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Gypsybaron said:
Ek sal bietjie later foto's gooi. Daai een wat jy 'gypsybaron' genoem het is eintlik COXWAIN - my fiets het groter oë! En die laaste een wat jy as Coxwain het is eintlik ek ;)
Aag sorry man. Kon sweer ek het die Oë raak gelees voordat ek name gekoppel het.
Gypsybaron said:
Ek sal bietjie later foto's gooi. Daai een wat jy 'gypsybaron' genoem het is eintlik COXWAIN - my fiets het groter oë! En die laaste een wat jy as Coxwain het is eintlik ek ;)
Foutjie is herstel.
Obi -Wan said:
Morning All

Safely home. What a fantastic week-end with kindred spirits.

Thanks to Red Adventure for initiating this event , sorry you could not make it. The venue was fantastic - One of the nicest places you could want to camp and the pool next to the river is awesome.
Thanks to The Flying Brick for a really great prize - The raffle was drawn by our KTM riding friend ( totally impartial you see )  who was excluded - only the 1150 riders were entered - Beemer Mike could not stop smiling.
Congratulations to the 4 lady pillions , Helen, Ronel, Elsabe and Jean.
Thank you so much to all the riders who made it Most of us had to endure torrential rain at some point in getting there but the weather cleared and our get-together braai on Sunday was really fantastic.

And last but not least to our big beautiful Pigs that took us there and brought us back - There is no other motorcycle that engenders the loyalty and love of the owner like the 1150.

Lastly, some housekeeping - I still have some t-shirts for certain people , as well as two coffee mugs-  please let me know who so i can send them to you . Also a few long sleeves are still available at R120,00 each - this is the cost price that we want to recover.

Please send us suggestions on dates and venues for the next get-together.

Post some pics later

How many long sleeves and what sizes? I would imagine that you need to move these so that no-one ends up out of pocket.

I make a call that next year's 1150 gathering be in Botswana. If we can get support vehicles then at Kubu Island (as you have to carry everything in and out with you), or possibly at Planet Baobab (the pans are a stones throw away to go play on).
Hi Obi,

Can you let me know how I can get hold of a ticker (or two)?  I did not get one [I promise, I was there...] he-he.
This was my weekend.

Started at home on Friday am.

Ran into a flooded river just before Vondeling. Met another helpful biker there.

We had our own little Camel Adventure getting through there, but ended up on the other side eventually. Man, I’m unfit!!

Treated ourselves to an ‘after exercise’ beer at the BosBar in Willowmore.

One beer became a few and with masses of rain looming over the Karoo I decided to stay put. The Willow Guest House. Great food!

On Saturday I dawdled up to Graaff Reinet. Went to see Gideon Scheeper’s monument.

And up to the lookout point.


Yes, but is it art??

I was following a massive thunder storm that was heading up North. The sun was out, but up ahead there was serious trouble.

Decided to take it slow and parked off for some snacks at Jagtpoort.

Arriving at the lodge with lots of ‘hello-how-are-you’s.
Ras and Mapsource getting acquainted with MacJohnW finding it all very funny! Cool T-shirt, boet!

The Gauties were well represented.

Coxwain making a partial appearance on Sunday morning.

On the outride. This bit looked like shit the previous afternoon. Coxwain, BeemerMike and GypsyBaron.

Drinks at the Glasgow Pont Hotel. The smell of pig unmistakeable in the air.

Posing on the dam wall.

Labrat +1 looking good in the scenery.

Sunday afternoon braai.

Getting busy.

Getting noisy.

Packed and ready to leave on Monday morning.

Putting in fuel at Middelburg.

Coxwain and I stayed over at Veldbrand’s lodge outside Ladismith. Fantastic venue. Thanks for the hospitality guys. We’ll see you again soon.

On Tuesday we headed back home down the R62.

What a lekker weekend. Thanks to all that contributed. To the Charl/Deon organising committee and to Zebra for the ‘Flying Brick’ prize. It had the entire chicken coop in a flurry!

And especially to the attendees for making it a great get-together. Roll on 2013!!

