The Wife, the Ex and the Kid

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I think MJ should just start his next RR in the Role of Honour section. ;D
Then all this moving business is not needed.

What is he doing next by the way? Riding up Kilimanjaro? O, SH%T now I have planted the seed...  :mwink:

Seriously though. I love to read his reports. 
MJ hierdie een het ek ook nou eers raak gelees.
Dit is absoluut verstommend hoe 'n mens jou RR kan geniet. (Verslawend)
Ek wil jou net komplimenteer op jou skryf styl. Dit is fantasties. Hou so aan. :thumleft:
Piet Coke said:
MJ hierdie een het ek ook nou eers raak gelees.
Dit is absoluut verstommend hoe 'n mens jou RR kan geniet. (Verslawend)
Ek wil jou net komplimenteer op jou skryf styl. Dit is fantasties. Hou so aan. :thumleft:
:thumleft: :thumleft: :thumleft:
ditto; an old favorite, you better show us a photo of kid again, on the back of your bike, she must be ready to ride her own bike; … planning a trip on bikes there in 2013, this rr was first inspiration, followed by others….
Awesome stuff, Many of us have been on these roads but having a kid on the back.. man, that is just great stuff.  :thumleft: :thumleft: :thumleft:
I've read this report on advrider and absolutely loved it. I'd love to ride Namibia before I am too old to do it. A friend of mine got killed by an elephant in Kenya, the night before he was due to leave for home. Seeing these animals with nothing between me and them would scare the hell out of me.  Thanks for a great report, it's inspiring.
Wow, what more can I say, loved every word, and I hate reading, but I love reading this RR. I feel like I know you guys personally.  :thumleft:
Netjies gedoen MJ.  In gesins verband.  Lekkerrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
(Almost) three years later and the compliments will keep on coming. Spectacular ride report sir! Apart from one snapped chain, everything just seemed to go perfectly!

Thank you for posting such a comprehensive report, and thank you for the inspiration you have provided me and numerous others!

Cheers  :ricky:
Stumbled onto your RR  :thumleft:
Just two words;
F*&king amazing
The RR had me glued to the screen. We are planning to go to the area where you guys were at Bots, i have so many new places to go to now thanks to you.

And another thing. Your family rocks man. I bow down to your wife and kid, they are legendary stuff. :notworthy:
MJ and family,

Just read your amazing RR again.

Absolutely an once off trip in a lifetime - Nothing you do in future, can replace such an experience!  :thumleft:
MJ it took me 2 days to read this report and WOW great trip and you and your family really earned my respect. I just want to add this pic of you and Peanut`s fall. Is that not the best photo of the trip with her reassuring you "That`s ok dad it happens sometimes but I am here, dad will be ok" Outstanding!!

Wil net my 2sent byvoeg......
Dit wys jou die kinders hoef nie by die huis te bly nie!!

Seker die beste RR wat ek tot dusver gelees het en ek dink dit sal regtig iets besonders moet wees as daar n RR moet verby kom wat dalk beter kan wees.......

Awesome stuff!!!!!!! :sip: :drif:
Rinkhals said:
Wil net my 2sent byvoeg......
Dit wys jou die kinders hoef nie by die huis te bly nie!!

Seker die beste RR wat ek tot dusver gelees het en ek dink dit sal regtig iets besonders moet wees as daar n RR moet verby kom wat dalk beter kan wees.......

Awesome stuff!!!!!!! :sip: :drif:
een van die top RR's vir my. Ek lees hom omtrent elke jaar of wat :thumleft:
Nie dat ek self so iets wil/kan ry nie maar tog lekker om te beleef met RR

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