Round the World - Do you have beer we are coming to visit?

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Unbelievable adventure, talk of the road less traveled.
Well done to you guys for living the dream.

Embarrassed written all over my smug face! Apparently those water buckets are what they use to serve water onto tables for restaurant guest.  :lol8:

Our clothes and boots were soaked with mud water and the sand rubbed our knees red from all the sand stuck between the knee guards.

We were quickly whisked away to the local hotel by a fixer. The policeman that helped us came over for a beer with a friend that reminded me of Crocodile Dundee.  He rides a normal 250cc Chinese special better than most KTM riders I have seen  .

The room cost us 7USD and had a sand floor. The shower we could use was next door at an additional 15BIRR (7rand) and how it works is that you stand in tin corrugated enclosure and a guy on a wood stand above you, throws water out of a drum over you!


Eats dual sport bikes for breakfast, what a great time, sitting having beers with other bikers.

It looked more like the local brothel, in fact it was the local brothel.  We now know because the other rooms next to ours were being used during the night and we were listening to the moans and groans. They were cool to their clients, there were condoms in the corner on the floor, at least safe sex was promoted. We decided to pitch our inner part of the tent outside the room and rather sleep in the tent.


Biker, policeman, general do gooder and all round nice guy

We were happy to be in Ethiopia. Elsebie did really well with this entire Turkana stretch and I am super proud and impress with her for keeping up with a loaded bike on a stretch that count as a proper ride in any competent rider’s book.

We met Uncle, the resident 3 year old baboon and had local Injera for supper.  All in all it was a good party with the locals and good to be in Ethiopia.


Yes, it looks like kots in a dirty face cloth. It does not taste any better.
Gillende bliksem!!!  :eek: What a ride?!?!

Els is my nuwe hero - klaar!!!!!!  :headbang:
Gr8 RR!  :laughing4: :laughing4:

I have just been to yhe Danakil Depression in Kenya Michnus, wonder if you went there? Kak warm :deal:

I got used to the injerra an developed a taste for it!!

Post, we want to see r
The rest!!
Please don't tell me its the end of the ride report.  :violent1:
Loooveee the RR, you guys are the legends  :thumleft:
since the threat has been moved there are no updates  :pot: Wat gaan hier aan
Die bliksem is seker iewers in donker Afrika sonder internet om ons mee jaloers te maak.
GSLaaitie said:
Die bliksem is seker iewers in donker Afrika sonder internet om ons mee jaloers te maak.

Hy speel 'hard to get' met daai lang vlegsels :imaposer:
ai jaaaai jaaai, ping Michnus, do we have to come and look for you in dark afrika, to hear the full story. :drif:
Not fair now. So far it was adictive  :happy1:
maybe he likes to torture his fellow dogs..... :eek7:
dassie said:
ai jaaaai jaaai, ping Michnus, do we have to come and look for you in dark afrika, to hear the full story. :drif:
Not fair now. So far it was adictive  :happy1:
maybe he likes to torture his fellow dogs..... :eek7:

Pos iets van n 'age restriction' dan sal hy vinnig uit sy gat kruip :imaposer:
Is it just me or is theresome connection here  :mwink:


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GSLaaitie said:
Die bliksem is seker iewers in donker Afrika sonder internet om ons mee jaloers te maak.

Jip, hy hang tans met die Muslim Brotherhood in Egipte.
Hy sal sy blog meer gereeld update terwyl hulle toer gan loer gerus
We were in heated negotiations with black market petrol suppliers trying our utmost best to obtain a few liters of petrol to get us to Addis. The town of Arba Minch half way between Omerate where we crossed the border from Kenya and Addis was engulf in dry sweltering mid-day heat.


Omarate to Addis Ababa
The voices around us were getting louder and more stressed, there are 30 people around us all pushing and shoving for the best seat in the house, this is their modus operandi of confusing and scaring. The men put a 20L yellow fuel drum in front of me and with confidence declared there is 20L in the drum.


Getting shafted for petrol


One look into the container and it was evident there were only around 15L but not a hell 20L in there. We were warned by many a traveler about these tactics in Ethiopia. Theres many shrewd business people bordering on scoundrels, over charging to make a fast buck is how things roll in Ethiopia, you have to think on your feet or you will be less your underwear and socks.



Filling station corner shop, Spar, DIY shop, Bank, Forex exchange.


Main road out of Turmi, this is a one horseman town and the horse died

One man closed up the opening of the container with his hand every time I pour petrol over into our containers to filter the petrol before filling our bikes. I see the plan, and ask them for a smaller measured container.


They gave me a 5L Mobil oil container with markings on the side. I get three fills out of the yellow petrol container and tell the men I cannot pay for 20L there was clearly only 15L of petrol in the container.


Elsebie laughed herself silly, I gun it through the river bed, all is going well the next moment I am flying forward over the bars and my bike stays behind like I hit a brick wall. I rode straight into this Milktart consistency mud hole.


Riverbeds double for roads, the black dot in the distance is me.


Bulk water supply Ethiopia style

“But sir you know petrol evaporate quite quickly in the sun?” Ye, right, I might look like a retard but do not take me for one, I will respect you, but you need to return the favor for us to do a deal.

The negotiations are getting louder and fierce, we stay calm and I take out the amount of money I need to pay for 15L. They are insulted they tell me. Hell, that just sucks, I am so sorry you feel that way but have to leave. You can decide to keep on arguing with yourself or take the money.


The Ethiopians are quite good at building houses from sticks and mud that will also last for years.


Bridges get made from whatever is available.

Days before when we entered at Omarate we only had the fuel left from where we filled in Kenya. We were lucky to find a little bit in Turmi and that is where the locals informed us that there is a huge fuel shortage in Ethiopia.

We just did not realize how big the problem were until we got to Arba Minch, which is a relative large city in Ethiopia and should have had petrol.


Onions part of Ethiopians staple food.

