The Chinaman and a Baby Jap doing the Haenertsburg trip in reverse

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Race Dog
Sep 27, 2013
Reaction score
Zero (all models)
So the weekend before this Strompie and myself went to Haenertsburg and had some fun, but due to some time constraints we did not get to do the whole trip we planned.
I posted some of that ride's photos on Facebook and a few days later a youngster contacted me and asked when we are doing another one.  I said that if I can get the garden sorted on the Saturday I am available to ride on the Sunday.

So I forced myself and the "pigment gestremde tuin tegnikus" to spark on Saturday as there was some riding to do.

Now, why :  The Chinaman and a Baby Jap doing the Hanertsburg trip in reverse ?

The Chinaman is my Big Boy 200 XTG and the Baby Jap is Norman's Honda XR125L.  We started off at home and did the route that we did not finish last week by going to Houtbosdorp and then to Haenertsburg and then back via the route we rode past Wolkberg and the Molepo dam.

I am busy sorting the photos and will start the RR official as soon as the photos are done.  A little patience would be appreciated  :ricky: :pot:
After having a fantastic Saturday evening listening to some BOEREMUSIEK where my friend was part of the band, I had to force myself to go to sleep as we would leave Sunday at 7h00 to do the round trip in reverse. Norman the youngster was with me just after 6h30 and we went to fill up and zero the clocks to also test the fuel consumption's of our bikes.

We took the dirt road that runs next to the railway line towards Mooketsi and Mankweng.

We've been fortunate with some goods rains in the last few weeks and the evidence was clear as the water did not dry up quickly or drain away.

This was the first time that Norman was doing gravel/dirt road and add some water got this guy to be like a kid with new toys.  He was totally in his element and only wanted to get wet and dirty the whole time.

edgy said:
Crappy Chinese....but really awesome pics!

edgy, I must say that for some this might be a crappy bike, but for me that can only afford this one, this is the best bike!  please stay tuned to this RR to get an idea why I say so.
MegaPix said:
edgy said:
Crappy Chinese....but really awesome pics!

edgy, I must say that for some this might be a crappy bike, but for me that can only afford this one, this is the best bike!   :thumleft: please stay tuned to this RR to get an idea why I say so.
Just after taking this photo

we went over a lot of rocks, and a few meters further the bike came to a stop with such a speed it felt as if I slammed the back break as per the fight going on in another thread ....  :imaposer: :spitcoffee:
it was clear the chain was to loose and it came off.  Now for some running repairs and a few minutes later we turned towards Mankweng.  We stopped in this rural area just behind the University of Limpopo, and for those that knows this area, the rock formations here are extremely nice.  We stopped at this one and took some photos.

Then I placed the camera on a rock, set the self timer and had to rush to get into this picture.  made a selfie.... Sh!t the way I fell after jumping to be in time for this photo did not make the pose very manly... :ricky: :imaposer:

As a photographer i am mostly behind the lens.  This one Norman decided to learn more about photography
MegaPix said:
Then I placed the camera on a rock, set the self timer and had to rush to get into this picture.  made a selfie.... Sh!t the way I fell after jumping to be in time for this photo did not make the pose very manly... :ricky: :imaposer:

As a photographer i am mostly behind the lens.  This one Norman decided to learn more about photography

Paint me like one of your French girls... :imaposer:
MegaPix said:
edgy said:
Crappy Chinese....but really awesome pics!

edgy, I must say that for some this might be a crappy bike, but for me that can only afford this one, this is the best bike!  please stay tuned to this RR to get an idea why I say so.
Hey dont get me bike is for sure the one a person can afford, just that two of my mate bought these "goodvalue" bikes new for their sons and needless to say both re-bought XR125`s now!
We then turned towards Sebayeng to get to the road towards Houtbosdorp.

Gravel highway and it was fun going much faster on these roads this time, than the previous week.

Thick sand was the downfall for Norman on this occasion

We turned left towards Houtbosdorp and did some tar road.  This photo is showing Mankweng in the distance as you are looking back.

the road towards Houtbosdorp

If you carry on with this road you go towards Modjadjiskloof.  Here we turned right towards Magoebaskloof and the Dap Naude dam.

Looking down the valley

and here you are looking towards Modjadjiskloof and Dap Naude dam

the nice thing about Magoebaskloof is that you can do various different routes and still get to the same destination.  Here you could go to Haenertsburg via Veekraal or Magoebas
While driving on this dirt road towards the Magoebaskloof tar road we got to this spot.  The trees on the left hand side was so nice and the shade made it ideal for a stop and take some photos and drink some water.

