a little shop.
I turn around hoping to get a Coke and a smoke.
Jammer meneer.
Ag fok.
Then the chap takes out the last Tafel in their freezer. I am saved

As I sit there drinking the ice cold nectar a car pulls up with some holiday makers. They enquire about the road.
They wish to go see the Brandberg West Mine.
"Nee oom, die D2342 is in sy moer in. jy gaan net jou Renault opfok"
I bum a smoke from his daughter.
I inspect the wobbly screen on my bike.
Ag fok tog.
The screen seems to be loose.
Upon further inspection I see that the headlight stay (frame) that keeps up the headlight, odo and screen assembly is cracked nearly all the way through.
Tripple fuck.
I finish my beer and cautiously proceed the last 25km to Uis.
Arriving in Uis it is so hot I do not even bother to check the bike again. I go straight for fuel and then into the Suparette and grab a tall Coke from the fridge.
The coke was done by the time I reach the fridge...the lady scans the empty can and I get some smokes. Not my brand but better than nothing.
Back at the bike I inspect the headlight stay under that calm that besets a smoker freshly reunited with cigarettes.
The bloody headstay is cracked clean off...nothing except the cables of the headlights, indicators and odo is securing the headlight assembly to the bike.
The baby Ten looks at me with a tear in her eye: "Jy wil mos nie na my geluister het nie, ons moes by Ugab gebly het!"
Geen meer in sy moer in...en eks nou lekker moerig in die hitte.
I stand there for a few moments to try and think of what I should do. I struggle to formulate any logical reasoning...I blame heat and fatigue.
I do what most men would and succumb to my vices. Coffee and cigrettes at the restuarant.
Once a bit I order a sandwich and pull out my paper map.
Time for a rethink...Plan B soos hulle se.
Only problem is I only brought Plan in fucking A lekka bike trip.
In my warped reasoning bringing a Plan B would jeopardise the likely success of Plan A.
I sat there...