Stoffies verbeel ek my of is Huberta gewas voor die begin van die trip ??? :eek7:
chrisL said:
Stoffies verbeel ek my of is Huberta gewas voor die begin van die trip ??? :eek7:

Chris hy moes hom gewas het, want Huberta was toe onder die stof van in die garage staan en onthou die Oostwind het mos gewaai in die Kaap so stof sou daar stof gewees het. Ek is net bly die man het 'n slag daai fiets gery, want lyk my hy ry deesdae net bakkie met die aircon aan. Raak mos nou soos 'n ouman! Vreeslik vergeetagtig hy kan nie eers meer onthou waar ek woon en werk nie!  :peepwall:
chrisL said:
Stoffies verbeel ek my of is Huberta gewas voor die begin van die trip ??? :eek7:


Gewas EN gepolish. 'n Yster soos daai moet mens nie verwaardeloos nie. Sy gaan nog lank in die familie wees.

Riebeeker - onthou jy sy het 100k km gehaal op die Lesotho trip in April? Sy het 110k gehaal 8km van dieselfde plek af! Hoe weird sou dit gewees het?

Onthou, dis 'n 1150 - ek ry nie net Tankwa toe en terug nie!  :biggrin:
Stoffies die ou met die 800 van CS heet hy nie dalk Peet Botes nie?
chrisL said:
Stoffies die ou met die 800 van CS heet hy nie dalk Peet Botes nie?

Wetie - soek juis sy inligting om die foudies vir hom aan te stuur. Ek't sy email adres verloor. Werk by ProFert in Bredasdorp.
First batch of pictures from the gathering


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Second Batch


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Saterdag oggend verlaat ons Volksrust, besluit om die maklike roete te vat aangesien dit 3000mm gereen het die vorige nag, Newcastle, toe Meumel waar dit bietjie droeër lyk.

Vat toe net daar die grondpad links Verkuikerskop oor na Harrismith toe, +- 20 km in kry ek my eerste verrasing my nuwe Kenda met net so oor die 100km op is f$@.. pap ruk toe maar die pomp uit(want ek sien toe nie n gat of spyker nie) en pomp weer styf





kom ons ga verder!!

Deur Harries vat ons die afdraai Phuthadijhaba om so draai deur Golden Gate te ry stop toe somer bietjie v pad kos wat Elsabè v ons gepak het.



Drie km uit Clarens begin die donker wolke ons so bietjie bang maak, ruk die reen pak uit en ook net betyds, van hier tot op 10km voor Fiksburg ry ons in die reen waar ek toe ook my 2de pap wiel kry

Pomp en ry toe na die naaste supa slow toe, waar die man my mos vertel die draad wat ek v hom uit wys as die culprit, is nie die oorsaak van die pap wiel nie, anyway niks wat bietjie tyer fix nie kan uitsort nie.

Raak nou dun, soek iets om ons mae te voer, ry toevalig in die scrapyard vas regtig iets om te ga sien as dit jou tiepe ding is.







Klaar gevreet, vat ons die pad Clocolan toe, ruk maar weer die reen pak uit want hier ga ons nat word!!! By Hobhouse  sien ons weer bietjie son


Raait kom ons vat die pad Wepner toe of so se die Gps, n end voor Wepner klim ons toe op die Calidon/Smitfield pad, nou die is n lekke grondpad.........


En toe reen dit, so bietjie gly gly maar ou groote gedra hom mooi deur die moder, geen beseerings hier nie

Destiny River lodge hier is ons nou die manne laat ons somer vinnig tuis voel (aangesien ons niemand daar geken het nie) soek v my n plekkie uit en slaan tent op



Dag 2
Macjohnw sy blerrie smart koffie grinder en all maak v die A blok kampeerders koffie, ek noem dit die A Blok want ons da by die B blok het dit net geruik en niks geproe nie. :peepwall: (John ek weet as ons jou gevra sou ons gekry het)







Klomp van ons ga eet toe somer n ontbyt by die Destiny Resturant, die plan is ons kry mekaar weer 13:00 by die Norvalspont hotel, almal skiet hulle eie rigting in tot een uur









Tyd om hotel toe te gaan........









OK raak nou moeg, sal kyk of ek nog so paar kan op sit!!!!!

Beemer Mike after doing some "Lekker Snot" on his Anakees just outside Kimberley...



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