Klein Karoo's Anysberg mountain sleepover - brrrrr...friekkin brrrrr(lotsa pics)

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Ja, n side stand sal nice wees,maar as ek alleen ry en n papwiel kry,dan is die centre stand beter...vra vir my..het eenkeer 12 papwiele in een dag in die middel van die Sahara gekry,sonder n centre stand het dit maar gesukkel om die bike te laat staan................anyway...julle beemers kry dit gratis saam....hmmmmm!!!!

Dustsucker...volgende keer sal ek vra dat jy die fototjie van die 2 Khatoemers kom neem,dit sou mooi gelyk het met klein Fidel ook op die foto!!!!

Ek moet sê, die trip was daar te veel kamera's, jy kan nie jou gat draai nie, dan is daar 'n foto geneem..........shoeeee!!!!
I jsut want to know more about smoking cinnamon sticks..... >:D >:D
looking at those  rockytracks, yes please. Know that is the type of terrain that put a smile on my face. :biggrin: :biggrin: :biggrin: :biggrin: :biggrin:

ps, please deduce the size of the pics, my screen ain't big enough. ;)
Wonder waar was Bus oppad


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Ja....`n man kan sien met wie hy uithang met daai masker op....een van die dae kom hy na `n ride to met nog `n  'raka' en `n 'bang en oelofson system' in sy helmet.....mini-me  ;D
That must rate as one of the best overnight places in out backyard.  8)
Was the reserve manager Ok with you guys going there?

This is where I slept on my ride there. (yes it was summer) ;D


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The last +-3km really makes the whole trip worth while. :mwink:


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Right click.......save :imaposer:

I'm sending this one to the "Klipdrift Calander" :laughing4: :laughing4: :laughing4:


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Bliksem. Once again.  Looks like an trip once must have been on. Beide die ry en kuier maak my mond water.  :mrgreen:
Red Adventure, as far as i know there was no problems with management. Fidel handled the bookings.  He new the previous game warden....a chicken and her baby staying all on their own in the middle of nowhere  :mwink: not sure if that enabled him to special treatment  ;D

You`re right, the last part of the trip is the best, we hit it in pitch darkness and mixed with some OB`s after trying to warm up from raining wet most....
Fixit, carefull with that Klipdrift calender foties of mine....i took some baby pictures this weekend past and are busy matching faces with yours.....you know what i`m talking about  ;)
pistonpete said:
How many km's does that pan have on it  :)

Pete, please accept my humblest apologies, i missed this post of yours.  I have no idea how many kays that pan has done.  I inhereted that pan from a well travelled old timer after a heart attack and  unknowingly the torch was passed onto me.  It has made many hungry tummies smile with delight and i hope to keep it going for as long as i can.  Furthest it has been to my knowledge was to Moz with Fidel and I.....Linga Linga...never stopped longing to go back.


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It looks like you guys had a great "kuier" ride!  Nice pics!
Looks very nice. Altyd lekker as die ouens so kan relax.