sunday short trip - beeswater, rooiberg

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Race Dog
May 23, 2011
Reaction score
Piaggio (all models)
Our sunday rides have to be short and sweet, family commitments require us to be home in time for sunday lunch braai, We ride the following little route, 100km round trip, home again.

The last part after htting the N7 is not accurate as mapsource does not have the railway service road, but it is close enough.


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We start on the Vredendal to Lutzville road via Holrivier and just after the bridge turn right onto a dirt road.

Very Nice road with few sandy patches, and uphill, down hill


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first stop in a dry pond for smoke and a beer, same place the rinkals crossed our path before


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Lekker man. Love that short just getaway for a few hours trips. Like the way your KLR's looks. Looks cool with the higher smoke screens :ricky:
chrisL said:
Waar is die 800 van die komkommerboer?
Die Komkommerboer se hemp was vasgele deur die vrou, sal volgende Sondag opmaak daarvoor
wag al van 5 uur vanoggend vir die komkommer boer, hy kom nou nog :imaposer:

maar seker nog in sy bed

First off tar trip with my new front springs, What a bad decision it was to invest in those wilbers, they have taken all the fun out of my rides, The only thing that went through my head the whole time, was a eagles song, "dark desert highway, cool wind in my hair" and that on a shitty twee spoor. This road used to be fun and keep me busy, nou it is mundane

and the gate without a fence


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Baie spyt ek kon dit nie maak nie Trevor, ons kan dalk volgende Sondag, sal vir ou Nico ooreed dan kan ons saamry as dit reg met jou so is
Luther said:
chrisL said:
Waar is die 800 van die komkommerboer?
Die Komkommerboer se hemp was vasgele deur die vrou, sal volgende Sondag opmaak daarvoor
Wat van jou vrou se rokspante vashou?...........................................het nie my bril op nie
so kan nie lekker sien nie!!!! :imaposer: :imaposer:
road changed then, car tracks and inhabitants, wtf, they were not there last time. Place used to be an old army test ground and now given to the locals to farm, found one en route with water


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Bliksem kyk hoe stoot daai ou die kruiwa dat die stof so staan!!!!!! :mwink:
Our track hardly ever used has now  become a major almost namakwalandse highway.

After meeting the water guy and having a chat, he said the water was only for washing and their drinking water was got from a place a few km away, well we rode a few km and followed his kruiwa spoor en amper ons gat gesien, the off track was a bit softer than expected


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Chris jy ken die area goed hier maar blykbaar nie die mense nie, ek het geteug aan n biertjie en my partner het maar n brandewyntjie  geneem, net vir die senuwees :mwink:
ons is bang die stofie gaan dalk ontplof, so ons vat maar net koue goed saam.



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Ek vermoed daai datsun bakkie smokkel en ry ons pad plat


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but then we reached the n7 and it was homeward bound, nice piece on the railway service road, till the bridge and the actual fun part


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last stop , last brew, out of a cold shaken tin, and watched the sishen train


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not my favourite stretch of road, but a shortcut home, my new springs did help, it kept me on the one side of the track, maar f, die pad vol


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