My impression of BMW Motorrad Days 2015

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Karel Kat said:
.. but to be confronted by the Lifestyler group dynamic with a bit of hipsterism mixed in, will truly crack me. Also not a fan of the bands mentioned. I will pay not to attend. Added to the facts that the gentrified platteland does not appeal to me ...

The oracle has spoken.

I would die at a "festival" like that.

For crying out loud, we are bikers. What we need is beer, 12 bar rock and blues and someone doing wheelies down the main street.

And this must happen in Worcester, Britstown on Aliwal Noord. In other words a town without an artisinal bakery or an art gallery.

And no craft beers. Just Black Label, Castle Milk Stout and a couple of Rheinheitsgebots.

But give BMW credit for exploiting the lifestyle thing. It's the new red and everybody is in on it.
It's no longer what you do, it's what you are seen doing.

Fark em.
Kaboef said:
Karel Kat said:
.. but to be confronted by the Lifestyler group dynamic with a bit of hipsterism mixed in, will truly crack me. Also not a fan of the bands mentioned. I will pay not to attend. Added to the facts that the gentrified platteland does not appeal to me ...

The oracle has spoken.

I would die at a "festival" like that.

For crying out loud, we are bikers. What we need is beer, 12 bar rock and blues and someone doing wheelies down the main street.

And this must happen in Worcester, Britstown on Aliwal Noord. In other words a town without an artisinal bakery or an art gallery.

And no craft beers. Just Black Label, Castle Milk Stout and a couple of Rheinheitsgebots.

But give BMW credit for exploiting the lifestyle thing. It's the new red and everybody is in on it.
It's no longer what you do, it's what you are seen doing.

Fark em.

well said...although I won't be seen at these types of events even if they were ran like you mention...

I'll just be loving every ride I do on my beemer while staying as far away from any of these events as possible  :thumleft:
Hi guys,
been following the thread a bit, and haven't had a chance to comment yet.

I organise the film crew that documented the event - we're not officially part of BMW at all, only documented the event.

We had a tonne of fun - not just in the shooting but all the other stuff around it. We went up 2 days before and stayed in Golden Gate and did a few outrides to the Normandien area. We arrived on the Friday to document everything.

It's not a festival for everyone - in the same way as the other rally's aren't for everyone too. We had a blast though and will go again.

Any feedback on the video would be cool :)

check it out here:

Nice video. I suspect, like all good ones, it makes the event seem much more exciting than it really was.
well, bmw can only really sell the lifestyle.
apart from the s1000rr, I don't see any exciting bikes in their line up.
for me, excitement is in the way it performs, and not the way it makes you look.
and paying r180k for a s1000rr that had the fairings ripped off seems stupid.
I reckon that's is why they get guys like Pfeiffer and Griffin to make very plain bikes look very amazing.
problem is, nowadays the middle class is getting smaller, with the lower income classes and the higher income classes growing bigger.
guess where bmw is aiming....

I actually heard from a reliable source working in a local bottlestore that BMW and Harley Davidson is joining forces to host the annual, or is that anal, Motorradison rally
in Colesberg from next year on.

That should be so much fun. Only obstacle is the rental contract for a large nearby farm to use as trailer-park.
2StrokeDan said:
I actually heard from a reliable source working in a local bottlestore that BMW and Harley Davidson is joining forces to host the annual, or is that anal, Motorradison rally
in Colesberg from next year on.

That should be so much fun. Only obstacle is the rental contract for a large nearby farm to use as trailer-park.

Lekker. Some serious dick swinging awaits: My neck brace is more expensive than your bandanna.

Will be a farkle fest of note
Three is company? Nou moet John Deere net die party join.
Al drie geruik waarskynlik dieselfde parte.
2StrokeDan said:
I actually heard from a reliable source working in a local bottlestore that BMW and Harley Davidson is joining forces to host the annual, or is that anal, Motorradison rally
in Colesberg from next year on.

That should be so much fun. Only obstacle is the rental contract for a large nearby farm to use as trailer-park.

