Lowveld, cold and wet.

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Bachelor Dog
Sep 26, 2007
Reaction score
Gauteng - Centurion
Suzuki DR650
After some hurried planning I left on the first day of my trip to the lowveld.

The morning dawned Sunn. Glorio. RAINY. Ok, but not to worry, by the time I was on the road most of the rain had gone and I was in for a nice ride down to Lydenburg via Belfast and Dullstroom.
The rain did make picture taking a tricky business, and that's why there's not many photos in this report.

I camped at a place called Laste Nakke (I don't know) and had most of the camping ground to myself. The first pic is of my steed at the camping ground. Note the use of the tyre lever!
It was still early and I decided to do a loop from Lydenburg to Pilgrims rest, Sabie and over the Long Tom pass back to Lydenburg.
Pics two and three are the Mac Mac falls.
Then it's a pic of my tent in the overly crowded camping site. Where is everybody?
Then it's a shot I've always wanted of my bike standing next to one of those height boards.  ;D

Sorry, it's taking a bit of time getting this post sorted out!



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The signpost shows they know of the GSV  ;D ;D nice report.
During the night there was a huge thunderstorm, during which is was becoming clear to me that I was camped under some nice big trees, the kind you should avoid in thunderstorms. But I was tyred and had drank a couple of beers, so the worry levels were a bit suppressed.

And so day two of my trip dawned Sunny, Brig. RAINY!  :p

And freezing cold. After a quick hot shower in a clean and well maintained ablution block I get dressed in wet gear and head of for my loop of the day, but I'm freezing all the way.
The route for the day is up past Ohrigstad, through Abel Erasmus pass to Hoedspruit. Only once past Ohrigstad do I get some sunshine, and that is where I take the pics of my bike in a deep kloof.
I have breakfast in Hoedspruit, and the day is getting colder instead of warmer. The route now runs South, past Hazyview to White River, and the cold is getting worse with every passing kilometer.
At White River I turn towards Sabie, and there I run into the stoopid rally for the second day running. It's raining, misty and there's a gazillion spectators all along the road. But that is nothing compared to what is waiting for me in Long Tom pass.
Long Tom the gun stands on the pass, and I leave it to your imagination to think how I enjoyed that mist. My visor had fogged up right at the start of the pass and I did the whole thing in freezing mist and rain with the visor up.
At one stage my front wheel starts going, followed shortly by my back end, but before the dreaded puncture word can surface in my mind I smell the diesel and see the rainbow flow of diesel on water coming over the road. So for the next fifty meters I'm praying and doing about 5Km/h, hoping that no - one back - ends me in the thick mist. But then that also goes past, another death defying stunt done more by my bike on it's own with me just hanging on and praying and swearing, often both at the same time!

I did cheat a bit in the morning though, I had booked a room for the night!  >:D

Riding into Lydenburg there's three duellies parked next to the road, with their noses pointed towards Long Tom Thick Mist and Driving Rain Pass. I stop and chat to them. Yes, they're about to challenge the pass. I warn them about the mist and the ralley spectators, and make my way to my room for the night, thankfull that I had made the pass in one piece.


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The Last Day dawned Brigh, Sunny. RAINY.
It was freezing this morning when I left Lydenburg. Riding through the mountains my hands went numb, and the highveld was also cold as per usual. But I was enjoying the riding, the sun came out to clear the mist and the day, although freezing cold, was great.
For the three days of my trip I'd seen duellies everywhere, had chatted to bikers next to the road and had thoroughly enjoyed myself. I had been to places I've only heard about and dreamed about before, and had done some amazing riding.

To all the bikers who raised a hand in greeting, thank you!

After everything that had gone wrong I have to say this. My KLR didn't miss a beat. She had been rained on for a whole night, had been rained on while being ridden over Long Tom, she'd used her fuel sparingly and I only gave her a bit of oil this morning because I love her and thought she deserved it. The KLR is a GREAT bike.

The End


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Looks cold and wet - you are a brave man ;D
Well done, despite the unfavourable weather conditions 8) Long Tom Pass can be a real change of season from one end to the other!! This rainy weather came somewhat unexpected and with even some more rain forecasted for tomorrow I think some 2-wheelers will not have it very comfortable on their return journey to Gauteng tomorrow :(
It's raining cats and dogs out there!

A special thanks to Colyn for the advice he gave when I was preparing for this trip. Check the post in 'Jou Ma' I'm going to post about the idiot biker.

I still have to work out how far I rode, will post later.
Captain, dis n lekker valley om te ry, en daar's a Vara om elke hoek en draai. Ek dink daai ouens wag al lat jy kom kuier! En die beste is, die plek is gemaak om stadig te ry.
All that all by yourself.  Very brave.  Nice report and great pics. :thumright:
Great to hear your story ... not many things in life can beat a few days in the Lowveld on a reliable bike. Oh and yes ... by riding slower you will enjoy it more because then you can relax and enjoy what is there instead of praying as you enter every bend.

I have thousands of photos of the roads here and many times when I post a shot people say ... "Huh ... I have never seen that tree or that sign ..."

You should do a more detailed post about your accommodation for others to see and use.

Damn ... this cold wet weather is really not standard for this time of year.
Colyn sorry I don't have much info on Laske Nakke. It's about 2 Kilos from Lydenburg on the left hand side as you come in from Dullstroom. Everything was clean and neat as a pin, the service was friendly and very affordable.

Just some stats from my trip.

Day 1 -> 473 Kilos
Day 2 -> 393 Kilos
Day 3 -> 321 Kilos
Total -> 1187 Kilos

Games spotted - Only a couple of Warthog, eyes on the road remember!
Potholes spotted: Literally thousands.
Potholes not spotted: 2. DAMN! Was lucky though, these weren't too big, no snake bites.

I find it strange that I don't see many ride reports here about this area, it's great riding on road, and there's thousands of Kilos of off road routes just waiting for DS bikes. It's only 330 to Lydenburg, and from there you can explore some of the best riding the country has to offer.


Yeah. Was our intended destination but we were pissies.  :mrgreen:

I think the Mpumalanga campers opted also North. Bela0Bela was very busy and all the camping spots were full.

Well done Uncle!  :cool:
Lekker een Oom! Good to see you're getting some K's in.
Lekker ride Uncle, Still need to get to the Lowveld.  Never been.  Thanks for showing us a bit.