The Dinosaur and the Ghost Town

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Moerse lekker RR you half jew! :thumleft:  Plan a ride again for all of us pls boet.
Hugs & kisses to Tash from me  ;) 
& oh – also groete to Baldy, Pumpkin and Hamish (o jirre ek kry daai kinders so jammer)
PS - next time you’s just drop in - bring along your OWN dop for a change !  :pot:
Casting from Turd said:
Jirre Allen
That rooikop laaitjie looks sommer wild jong
Hy moet wees om daar in te pas.  :pot: :ricky:
Lekker one Allan , quick one ........what happened to that place that everyone left?
Hey cous as usual a lekker ride report. Thanks for the invite :biggrin: :pot:
Oubones said:
Lekker, net die terug tussen al die gejaag is nie.
Die arme ou spoke is seker bly dat julle ous weg is, nou kan hulle hulself hoor snork. :imaposer: :peepwall:
Dankie, jou skryfwerk is altyd lekker lees :thumleft:

Te mate sucks when you cruising and all the bloody cages are there.Yish dunno who was "Snorking worse between that lot. hehe :imaposer: :imaposer: Glad you enjoyed it mate.  :biggrin: :ricky:
Hey Beerkie. ja was lekker we had a blast. Will tune them you say hi. Gotta organize a get together or a lekker ride soon. Glad you enjoyed the    :ricky:
ALLEN I said:
Hey Beerkie. ja was lekker we had a blast. Will tune them you say hi. Gotta organize a get together or a lekker ride soon. Glad you enjoyed the    :ricky:

PVS  :eek:ccasion14:
Casting from Turd said:
Jirre Allen
That rooikop laaitjie looks sommer wild jong

Hey Old Turd. ja jong what can i say his now almost family, hehe :biggrin: :imaposer: :imaposer: :imaposer: :imaposer: his actually a helluva nice laatie, glad you enjoyed the ride mate.  :ricky:
Bill p said:
Hey cous as usual a lekker ride report. Thanks for the invite :biggrin: :pot:

Hey cous and Oubones we is like "Lekker" "Ous". that laaitie fits in "Nogal kwaai" hehe :imaposer: :imaposer: Glad you enjoyed the ride, you really missed a good one Cous.  :ricky:
Slim Jim said:
Lekker one Allan , quick one ........what happened to that place that everyone left?

Howzit mate. Long version or short. hehe
Man Asbestos was slowly dying out and then they declared it as unsafe, hence S/A was still in production, in fact this particular mine Diepgezet was the last asbestos mine to close down. The miners etc all got packages and as it was a mine orientated town they got the marching orders. Interesting talk i had with the old head master, as we all were under the impression it only closed about 4 years ago. he in fact was retired and had a house there and also had to move, that was in 95/96 the water fall is man made and was blasted through the mountain as was another which for a while supplied Barbeton with water in the drought they had. There was over 100 kids in the school. Place was also name Msauli and one could even buy shares in the company. So yip a lot of dreams were shattered when they had to close, hence the "Ghost town" This of course is what i was informed about by the head master, as well a a lot of more interesting facts about the old town. (I take it to be reasonably accurate but hey the times and such could differ and in fact have differed according to other people) 
punisher said:
really enjoyable man
thank you for sharing

Hey Punisher. pleasure mate
Glad you digged it.  :biggrin: :ricky:
Ian in Great Brak River said:
Amazing the destruction that has happened in a year, thanks for the follow up ride out there.

So no zombies huh?


Yea bud not good, but they have security guys patrolling now, but yea still happening.
Nope no zombies, Aliens always especially those two good green maaitjies of mine Koos And Piet . hehe, although they was scarce this time, scheme they was "Bang" of the ghosts. hehe :imaposer: :imaposer:
Glad you enjoyed it mate.
SmuGS said:
Lekker man, shot for the "kief" ride report.. :thumleft:
Thanks Smugs glad you enjoyed the ride.  :biggrin: :ricky: :ricky:
Skim said:
Thanks Allen - nice pics and like your way of writing

Cool thanks Skim glad you enjoyed the ride.  :biggrin: :ricky:

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