KZN - Sunday 17th - Out Richmond Hela Hela way ? UNPLANNED DISASTER

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Dirty Boy

Race Dog
Apr 25, 2009
Reaction score
BMW R1150GS Adventure
Trip was called off when Gunda Gunda had an off when clipping a PB's bakkie coming in the opposite direction. GG's Yami damaged and GG nursing a scraped knee. Luckily the damage to both was minor considering how bad it could have been. More details and pics to follow but the incident made me realise one thing:

Eish sorry to hear this Peter, glad it does not sound like it was too serious, hope you are ok and you heal fast  :eek:
Hey. I'll make it  ;D

My already busted knee took a blow, and I wont be Zulu-dancing for a while. I suspect major abuse from my clients who have already listed my biking activities as a red on the project risk register.

The damage to my mind and bike have more serious implications.

But I forget my manners. A HUGE thanks to the guys out there who helped me and tried to get me going again, and especially to Mr and Mrs Dirty Boy who gave up so much of father's day to fetch and carry my bust bike and bruised old body.

An an apology to Mr Badger and the pack for messing up and shortening the planned ride. 

I limped outside to look at the bike, and I suspect I may have to replace many of the major bits that move with the handlebars. A clutch lever, front rim and tyre - both brake disks and probably the front hub and axle.  

The front suspension is gone. If I press down at the front there is resistance and then it suddenly moves. I suspect the front forks are jamming somehow - probably bent. Riding back on the freeway - prior to flat tyre four, or was it five? It felt like I was riding a bucking bronco - take it from me - the surface of the N3 is nowhere near as smooth as you think it is.

So, a visit to sawbones, and a call to my long-suffering friends at Perry Yamaha is the plan for the day.    
Sorry to hear about the bakkie attacking your bike like that. I swear there should be a law against it!! HOpe you heal soon and are back to riding in short order!!
Ai tog oom GG. Sterkte met die herstel, bly oom is darem ok.
Sorry to hear about your off Peter, recover soon!
GundaGunda said:
. . . .
But I forget my manners. A HUGE thanks to the guys out there who helped me and tried to get me going again, and especially to Mr and Mrs Dirty Boy who gave up so much of father's day to fetch and carry my bust bike and bruised old body.

. . . .  

. . . . and a special thank you to EssBee who "nursed" me back to civilization and rescue.  :thumleft:
Wow u are lucky to get out of that in one piece!!! Sorry dear Pete....!!!! Get well soon!
Thanks for the support and sympathy WDs.

But it just confirms that the rural roads of KZN, which are some of the best and most scenic roads in the country, are also fraught with lurking danger.

You can ride for hours with no issue, and then suddenly there is a bakkie coming around a blind turn in the middle of the road, which is where I was riding to get away from the off-camber on the left, and no time for someone with my lack of skill to take evasive action.

But I am pleased the bakkie rode over my bike's front wheel and not my foot. 
Hope you feel better soon Peter. :thumleft:

Thanks to everyone for all the help.
What a bummer but with at least a satisfactory ending; I can't say happy. I know you would have helped if the situation had been reversed so it's a good testimonial.

I had to pedal at Baynesfield otherwise would have considered coming along but my 640 is having its supensions re built (by me at a sluggish pace) and the 525 needed an oil change and a few bits and pieces.

But those roads are tricky. I quite recently had a good scare above the Illovo River when both me and the oncoming taxi had to cross to get on our correct sides of the road.  A close thing.  Two friends have been badly injured with head ons with locals in 1000 Hills & Lesotho.  Very, very painful and unpleasant.
GG so glad you are up and about if somewhat not in the dancing mood!
Hope you heal soon and not to much damage to the knee.
If you need to borrow the KLE to get you confidence back up just shout  :thumleft: - I Know I would never have got back on a bike it it wasn't for being able to ride the KLE until my confidence came back  :3some:
Hey Pete... WTF?? be glad that you came off (sic) as ligthly as you did! Not lekker coming round corners and having nowhere to go... Best you come ride in the Rosetta area, where you can see a little further round the bends!
Get better quickly mate  :thumleft: