Mission Impossible - Mud 3, Musketeers Zero.

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Jul 25, 2008
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West Rand
Two weeks ago, I introduced some mates to adventure riding with a day outing of 250 kms – Lanseria, Northern farms, Skurwe berg, Harties, Southern canals, Breedts nek…

In Short – the boys were hooked, so we decided a 2 day trip from the west out to Groot Marico area.

Sat up early.


Barbelas fresh and ready


Mr M, not so fresh.


Ten Minutes of Tar before we hit dirt. Mix of farm roads, jeep tracks and a little single track before popping out at Magalies in time for coffee and breakfast.



Then as much dirt as possible to get us to Swartruggens, with a few pit stops.




This section of unavoidable tar gave Mr M. a chance to test the legs of his Triumph 800 XC.


At Legends Pub (used to be called Broken Chain) we had a few beers with some of the Swartruggens locals.




After a short kuier we left and did the southern loop to Groot Marico, coming in on the roller coaster road (I just love that stretch). Barbelas and Mr M. had big smiles coming into GM.

Went past the GM hotel – Dead, so it was off to fill up at the Excel.

There was some form of day jol happening, so we joined in for a few beers and kuiered bietjie.






ThysBasson (in the yellow BMW top – sorry kaka photo) spotted my WD sticker and came over to say howzit – Good to speak to you!



From GM, it was the northern loop back to Swartruggens. Some real heavy black storm clouds were rolling in, so we took shelter at the Swartruggens Hotel. First time to that pub, but lekker meeting some of the locals. 




Lekker bunch of friendly locals!!


Later we were heading to Mr M’s game farm a few kms out of town and needed some meat for a braai,  but by now it was pissing down and the locals said the butcher was gonna close in 15 minutes. So no problem, the locals went out into the storm (by cage) and bought our meat for us!!– thank you!!







Bar lady looked after us.




Do we stay and watch the rugby? Or do we leave now while there is a gap in the rain and get to Mr. M’s farm?

The vote was to leave while we had the chance and head for the farm. Although the sand road out to the farm was drenched, we had no problems, and them we turned onto the farm track and the fun started within the first 30 meters!!


We turned onto the Farm track just after 7.pm and it’s about 4 kms and about 200 meters of vertical climb – no problem!!!.

Within the first 100m all 3 of us had been down at least once and it just got worse and worse. The red clay surface was and absolute bitch. The hard under-layer and the slime on the surface together with the rutted, cambered track fucked us up 3 love.


It was a few meters of slip slide, bump and grind and push, shove, foot in a rut and down you go, pick up the bike and go again.


Our sense of humour fading fast.  But it was just getting more and more difficult especially for Mr.M on the Triumph and me on the GS. What we didn’t see in the dark is that by now both our front wheels with the KAK design of the mudguards had absolutely jammed solid with a mix of clay and stones.




We got to a point where Mr. M was not getting the triumph to move at all – clutch had gone – WTF???.  Barbelas had picked up a rear puncture and my front wheel was again jammed solid and we could not clear it without removing the front wheel.


It was now well after 11PM and we were totally exhausted and we had had enough. Mr. M had toppled badly and had done his knee, Barbelas was out of it and my back was not responding to any commands, even the pain was gone – not good! 



We all took a while to just lie down and make sense of this and come up with a plan. Reality was that we had not quite managed 2 kms in the  past 4 hours.
1. Make a fire, eat some meat, sleep in the bush.  Wood was all wet, too cold, Kak idea.
2. We all walk to the house only 2 kms away! But we are knackered and carry our shit Kak Idea.
3. The one we went for - Barbelas and I stay while Mr.  M walks to the house scaling a few game gates (he had lost his farm keys), wakes the workers, get spare keys, drive the Cruiser bakkie back and fetch us and our kit – leaving the bikes for tomorrow.


Mr. M left and Barbelas and I lay in the wet veld grass. By now the adrenalin had faded and we were wet and the cold started seeping in. Curled in a ball, helmet on (great pillow when lying in veld grass) shaking violently fell asleep.

1.30am  we awake to idling of the diesel cruiser lights glaring in our faces – wonderful sight.

We slept like babies.

We were looking forward to T-bones and boerrie for breakfast  (last ate yesterday breakfast at Wimpy).



Mr. M hobbling around with his popped knee.







Then it was hook the trailer and head back to recover the bikes. Looking at the surface today, you would never believe the conditions last night!





First we loaded the KLR with its flat rear.





Then pull the front wheel off the GS and dig out the clay and stone (WHAT A FRIKKEN SHIT SHIT SHIT DESIGN).





Then off to load the XC. I stayed in Swartruggens while the other 2 took some supplies back to the Farm.  Then it we said our good byes with Mr. M and Barbelas in the cruiser, bikes in tow and me on the GS – back in the West by 2 pm.