Trout fishing in this area is a something that you must come do

Norman sitting and eating..... again.... Jees this oke can eat and drink a lot.  Arme bike.....  :pot:
I just had to take a photo of this tree. 

When you get to the tar road you turn right towards Polokwane and 10km further you go through the dip at Stanford Lake College and almost at Haenertsburg.

On a Sunday this little town is the mecca for Breakfast runs by a lot of bikers.  I was doing a hasty 110km/h when a lot of roadies was passing me at such a speed it seems I was standing still.  When we got to Haenertsburg i decided not to eat at the restaurant of the previous week as I wanted to eat before the day was over.  So we stopped at Iron Crown Pub & Grill and this is what we saw.

Luckilly there was a car and we could hide our little bikes from the others.  :imaposer: :pot:

The special on a Sunday is the Bikers Breakfast special and WOW the food is great.  Never mind the draught.

At this stage we just did 100km.  Also took us 5 hours just to complete this.... But hey who was watching the clock?  Not me!  Just after we ate, it started dripping and this was the key for us to get going.  Now we were leaving Haenertsburg the way we came in last Saturday.  What a nice trip to now ride in the opposite direction and see the same stuff but from a 180degree angle.  Where we went up a steep section even more complex than Sani in places as per Strompie, we now had to go downhill.  Again the downhill breaking thread came to mind.  All I can say is that I rode down in 2nd and used the revs and the back brake lightly to go down.  If I had to lock here I would have had a moerse val.

But before we got to this tricky section we stopped at this place.  This is how it looked last week

and during the week somebody decided they can't drive there and did this

On we went and once again stopped at the Naboom tree and I saw the "turksvy"that was almost ripe and took a photo of it.

We left and a few kilometers later we could see that in the direction of Polokwane it was P!ssing

We rode towards Wolkberg and then towards Chuenespoort with Molepo dam now on our right hand side.  We were on the other side the previous trip.

I sold some video equipment and decided to get myself a brand new helmet.  First thing to go on was the paw

A quick stop for an extra Coke

We could see that it was raining hard and we got some wet spots on the way

Just after passing this Norman was shouting at me that we must turn around for a photo at some trees.  I looked right towards him, felt the thick sand and BANG

He rushed towards me to try and help me with the bike.  then I remember the guys saying that the first take a pic of the fall and I said to him TAKE A PIC, TAKE A PIC.  He just started laughing and the longer he stood and laughed the longer my bloody leg was trapped under the bike.

Almost home we had to wait for the train as i decided to go back to the railway line and do the last bit the way we started.  Now it rained just before we got there and the morning wet was even wetter.

Waiting for the train to past.  It was getting darker and I wanted to get home.  So we rode hard to get back before the next rain.  

the next minute I had to take a pic of this

Norman se beurt om weer neer te moer.  As I said he was like a child in water and was playing with the bike to see what he could do.
The result was also to  :imaposer: :imaposer: :imaposer: about
Just before the tar road at my house we had to go through this dip.

and straight back to the Shell where we filled up and zero'd the clock the morning.  We filled up and started the calculations
208.1 km in 10 hours

AND the little Chinaman used 6.46 liters of fuel.   32.22km/l  is more than fine for me

My little China mistress is doing what I require.  I had a small problem with the revs that was running out the previous week, I just fixed the idling problem and this week got more than 4km/l more.

Ek is so gelukkig soos 'n  :snorting: :snorting: :snorting: in Palestina met my fiets.  En sy het my net R7000 gekos met 500km op die klok.  :ricky:

This  was the story of our 1 day trip in reverse.   i hope you enjoyed the reading as much as we did the riding.
Nice trippie, MP.  EK en Stoffies was ook die naweek in Magoebas omgewing en was ook in Haenertsburg toe dit begin reen het.  Ons het my Minkies koffie gedrink, net die volgende eetplekkie na Iron & Crown.  Jammer ek het julle nie gesien nie.

Jys reg, as die bike vir jou doen wat jy wil hê, dan ry jy die regte bike.  Maak nie saak van prys of grootte ens nie.  Maar jou brandstofverbruik is great!  En jou fotos stunning!!!

Sien julle die 22/2 by Schoemansrus Shebeen Run.
Nice RR, kan sien julle het lekker gespeel. Mooi fouties ook. Dankie.