Sunday 07 fun/play around ride in the High-lands Overberg area.

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Very nice. It looks like you all had a great time! I hope the oke that crashed is ok.
Lekker guys!~!!

Anyone noticed the monster add..check the trees :)

Very nice!  :thumleft:
Really sorry that I missed this ride - hopefully soon..

Michiel - Lonerider & I was in Macassar from 9-11 this morning.
There was no-one else around and we had an absolute blast doing the old loop a few times.  :biggrin:
Thanks to every single guy who came riding today for a very good experience! Except the oke on the GS1200, who fled the scene :pot: very early on in the ride, at the very first obstacle. You really find the nicest people on motorcycles, a big thanks to Riaan, this is the sort of technical exploratory rides that I love. Even if no-one shot at us :mwink:

Don't have the bandwidth to upload bigger photo's, (posting from my iphone) will do it properly tomorrow. Have great video. Got all the crashes.

The meetup

Final words

Freestate boys don't see a lot of water so have to go swimming when they can


Tough corner

I had ring side seats to this one;

The hill

Yes, that's the angle

Michiel nearly made it up.

I sadly missed the 690 on video making mince meat of the hill.

Some running repairs


So close yet...

For a noob to sand, you don't ride like one

Sometimes it's the rider, sometimes it's the bike. Michiel getting to know the difference. He cleaned up both hills after he swapped. The video is pretty good.

Thanks for the ride. Nice day, nice people.


Thanks okes.
What a day!

I loved every bit of it (event the twice rolling down the mountain)
;D ;D ;D

Only times I really struggled was like that one photo that Kamanya called 'tough corner' where I came 'round the corner and I couldn't keep the momentum up and had to stop for someone in the road in front.

Getting going again was a mission and more than once I turned around and (after confirming that the hill/turn/obstacle was clear) stormed it again to make it all the way to the top in one go.

There was some miss understanding about the escape route on the last bit (it was a mountain bike trail with rocks that R-o-v-Rat said the boxer wouldn't fit through).

He was right

But somehow we missed the turn off to the escape route and before we knew it we were down that one way valve where we couldn't tun around.

It was a little trail carved on the contour of a lekker steep mountain side where the technicality under normal circumstances wouldn't phase me much, but twice due to the angle I misjudged protruding rocks on the mountain's side and it caught the 'pot' lifting the back wheel clear off the ground and unceremoniously dumping me on the 'down' side of the mountain. One of those where as you are rolling down the hill you wonder 'wtf just happened ?'

It was so steep that I once rolled over about 5 times before I got to a stop next to a tree - much to the amusement of 2SD and Generaal/Nismark

Lucky they were there to get the 12 upright again.

All in all a very pleasant day and apart from those two places where the pots just wouldn't play along with the mountain rocks everything was very much enjoyable.

I got some superficial damage to the bike because of it, but 10 minutes with a spanner, a long nose and a couple of torqs bits and all was well again - the hand guard came loose on the bar end, the rear brake switch got bent out of whack on a log and the mirror came loose.

To be fair - I really didn't want to do that last bit of rough as RR said that the pots wouldn't fit, but before I knew it I was down some one way valve and in the route where it would be tougher to try and turn back than to actually just ride it out.

And what a ride its been.

ROVRat - again - thanks for taking us along on this one. What a good ride it was.

Touareg - once again I don't want to make too much of a song and a dance, but you rock dude.

Bomber - I hope that you aren't hurt too much and that you have a pleasant and speedy road to being on the bike again (physically and with insurance/repair)

Michiel - I think it is safe to say that if you can't take your KLR somewhere then a baboon with a walking stick will not be able to get there either.
Same goes to 2SD's friend with the KTM Enduro.
Dammit that guy was mad, but very very good...

To the rest of you guys - thanks for being patient with me and the fat lady - especially in that last bit where things were rough and the going was slow.
Thanks also for lekker on the road and on the trails company.

Wow you guys have some of the most awesome places to ride  :thumleft: Great photos. Well done!
Funny how there's no mention when a YAMAHA can conquer a hillclimb which you actually need a 690 for!! :pot: A commuter YAMAHA!
:drif: :drif:  Lyk lekker manne , mooi foto's ook . Ek dink my voorkop sou redelik natgesweet gewees het as die die een moes saamry .  ;D
:thumleft: :thumleft: Awesome stuff!!  R-O-V-Rat nice to see the XR behaving itself  :biggrin: >:D
2 Stroke Dan said:
Funny how there's no mention when a YAMAHA can conquer a hillclimb which you actually need a 690 for!! :pot: A commuter YAMAHA!

Morning 2SD.  Where you with on this ride. All I remember is a KTM 690 hooliga!  :eek:

Ok he was there and he maid it up the hill the first time. And no that XT600 is no commute bike. Well done 2SD!
2 Stroke Dan said:
Funny how there's no mention when a YAMAHA can conquer a hillclimb which you actually need a 690 for!! :pot: A commuter YAMAHA!

I forgot to mention that superman towards the top.

That poor XT never knew what hit him when he came home to an enduro rider.

Some more pics.

After the swim

The climb up. You can just see the chap on the green KLR on the bend having just gone over. He worked very hard this day, by my count he must have picked his bike up 5 or so times at least?

looking good...

Not so good...


Where it started to go wrong

Very lucky to have missed a really big rock on the right and the ditch just after it.

Patched up

So close

Less close, nice try though for a first timer.

Having done it the easier way.

Video is still uploading.
2 Stroke Dan said:
Funny how there's no mention when a YAMAHA can conquer a hillclimb which you actually need a 690 for!! :pot: A commuter YAMAHA!

Yup, you deserve a mention.

Also, sadly your conquest of the hill was only once I had got down to the group at the bottom so nothing can be seen on the video. Sorry.