Sunday Guateng Game ride.

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Grey Hound
Aug 10, 2007
Reaction score
Faerie Glen
Husqvarna (all models)
Met a few WD's this morning at 8am. Decided to meet at Cullinan for a change. Was a sugestion from one of our Angels :mwink: Decided to do a small group as we needed to get some distance behind us and spread out as well for the dust this time of the year.( Free Social ride)
At Cullinan Sharkie was waiting for us. Buzz and his Lawyer he brought with kept us all on our toes and we had to be very careful what we said ::)


By michael54, shot with DSC-H5 at 2008-10-12

After a cup of coffe we set off at a slow laid back pace. After last weeks economy run with Kykdaar i decided that 160km of game loop would be cool. That 990 with the Air Age pipes and Martin on the 1150 with that Remus pipe sounds oh so coooool you just want to drool when you hear them in the distance coming along.


By michael54 at 2008-10-12

Buzz and his lawyer .


By michael54 at 2008-10-12

Martin coming up from the rear ::)


By michael54, shot with DSC-H5 at 2008-10-12

Now the Tall and the Short of the story is :peepwall: You do not score Brownie points by saying--My bike is Handling Bad --Because of the Extra weight ???


By michael54, shot with DSC-H5 at 2008-10-12

We saw Blesbuck-Kudu - Eland-Impala-Wildebees-Zebra- Warthog and some ostiches who are always ready to race you along the road. Pity at 55km ph they just veer off the road and move in another direction.


By michael54, shot with DSC-H5 at 2008-10-12

We also neede a stop under the trees like the Kudu. Man it was hot today. We need some rain badly.


By michael54 at 2008-10-12

Then back to Cullinan for Lunch. Did 167km . Left at 9am evntually and were back at Cullinan by twelve :thumleft:
At least the Jacaranda trees are coming into their own and the colour is just so awesome.


By michael54 at 2008-10-12

Then off home and took Sharkie and Martin back by some gravel roads.
Buzz and his lawyer liesel had to go and sort out some finer detail regarding one or other matter.

Thank's guys. I had fun as usual and nice meeting some new dogs. Hope to ride with you all again--Soon.

Lekker ridde there Blazes with some nice photo's  :thumleft:

At least you were able to photograph some real game. Cappie did a "game drive" recently and one of his pictures of eland looks suspiciously like cows to me  >:D

Ahh... sorry we missed it guys! - and looked like such a brillian idea to start in Cullinan... I just wonder who's clever idea that was...  ;) - roads and game looked awesome - but yea, we do need the rain! See you guys next time :)
Sharkie said:
Thanks Blazes, Martin, Buzz and Liesel, had a real lekker ride today !!!!!
Pleasure Sharkie ;)

Rule 101 for outrides ::) See that you leave with a full tank :peepwall:
Misty said:
Ahh... sorry we missed it guys! - and looked like such a brillian idea to start in Cullinan... I just wonder who's clever idea that was...  ;) - roads and game looked awesome - but yea, we do need the rain! See you guys next time :)
Missed you guys ;)

Yep i wonder now where that idea came from--( start at Cullinan?) Well it worked out well :thumleft:

Maybe after the rain we can do the mud -bath thing. :mwink:


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:eek:  :eek:  :eek:

Gee ok now that sand's ticked off the to-do-list (and let me just state for the record, it was only a little path of sand, nothing like the real sand monster!!) and you think I'm ready for mud-baths??

Bring it on I say!!! haha - but... TravelGravel where are you?? I hear you are good at this bathing thing!!  ;) Need all the help I can get!

Misty said:
:eek:  :eek:  :eek:

Gee ok now that sand's ticked off the to-do-list (and let me just state for the record, it was only a little path of sand, nothing like the real sand monster!!) and you think I'm ready for mud-baths??

Bring it on I say!!! haha - but... TravelGravel where are you?? I hear you are good at this bathing thing!!  ;) Need all the help I can get!

Mud baths are good for the complexion ---I hear ::)

Travel Gravel is still trying to recover from her Book Club week-end --Me Thinks. :peepwall:
Kykdaar said:
Lekker ridde there Blazes with some nice photo's  :thumleft:

At least you were able to photograph some real game. Cappie did a "game drive" recently and one of his pictures of eland looks suspiciously like cows to me  >:D
Thanks Kykdaar. ;)

Thanks also with the help with imageshack easier than i thought ???

The Giraffe and Rhino are scarce lately and as for the Elephant ::)