Level 1 - Sat 28 Feb 09 - Spectacular Dismounts, Rain Training and more...

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Race Dog
May 22, 2008
Reaction score
BMW F650GS / Dakar
Alrighty then, no pics from me (so all you happy snappies please post pics), so I thought I’ll give my account of the Level 1 Training on Saturday.

We met at the meeting point at 7 am, 4 girls and 5 guys attending, a few spectators and of course our valuable instructors so off we were to the training venue. I must admit the previous time I went down this little road I was a lot more nervous and this time round it was a lot shorter too (ok not on the way out, but that’s a another story and I will get there later).

We were greeted with coffee and rusks then the fun began. Once again it was a wide variety of riders attending the course, from novice to experienced which always brings a great dynamic to such a course. We covered the theory first of what we will be learning and what we can expect as well bike preparation, riding positions, etc.

Once we were all ready it was time to hit the dirt (figuratively speaking).  :biggrin: We played follow the leader a bit and I just have to say how well Dee did at this exercise – she didn’t even blink and eye when she threw her legs over to one side and gracefully stood on one leg – well done girl you impressed me once again! We then practiced some various techniques of which cones were one of them – and alas it seems I still have a bone to pick with those cones!! Next time they better watch out for me!  :p

A short drinks break was on the cards as it started raining a bit and we used it as a good excuse to get our energy levels up and ready for the next phase. After which we went for a ride through the veld and this in itself for me was a great way of learning and building my confidence on my bike. This was where we encountered our first real technical bit and our fist obstacle – a ditch.  :eek:

Everyone made it through the first time, except me and Dee who thought it would be fun to do it twice – and I think Dee wanted to see if she could also ramp it like Stephen, which she almost did to perfection until the bike decided it felt like rebelling a bit and almost kissed Shakes on the nose and in the process threw Dee off in one spectacular illegal dismount. Unfortuanetly Dee ended up breaking her collarbone while Shakes escaped that kiss.  8)

We then had a very welcomed lunch break  and just before we all started yawning and dreaming about a siesta we were off to the veld again for the last session of the training. Along the way we saw a big group of Buffalo, Gemsbok and some other buck – wow what an awe inspiring site that was – it gave me back my mojo just as weariness began to set it.

And that was just when a rock decided to jump in front of TravelGravel – shame it threw her off her bike without even asking her and left her with a nasty bump on the head. But she soon decided that’s ok rocks aren’t going to get the best of her, she is the Mud Ninja after all, which she just had to prove of course and for me this was the funniest part of the whole day – JohnST indecisiveness – so do I help her up asap or do I take a pic (or two) first, just so that I don’t get crapped out again (like with the rock) – haha – he quickly sneaked in two shots and then ran with the speed of light to help TG up – she was please with his quick thinking (or was that fingers?)  ;)

We then only had the last exercise of the day left – breaking – this was a fun one and I think we all enjoyed it thoroughly. Although the weather was busy sending us signals of lightening and thunder that indicated that a storm was near and that maybe the last exercise will be the road out – and that it was indeed – the mud decided to claim me and Lah-di-dah as victims too – and let me just say to Lah-di-dah, girl you did outstanding!  :thumleft:

Finally we were back at Pinehaven and had to stop for a quick coffee just to get the feeling back in the hands and feet to get us through the last stretch home. I arrived home at 6h30 completely soaked and cold but with a big smile on my face as I conquered the day and learnt so much again – but as we know, a lot still to be learnt!  :ricky:

Thanks Adventurer and Stephen King for another successful Training Day.  :thumleft:
I just went along for the ride
Firstly to escourt Lah-di-dah as she is still a newbie
and then stayed on as spectator.

From what I saw  the training is well presented
and a must for everybody that needs some training
and for those that need to"un-learn" bad habits

I think everybody did very well

Will definately do Level 2

... and one of my most intimate encounters with the Wild Dogs: 12 Bikers crammed into a tin out-house, hiding from the lightning  ::)

I wanted to take a picture but there was no room to lift my camera...  ::)
bwahahaha - very punny indeed!! :biggrin: Is Dee cracking the wip for a change?? ;)
Was nice, thanks to all not only did I learn some new tricks, I can not draw my camara in 0.3 sec and take snaps whislt running!!  ;D

Thanks to all, made it a nice day, well worth it!

Even if you think you can ride, I've been one DS bikes for more then 2 years and done about 40k km on DS bikes, before that plastics, AND still I learnt alot!!
Ok, pics...


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Thanks Mal - some great pics there :thumleft: they tell the story so much better! :)
nice pic's Malibu :thumleft:

shame 'bout ur sister, must have been quite painful :-\

u guys have been doing a lot of riding in wet, muddy conditions, not easy stuff hey..but fun, a challenge ;D