Matroosberg. A quiet ride. (Yeah right!) "Video" added on page 5

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MrBig said:
Kamanya said:
Pleco said:
You scored one for the old guys :thumleft:


Ouch  ;D

Just shows how this 'sport' doesn't discriminate; crosssing generations with ease and bring us together to enjoy what we love.
10 years difference between Malcolm and Michiel; 10 year again between Michiel and I and yet we all kakked off equally in our snowy detour!  :biggrin:

Malcolm had 20 yrs and a 100kgs on me, but my fighting the bike and unfitness showed quickly.

Stoot mos net heeldag muis hier in die kantoor.  :lamer:

Monkeyboy looked like he had a little jog around the block!

Roost had the heaviest bike, but the guy is 11yrs younger, and seriously fit. Never saw him breath hard even once. (I gave him a lot of rest stops though!)

At one point he picked me up in one hand, and my bike with the other hand. He also had some choice language at the time!  :dousing:
After an hour or so in the cold, we finally regrouped for the descent, and I realised again why I'd been worried about being out of my depth. Gravity will do the necessary, but it does get over-enthusiastic. I was overdressed, the effort of keeping the bike in line being a more effective insulator than anything one can wear; and the road-friendly gearing of the GS meant that just using engine-braking was not an option, without letting the lower-range KLRs get further ahead. Eventually I overrode the voices in my head and started listening to Michiel, and made it down without much incident. Pleco was not so lucky: at one point he helpfully moved aside to let me pass (I thought), as it turned out binning the bike in spectacular fashion. Eish!
Pleco said:
MrBig said:
Kamanya said:
Pleco said:
You scored one for the old guys :thumleft:


Ouch  ;D

Just shows how this 'sport' doesn't discriminate; crosssing generations with ease and bring us together to enjoy what we love.
10 years difference between Malcolm and Michiel; 10 year again between Michiel and I and yet we all kakked off equally in our snowy detour!  :biggrin:

Malcolm had 20 yrs and a 100kgs on me, but my fighting the bike and unfitness showed quickly.

Stoot mos net heeldag muis hier in die kantoor.  :lamer:

Monkeyboy looked like he had a little jog around the block!

Roost had the heaviest bike, but the guy is 11yrs younger, and seriously fit. Never saw him breath hard even once. (I gave him a lot of rest stops though!)

At one point he picked me up in one hand, and my bike with the other hand. He also had some choice language at the time!  :dousing:
Hoekom 100kg?  :)
I weigh 50kgs more than you :biggrin:, and my bike was 50kgs heavier than yours.

Did not help that Bud filled up the tank to the brim the day before!
Pleco said:
I weigh 50kgs more than you :biggrin:, and my bike was 50kgs heavier than yours.

Did not help that Bud filled up the tank to the brim the day before!
DRz is nie TE lig nie, 129kg wet.  ;D en ja jy is swaarder as ekke! :biggrin:
Malcolm2T said:
Pleco said:
I weigh 50kgs more than you :biggrin:, and my bike was 50kgs heavier than yours.

Did not help that Bud filled up the tank to the brim the day before!
DRz is nie TE lig nie, 129kg wet.  ;D en ja jy is swaarder as ekke! :biggrin:

KLR is 184 wet! ???? met my op!  :peepwall:

Pasop wat jy se, ek gaan sit sommer net op jou.  :imaposer:
If this is turning into a pissing contest, the f800 is 205kilos, wet.  :pot:
monkeyboy said:
If this is turning into a pissing contest, the f800 is 205kilos, wet.  :pot:

Shit! Then even Roost was lighter than you.  :ricky:

Where's the video?

Come make a turn tonight with your SD card. Let me see if I can save some footage.
Here is a small video:


I dare the first bugger that laughs at me, to go and try that route themselves!  :dousing:
Thanks for sharing that video. Big Respect for you guys. :thumleft: :thumleft:
Well now this is all the info i needed to plan my Matroosberg trip, thanx guys!

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Awesome day out. Once you have done this, you have earned some serious bragging rights, in my book. I keep thinking I should go back with the HP, and then I take the Ford Ranger up, and kak off slightly, and think "Naaaa".
Toughest ride I have ever done.
I was on a trials bike, Luigi on a TW200.
Both got to the very top, but what a ride!
Trials bike made it a bit easier I think, but - NO PADDLING POSSIBLE.
I'm sure a real trials rider would do it without even breaking into a sweat.
I had to stop a few times on the hectic steep slopes, and then had to just get back onto the pegs and GO!
TW will be the next bike I take up there. How did it do? Coming back down is shit scary  :eek7:
Great video,thks.looks like a great pass to do but does look rough.
