The curry ride

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Crossed-up said:
Ended up doing that AWESOME track from the railway line down along the Morningstar fence. 

Fiksed!!!  :biggrin: :biggrin: :biggrin:

Thanks 1Kat, I have lots to learn though

Heard of your off 44 - ouch. Glad to hear it was a cheap fix  :thumleft: - did anyone get a pic of 44's fall?  :deal:
fourtyfour said:
Thanks again for the ride corne! Brought my beauty to the doctor this morning to bring her back to the original wheelbase. Andy, was a helpful contact you gave me, thanks. they will bend it back for only R180 each side     

Now that is good news!

Hope you get your baby sorted out quickly and ready for the next  :ricky:
Link  :deal:
Thanks for the ride Pantsula and Ettien NXR
I didnt take many picks as it was too hot to stop !


And this here is Steve0 growing mud horns


Crossed-up and Sid


Was good to meet some new faces.
You ride well EtienneNXR and nice to put a face to the name.
And thanks Michiel for the great pics !

Don't worry, she will be fine even though Honda tried to sell me a new fork for 8000!!! Really hope that link engineering will get it right, if not I will definitly fit a 21inch fork on from the previous model.
Glad you are enjoying the pictures and video, apart from aching muscles and a dirty bike it's the only thing to remind you of the weekend's fun.

About the dunes: the sand can be very tricky to ride but it's also very forgiving. I fell over a couple of times, once the wheels dug in during a power slide and I was thrown right over, the bike slamming down on her side but nothing broke and I was fine. It actually felt cool. Going up steep inclines on hard gravel can be hair raising but in the sand somehow you feel safe. As soon as you slow down the bike just bogs down. Lots of huffing and puffing to get er out though!
fourtyfour said:
Don't worry, she will be fine even though Honda tried to sell me a new fork for 8000!!! Really hope that link engineering will get it right, if not I will definitly fit a 21inch fork on from the previous model.

Was that you on the N1 this morning at 7:15 -ish? Towards Paarl and took the Durban road offramp? I admired the dirt all over that Alpie.

Sadly, I was in the cage - lazy me didn't feel like pushing the car outta the way :-[
Hey 44 !
Link Engineering will sort out your shock easily .
The old guy that does it has done hundreds and you wont even know where it was bent when you get it back.
Lekker ride guys, and awesome meeting some new faces. I'd forgotten how much fun the quarry can be, every now and then.

44, condolences with your forks. Where you attempted to cross that puddle looked not more than 10cm deep ...I would have probably ridden that same route. [Note to self: Remember, if ya can't see the bottom rather walk it first.] ...Eeish, was that seriously deep.

Excellent trip honne! Jul Capies mag maar duine ry, veral daai Lito bieps! Respect!
Great pics Michiel!

So how do you get your bike out of deep sand on the uphill?
Even on an steep uphill it's almost impossible to go backwards once the rear is submerged. Lito showed you must turn the front wheel left and right to make it sideways snake it's way down. Once the front is pointing slightly downwards you can use the engine to help push her down the hill. The best is not to get stuck at all by gaining enough momentum on the flat and keeping the throttle wide open as you climb. I run a Michelin Sirac on the rear, not meant for sand but if you're eager enough it works. :ricky:
BigEd said:
fourtyfour said:
Don't worry, she will be fine even though Honda tried to sell me a new fork for 8000!!! Really hope that link engineering will get it right, if not I will definitly fit a 21inch fork on from the previous model.

Was that you on the N1 this morning at 7:15 -ish? Towards Paarl and took the Durban road offramp? I admired the dirt all over that Alpie.

Sadly, I was in the cage - lazy me didn't feel like pushing the car outta the way :-[

It was me bringing her to the "doctor'! :-[
Just thought for the money honda's charging me for a service they should clean it!
Michiel - may I correct something small there my man? Its not impossible to go down at all (even a steep hill) when the rear is submerged. Its just takes a lot more work. In your case, however, it was far more energy efficient to do as you described, and then use the engine to power it out. Otherwise perfect description  :thumleft:

And boy, you showed the excuse makers a thing or two about road based tyres didnt ya? Indeed, its not the arrow - its the Indian.  :thumleft:
Can someone explain to me what a "bieps" is please! I am only familiar with the word BOEPS - which is something I sadly have  :D

One of the coolest (if not THE coolest) Wd clip I have seen to date

freaking awesome mate!!!  :thumleft:
Thanks Mountainboy, one possible way to improve it would be to put you in there as well :mwink: Missed the white machine on Sunday. Next time.