Hey, what an adventure... Despite all the ouch and swearing and stuff, you'll never forget this one!  And I agree about the mud guards, I removed mine ages ago, put a high one on.... Not always better in other things, but defiantly better in mud....
Next time don't spend so much time at the pub  :imaposer: :imaposer:
Nice one, tuff but well worth putting some things back into perspective.
Malibu said:
Hey, what an adventure... Despite all the ouch and swearing and stuff, you'll never forget this one!  And I agree about the mud guards, I removed mine ages ago, put a high one on.... Not always better in other things, but defiantly better in mud....

Mal, you are right - in a weird way, its lekker to be tested like that and certainly not boring.. haha. But at the end, we were men beaten by a bit of mud!

The mudguard, I have had it happen before, but never to this degree. On the GS, its not just the lack of clearance, it's the funneling and reduced gap between the forks. So removal in those conditions is probably the only option.
Good read. These are the trips that put the adventure into adventure riding
Indy se baas said:
Sithe said:
Next time don't spend so much time at the pub  :imaposer: :imaposer:

:lol8: :lol8: :lol8:

??? Sithe, but we never spent much time in the pub...... we kept moving to the next and then the next and the next  ::)  ;D

See U on the bike sometime?
I have seen clogging on BMW's on KTM's on TA,s everything with a low guard
Mike I see no mud? you must have been pissed,passed out and had a nightmare! :biggrin:.....anyway you're not going to forget this ride soon!
ThinkMike said:
Malibu said:
Hey, what an adventure... Despite all the ouch and swearing and stuff, you'll never forget this one!  And I agree about the mud guards, I removed mine ages ago, put a high one on.... Not always better in other things, but defiantly better in mud....

Mal, you are right - in a weird way, its lekker to be tested like that and certainly not boring.. haha. But at the end, we were men beaten by a bit of mud!

The mudguard, I have had it happen before, but never to this degree. On the GS, its not just the lack of clearance, it's the funneling and reduced gap between the forks. So removal in those conditions is probably the only option.

I've ridden in conditions where even the removed mudguards did not help, the mud still packed between the wheels and the forks on the sides... crazy, but it happens...
Sometimes, it's just special to have endured a bit of the really hard stuff...
I remember as kids being stuck for days at river crossings, 'cos the rains had come and we had to wait for the water levels to drop... and then later, cross by bagging the front of the car, and then keeping the revs up while crossing...
I'll never forget those days, and we don't get the opportunity in this modern world to enjoy that again... these RR's remind us all that we are at the end of the day at the mercy of nature...
I like that!  ;D
ThinkMike said:
Indy se baas said:
Sithe said:
Next time don't spend so much time at the pub  :imaposer: :imaposer:

:lol8: :lol8: :lol8:

??? Sithe, but we never spent much time in the pub...... we kept moving to the next and then the next and the next  ::)  ;D

See U on the bike sometime?
Yes, when are we gonna ride again ... and you still need to teach me how to wheelie the GS ... I can get it up now ... but can't keep it up  :peepwall:
LOL, that sounds like one of my trips.

Do you think your mates will ever ride with you again?
or have they already sold their bikes?
Sithe said:
ThinkMike said:
Indy se baas said:
Sithe said:
Next time don't spend so much time at the pub  :imaposer: :imaposer:

:lol8: :lol8: :lol8:

??? Sithe, but we never spent much time in the pub...... we kept moving to the next and then the next and the next  ::)  ;D

See U on the bike sometime?
Yes, when are we gonna ride again ... and you still need to teach me how to wheelie the GS ... I can get it up now ... but can't keep it up  :peepwall:

I can teach you to wheelie, but getting it up / keeping it up man cant help U there!!!! >:D
GRUNT said:
Mike I see no mud? you must have been pissed,passed out and had a nightmare! :biggrin:.....anyway you're not going to forget this ride soon!

Hey Grunt, ja it wasn't even more than a few millimeters on the surface .... almost embarrassing to admit!!!

Mr. M was telling us that he has had to winch the Landcruiser in sections when the rains come. Its not even very steep but just so bloody slimmy!
Barbelaas popped round to my house last nite... heard all about the fun 'n games... methinks Mr.M might stick with superbikes for a shortwhile  ;)
:biggrin: those are the rides that we remember for all time, I bet you will tell you grand kids one day about how the 3 foot mud got the better of 3 young strong men  :mwink:

lekker RR  :thumleft:
I worked in that area many years ago.  When it's wet it all goes wrong quite quickly!  Lekker report.  Thanks.
Peter Vee said:
Barbelaas popped round to my house last nite... heard all about the fun 'n games... methinks Mr.M might stick with superbikes for a shortwhile   ;)

Did U get your bike Sat? So you will be joining us next ride?