Sunday 07 fun/play around ride in the High-lands Overberg area.

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Use Windows' own software; Windows Movie Maker. Its pretty intuitive. Cut out most of the crap, then go back watch it and cut it again. You'll be amazed at how much stuff you first think is necessary and good turns out to be window dressing. I thought editing was an easy job. I have since learned. It's a crap job.

To post to Youtube, don't make it longer than 10 minutes. (need a Youtube account)

Just know that it is going to suck a LOT of bandwidth to get it there.

Youtube screws with the resolution, experiment with very small samples of your video to see what the different options do before you go for the big upload.

Good luck.
Thanks will give Windows Movie Maker a try.  :thumleft:

I used a program called Pinnacle VideoSpin to edit it so far. The problem lies with the video and not so much having to edit it. The angle of the video is to low and the rider just doesn't keep his head still  :peepwall:  bouncing all over the place!
Hi guys, sorry for the silence, but I have been in hospital since Sunday. Was discharged this morning. On Sunday at the hospital they did CT scan and Xrays and luckily I have not broken anything. The doctor was not satisfied with my condition so they check me in. I turns out that I have concussion and some internal back injuries. So the neurosurgeon booked my off for 2 weeks. I am not allowed to do much. The doctor's instructions were to 'be bored at home for at least 2 weeks'. Luckily posting here doesn not require much in the line of brain power...  :p :p  . Currently still in a lot of pain so pain killers is now a basic food group.

I have not had a chance to review any footage from my helmet cam but will do so as soon as my wife is out of the house..  >:D

I would like to sincerely thank everyone who assisted me at the time of my fall. Tuareg, Kamanya and the guide showing us the shortcut down the mountain. Mr Hyde, a deep thanks for cutting your day short to escort me home. I really appreciate this. It is indicative of the sacrifices WDs make for fellow riders. Yes I was in a lot of pain. Coming down the mountian in my state was excruciatingly painful but I think the adrenaline was still pumping. Lastly, ROVRAT thanks for an awesome ride! In spite of my crash it was a fantastic day.

I will try to post some vids when I get a chance.
bomber said:
I have not had a chance to review any footage from my helmet cam but will do so as soon as my wife is out of the house..  >:D

Clearly, she's also not a reader of this site either.

Heal well.
Thanks for getting back to us Bomber.  :thumleft: You are one tough man to ride back in the condition you where in. Hope to see you back on two wheel soon. Heal fast and ride safe.  :thumleft:
Glad you're still in one piece.........
What's the verdict on you steed?
Not had a look at the steed yet. Still moving in slo-mo between couch and bed. Will take a look over the weekend.
XT JOE said:
W T F that must have been a wow RIDE, missed again!

Jip! Someone dubbed it the goat trail.  :deal:

I wanted to arrange another before the end of year but there seems to be an event every weekend from now till Christmas.  :-\ 
R-O-V-Rat said:
XT JOE said:
W T F that must have been a wow RIDE, missed again!

Jip! Someone dubbed it the goat trail.  :deal:

I wanted to arrange another before the end of year but there seems to be an event every weekend from now till Christmas.  :-\ 

Sunday 28th?  :mwink:
MrBig said:
R-O-V-Rat said:
XT JOE said:
W T F that must have been a wow RIDE, missed again!

Jip! Someone dubbed it the goat trail.  :deal:

I wanted to arrange another before the end of year but there seems to be an event every weekend from now till Christmas.  :-\  

Sunday 28th?  :mwink:

Is that in December or this weekend?  Late December I am out country!  :mwink:

On the cards for this weekend is It is a big one and I am sure most will want to attend for the good cause.

This coming weekend is out for me. Already got some commitments.  Sorry  

Only other time could be 05/12 or 12/12 December?  :-\