OK, the story about the missing camera is like so.
As most know my wife was always on camera duty as she was the pillion and she took nice phodies while we were riding. Now she is on her own bike and there is no time for her to take the pics. Between the GoPro and the cell phone, I carry a little camera around my next and when I see a nice scene I stop and take some pics. It is actually a schlep but still better with the camera in the tank bag or top box.
We left Loxton the morning and through Oukloof I stopped to take a photo. After that I removed the camera from my neck and put into my jacket side pocket. We proceeded and passed some farm gates which had to be opened and closed. Through Merweville and approaching Rammelkop pass we stopped again for another photo session. It was then that I realized that the camera was gone. That was it, I was da moer in but knew there was nothing to be done.
We slept that night in Sutherland.
The following morning we proceeded on our trip and slept that night in Montagu. There we received a message from Bie (Jansenville) and Eugene (Veltie) that some farmer found our camera and posted it "found" on one or other Karoo Whattapp group. Sakkie du Toit, the farmer, said he found the camera at one of his farm gates. Not knowing who's camera it was he searched the photos on the camera and found only one photo of a person with a helmet on. He posted a close up of the photo and described it as 2 people riding motorcycles. Apparently the post was further shared on other groups such as Meerkat and the like. A couple of people ID my wife and they knew it was the Vis Arende. Over and above the messages received from Bie and Veltie, we received several notification from family and friends.
At the end I contacted Sakkie who then send the camera to me via Postnet. I received the camera a few days later, with few scratch marks but still in working condition. I asked for his banking particulars to at least pay for the Postnet and some money towards his fuel, but he refused to give it to me. His only comment was. "Laat dit 'n les vir julle wees, julle ry nie net hier by my plaas verby sonder om te kom kuier nie."

atch: :biggrin:
We cannot thank Sakkie enough for his kindness and the effort he went through in sending the camera to us. We owe him big time and the favor will be returned, one day. :deal: :deal: :thumleft:
A big thank you also for all who notified us about the camera that was found. :thumleft: :thumleft:
It is nice to know that there is still good people out there. :thumleft: :thumleft: :thumleft: