The Wife, the Ex and the Kid

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Thank you for a spectacular RR.

It makes me regret rushing through Botswana, while driving from Pretoria to Maun; if I had just slowed down, I probably would've seen a lot of wildlife. Alas, all I saw were a few bokkies, vultures, and locals giving me the finger.

The simpleness of places like Namibia and Botswana, is what I crave. I think that if I could ride or drive the many routes these countries have to offer for days, weeks, months, living out of a bag, I'd be quite happy.
And I'm so glad that Peanut got to experience the trip; I'm sure it's something she will always remember.

Thanks for the replies guys. Yes, it was a special trip for me, not easily forgotten.

I have since one a trip in Guatamala with the same companions but Guatamala is not Namibia. I have yet to find a country that rewards like Namibia does.
Are you done with the round Lake Malawi trip ? We going to get an RR ?
Got back yesterday. A report may follow in due course.  Sparse on pics though, lost my camera.
wasn't there a PDF of this RR?
I need to get my wife to read it.
awesome inspiring the depth u took us all into. the brilliant photos, u intimate feelings on the ride. it was a privilege fore me to read as i suppose it was to others. a brilliant RR.
well done to u and u family. good one
Just went through the Photos, Very nice.

I will be reading the ride report in its entirety soon.
BLIKSEM!!! Lanklaas in my lewe n' storie so geniet. Julle is baie gelukkig om so n' fantastiese avontuur saam te kon doen. Groot respek vir julle vasbyt en uithou vermoe :thumleft: :thumleft: :thumleft:
Hey Erick,Tharina en Clarissa,

Ek het julle al drie vinnig ontmoet laasjaar op die Nasionale Bash en meer met julle dogtertjie gesels….hierdie jaar op die bash was alles vinnig verby en weer eens kon ek julle nie die vrae vra wat ek wou nie……..

Ek het die afgelope naweek julle RR stuk-stuk gelees en kan verstaan dat mense trane in hul oe kry en plek-plek lag want dis asof mens die avontuur saam met julle beleef….

Dis n onvergeetlike reis en julle is super gebless deur dit te kon doen en meer nog dat julle dit gedoen het…
Ek bewonder julle gesin…..meeste van almal vir Tharina wat soveel “guts” het en elke keer opgestaan het..…daar is nie baie vrouens wat dit eers sou probeer nie..

Ek dink jy is baie eerlik oor jou emosies…vrese…om te leef en rerig te leef..en om ook fun te he…..en selfbeheersing……..dis awesome…

Dit is nie noodwendig in almal se DNA om so iets te wil doen en dan aan te pak nie……dis defnitief in die WD’s se gene…….. en ek vang myself dat ek dink so-iets  vir my ook n moontlikheid kon wees,maar net op baie kleiner skaal…… en met bietjie meer ervaring agter die blad….

Die beste idee was die hangmat…!!.....die keteltjie op die tripot is pragtig…

Tharina,jou fotos is ongelooflik…

Erick,ek salueer jou en jou familie…..julle bewys dat dit tog moontlik is …… :lol8: :thumleft:

Dankie vir die mooi gedagtes.

Ja, die laaste Bash was net een lang party. Nooit by 'n klomp mense uitgekom nie.
Hi MJ, nearly seven years since you did this trip.....thanks for the fantastic wife and I leave for Namibia in 2 days....this is the story that inspired us.....thank you very much  :thumleft:
Just read through this RR again.  It is still one of the best reads on WD!  Inspiring stuff!

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