The XChallenge shake-down -- the_wes, the_dogs & the_gemsbok

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Race Dog
Jul 10, 2006
Reaction score
Somerset West
OK, I'll start - others please add.

the_wes was keen to initiate his new steed, and with the help of some Cape Dogs, that's exactly what happened. Present were: the_wes, growweblaar, newguy, Toktokkie, cloudgazer, Paul (friend of cloudgazer), Dirtseeker, Karl (his very first dirt run :mwink:), mountainboy & Mr Big. Briv wasn't present from the start, but intercepted us roughly 3/4 through :).

The core of the route was some yummy railway service roads in the Darling area. Let the pictures tell the story:

Richwood Total: the dawn of a perfect winter's day in Cape Town:


It was very misty all around the Cape on Sunday morning. At the start it was so bad you could hardly see. Mist clearing up (Occultdale):


the_man and his machine:


Some folk brought out the toys for this railway run. mountainboy was on his wife's scoot, a very brash XR250 [Hei, wat kyk jy!?]:


Toktokkie on the TDub - man, that's a nice little bike. Tokkie actually didn't mind the frequent water crossings - he just floated over them like a deity:


cloudgazer and Paul arriving:


Our Esteemed Leader in his twat suit, directing traffic:


We start hitting the real stuff. A water/mud crossing claims its first vistim: Karl. Don't worry Karl - best to get it over with as soon as possible! You are now a worthy DS rider :thumleft:. PS wes is walking over to take photos, not help:



By now we were hitting mud traps, rivulets and water-filled dongas a dime a dozen. Here Mr Big shows us how to broadside a puddle and still make it through 8) (he was on the XL600 - the Tiger stayed at home with mom):


...and we finally find the real source of the mist:


Karl is a pro by now, but newguy keeps a watchful eye:


OK, let's go, no-one's gonna fall at this one:


Aha! Dirtseeker, who earlier pulled off the most spectacular Transalp recovery right in front of me, is sucked in by the monster of the bog:


Cloudgazer coming through:


...followed by Karl, with a slightly smaller, but equally satisfying splash:


Staan wyd! Hier kom die groot ou op die XL (check that reflection!):


The yellowest Suzuki with the biggest tank in the whole Western Cape (newguy) :biggrin:...


As we arrive at Mamreweg station, this big farmer pulls up and starts k*kking us out :xxbah:. This is a private road!! You went through my nature reserve! :angry5: You spooked my 20 gemsbokke and they cost R10,000 a piece!!! :angry9:

Our Esteemed Leader, explaning to the gentleman that nowhere does it say it's a private road:


After the farmer left, we hang around Mamreweg a bit more:


A little while later Briv arrives in our tracks, probably having spooked everything else in his trail :D. We head to Darling for lunch. After that we split up and little groups head home.

Briv, Mr Big, Dirtseeker and myself take a scenic route around Riebeck-Wes and do some lovely dirt roads. Unfortunately, Mr Big's XL was playing silly-buggers and every now and then would refuse to start. I've got new respect for the electric starter :). At one point Briv produced a tow rope for a running start, which did the trick:


What a nice day  :). Others, please add your bits :mwink:. I'd like to see the one of wes lying under his bike, on top of newguy's bike...
Thanks dudes, was a lekker ride  ;)
Wes, let me know if that BM needs another Suzuki hug  :pot:
lekker man

so did wes carry on his fine tradition and fall somewhere?

nice bike the xchallenge
Lekker ride! MB that XR looks sweet! Tok-tokkie great to see you out and about on the TW200 ;D
Hey wes that new bm bike  looks she shit
Congrats  :ricky:
It was a great ride.

Except for the aggro farmer, who came to kak on us for scaring his game - which, incidentally don't get frightened when him and his kids ride around.

Wes did a a very funny thing.
We had stopped just after one of the watercrossings - and Wes went back to do it again.
After ploughing through the water he did a neat power slide, stopping only inches from newguy's bike.
But the moment he stopped, the momentum of his head carried on and he fell over, knocking over newguy's bike and getting trapped between the two.
We didn't want to help, but rather started fishing for camera's when he started screaming at us to help.
So, we did.
That's why I don't think there are any pics of the incident.

But it was a great day, and a huge thanks to Wes for leading us, and fighting off irate farmers.

Cool report Groweblaare.Long time no see.
That road is a Spoornet road , not a private farmers road.Maybe you are the first guys he`s ever been able to catch !
cloudgazer said:
That's why I don't think there are any pics of the incident.

Dont be so sure. Karl, wheres da pics  >:D

on a lighter note:
DS Biking... is not the macarena. It takes patience. She is like a fine, well-aged prostitute... it takes years to learn her tricks.
She is cruel, laughs at you when you are naked, but you keep coming back for more, and more!
Why? Because she is the only prostitute I can afford.
I agree with XT660. My impression is that those roads are servitudes.

What was the farmers exact story, Wes?

Nice pics & story there Growweblaar. :thumleft:
Thanks guys for an awesome ride  :biggrin: Sorry I made you wait so much....

next time I promise I'll try standing  ;)

I am trying to post the pic, but keeps giving me an error  :mad:
Yip it was lekker to play catch up/sweeper.... what farmer ??? :bootyshake:. As I was leading the second leg back I saw the following : 

2 wild cats (groukatte), lots of spur wing (makoue), some steenbok,

and had to chase down two dogs  (one might have a slight sore nose), a klonkie aimed to throw

a stick at me (lot's of finger pointing :mad:) and last but not least a dronkie walking next to his

bicycle nearly made me put down the AT after giving me a skrik :eek: by pushing the bike in my

direction just as I passed him. Needles to say he saw me comming way back, and was smiling

as I went by, bliksem.. (he might have a slightly swolen ear this morning ).

Thanks was a lekker ride, and never mind the boer, we should keep doing it  :ricky:
growweblaar said:
I've got new respect for the electric starter :)


Thanks for the ride guys.
Had LOADS of fun out there yesterday â?? pity it was cut short a bit.

Thanks to Briv for taking us the long way home. (Some fantastic roads out that way.)
Also thanks  for spotting that lost handguard as well as giving me a tow start.  :-[
By that time I was exhausted from  constantly kicking MountainBoyâ??s bike.
NewGuy also went above and beyond so cheers dude.
(Rest assured that I shall tune the red one properly before we do this again!)


Proof that the_wes DOES lend a hand every now and then:


And the_man himself on his new steed - thanks for the ride dude


briv said:
and had to chase down two dogs  (one might have a slight sore nose), a klonkie aimed to throw

a stick at me (lot's of finger pointing :mad:) and last but not least a dronkie walking next to his

bicycle nearly made me put down the AT after giving me a skrik :eek: by pushing the bike in my

direction just as I passed him. Needles to say he saw me comming way back, and was smiling

as I went by, bliksem..

F*kkit Briv, living on the edge! :eek7:

I like the new helmet. Colour-coded I see... 8) :biggrin:
Kaboef said:
F*kkit Briv, living on the edge! :eek7:

I like the new helmet. Colour-coded I see... 8) :biggrin:

At least I had a good ride and got rid of some edge-anger induced by adrenaline :biggrin:
Yip I'l get to the blue bit later  ;D 