Even if it's true....I wont be there. I will rather be enjoying riding rings on my Beemer as far away as possible from any such events  :thumleft:
As BMW en Yardley Ableson vir Charlee daar kan kry en dalk 'n paar SoA akteurs gaan hulle geld maak soos Daskak soos die supporters instroom.
Kaboef said:
Karel Kat said:
.. but to be confronted by the Lifestyler group dynamic with a bit of hipsterism mixed in, will truly crack me. Also not a fan of the bands mentioned. I will pay not to attend. Added to the facts that the gentrified platteland does not appeal to me ...

The oracle has spoken.

I would die at a "festival" like that.

For crying out loud, we are bikers. What we need is beer, 12 bar rock and blues and someone doing wheelies down the main street.

And this must happen in Worcester, Britstown on Aliwal Noord. In other words a town without an artisinal bakery or an art gallery.

And no craft beers. Just Black Label, Castle Milk Stout and a couple of Rheinheitsgebots.

But give BMW credit for exploiting the lifestyle thing. It's the new red and everybody is in on it.
It's no longer what you do, it's what you are seen doing.

Fark em.
Each to their own. I'd like to see some metal and punk bands,(blues makes me antsy) have a jumping castle and craft brewery, and would necklace anyone wearing a leather waistcoat or burning out tyres for no apparent reason. Any fat person debating power-to-mass ratios would also be made to walk home. Then there'd be a mass ride out of town where the aim was to see as few bikers as possible on the way home. The point is, your types of rallies exist. BMW tried something different.
I think the problem may be expectations, why would you expect a young hipster crowd at any motorcycling event? They don't ride bikes. Hell these days it seems they don't do anything except text each other and complain about meaningless bullshit. For the most part they seem to rile against everything with special vitriol reserved for the internal combustion engine. Also old school cafe racers in SA are also a small sub culture especially where the donor bike is a BMW so there would never be many.

I was at Motorrad Days and I enjoyed it. Then again I am middle aged and overweight. I do think Motorad Days should be for the owners and for the most part the owners are older. I enjoyed the riding around there, I like Clarens and I like most of the other owners (don't know them all of course).

As for Heuwels, I agree that the majority of people there probably don't listen to their music and will probably not start after seeing them live.

Rooi Baard, Mean Mr Mustard and especially Ard Matthews were very good, so I guess I am so 2010.

We had tickets to hospitality on the Saturday, and it was great. Only paid for alcohol as the mix was free. The food was also excellent so I thought it was money well spent. Yes, R45 for a glass of wine is high but it appeared to be decent quality which goes some way to justifying the price.

I think some people will be miserable no matter where they are, or as on this thread miserable even if they never went. So now BMW is crap, Clarens is crap, beer tent is crap, live music is crap, life is crap ....

I will definitely go again if there is another this year. I don't want to stay in a tent and listen to bikes revving all night so this event suits me. I enjoyed bikefest and this replacement is as good or even better.
Ek het n eenvoudige reel as dit by rallies kom:

As iemand nie gebliksem word, strip, of wheelie nie, stel ek nie belang nie.

I'm in the KarelKat and Kaboef camp with this, except I want los chicks too!

And why can't it be held in Kraaifontein instead of Hippieville?
Interesting take here.....but highly predictable.

At the beginning of this forum (oh the good old days) rallies were a vloekwoord vir die meerderheid WD's. Yet nothing beats a good rally with beer, boobs, rock, free CMA koffie and pie's. Today, many of the anti-rally okes is bekeer en rally whores. Some go in secret and some are still in the kas, looking out, drooling while wanking over the boobs and sexy whaletails.

In the olden days long before WD's, lifestyles, heated grips, vibrating seats and daai k@k het mense bike gery vir die genot daarvan, nie om te fokken offshow nie. Jy het gery omdat dit iets was wat jy oor gedroom het. Nie omdat jy gedink het dis cool nie. Cool het nie eers bestaan nie. Ditto so baie ander goed.

Lifestyls is iets wat mens koop. En jy koop dit omdat jy nie jou eie lifestyl kan skep nie. Dis soos KFC i.p.v hoender braai. Elke ou se reg om te adverteer soos hy wil. Elke ou se reg om te koop wat hy wil.

BMW/Harley/KTM events are all the same. Just a pumped, dollied up rally for suckers wit6h credit. :biggrin: 8) 

Ama Ride Ride for president!!! Dis nou baie goed gestel!! Soos hulle se spyker op die kop! :laughing4: