The XChallenge shake-down -- the_wes, the_dogs & the_gemsbok

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Maybe we should look into if this farmer has permission to have Game on his farm as his fencing is nowhere near the regulations as out lined below...........

Different game species require different type of fencing. Kudu and eland may jump a
fence of 2,25m. Impala and waterbuck are also jumpers. Animals that will crawl
under a fence are sable, gemsbok, roan, tsessebe and red hartebeest.
Some animals tend to break fences, especially male animals that experience stress
or animals defending their territories â?? Blue wildebeest, giraffe, zebra, waterbuck,
buffalo and rhinoceros fall into this category.
Nyala, bushbuck and other smaller antelope will climb through a fence if the strands
are too far apart.
As a rule a 2,4m high, either with 21 strands of wire or a Veldspan (mesh-like wires)
are used. Each of these type of fencing needs to be erected according to certain
minimum requirements to ensure a certain firmness of the fencing. The criteria are
available and will not be discussed in this article.
As a rule, Veldspan is normally used for more level plains, while conventional fencing
is used in mountainous terrain.

I saw the fence - it was a proper, high game fence running on the righthand side in the direction we were travelling. I can understand his irritation, but he's got no legal recourse. Spoornet, perhaps yes - him: no.

Anyway, who builds a game reserve next to the tracks and then complains that "the trains are bad enough, now you come and make a noise as well!"...!??? Ah, yes, I suppose Spoornet built that railroad after he established his reserve. Yes, of course.

Anyway, it doesn't detract from what was an AWESOME RIDE :)
Nothing like facts to sort out arguments like this.

Can you imagine the guy stops someone about the same thing and here the guy rips out the legislation about it, the municipal zone maps proving to whom the land really belongs and other supporting documentation ?

That'll be cool.

And then the next time there'll be a wire...

:mad: :mad:

The other question is of course - how much noise CAN a couple of bikes make and for how long ?

I don't doubt you guys when you say he was a poephol.
but I can also understand the farmer's POV. The fact that he was aware of you proves that he found your bikes disturbing (maybe too loud pipes?)

anyway, glad you guys had a nice ride and I'm sorry the dude somewhat messed it up for you.
i know of game reserves right next to the N1 and N12 highways and you dont see the game ranges/farmers going after people

if your not on his land he has no leg to stand on
LuckyStriker said:
I don't doubt you guys when you say he was a poephol.
but I can also understand the farmer's POV. The fact that he was aware of you proves that he found your bikes disturbing (maybe too loud pipes?)

anyway, glad you guys had a nice ride and I'm sorry the dude somewhat messed it up for you.

I hear where you are coming from LS, and I see his point of view too, which is why I listened to him, rather than just telling him to piss off and riding away.

The bottom line for me really is that he could have approached it differently.

I mean, the other day when we illegally rode in the du toit's kloof pass emergency tunnel, and opened an emergency door into the main tunnel, the emergency services guy who spoke to Lito was so flippen cool about everything, even though we were completely in the wrong, and he was the right guy to kark us out about it. but he was chilled out, and treated us like intelligent adults.

The thing that grinds me the most, was this dude's attitude. he spoke to me like i was a flippen child. and the fact is - it's not his road.

I mean, he could have taken this approach:

"hey guys, how's it going. listen man, i have a game farm along this road, i'd really appreciate it if you guys could take it easy when you ride through here, as it's a big problem for us. and by the way, you might want to check with spoornet, as i'm not sure you guys are authorised to be on this road"

i would have been totally cool with that. but no. "oom" had to come out all guns blazing, telling me if i don't listen i'll have to learn the hard way?

still makes my blood boil to think of it!!

what about approaching spoornet for permits to ride on their roads? hmmm...
LuckyStriker said:
I don't doubt you guys when you say he was a poephol.
but I can also understand the farmer's POV. The fact that he was aware of you proves that he found your bikes disturbing (maybe too loud pipes?)

anyway, glad you guys had a nice ride and I'm sorry the dude somewhat messed it up for you.

You've got a point...

That's the one thing that I like about my bike - the rattles of the boxer engine makes more noise than the zorst.

Yellowfever pulled up next to me on the N1 one day and we moved into a 'car spot' - had a conversation on the N1 in peak traffic like we were in the same car. Nice and quiet...

makes no difference to the guy who gets  garroted whether the farmer had a legal leg to stand on or not ...
LuckyStriker said:
I don't doubt you guys when you say he was a poephol.
but I can also understand the farmer's POV. The fact that he was aware of you proves that he found your bikes disturbing (maybe too loud pipes?)

anyway, glad you guys had a nice ride and I'm sorry the dude somewhat messed it up for you.

I don't think it was the noise that alerted him to our presence.
I think it was more that we were taking a break at the depot when he happened to drive past.

If he'd seen us riding, he'd know we weren't the hooligan type.
imagine the poor unsuspecting blue-collar on the back of a spoornet bakkie getting garroted

and it's all the_wes' fault ;D
The oke in front must wear a Leatt,that way he minimizes the Garrot affect..... Put EV onto the farmer(GAME),say he is in the business of Culling,Boy he will so get it,big time!!! ;D >:D >:D

We will put our Wilddog onto him!!!(Meant tongue and cheek) :p :p................. ;)
Maybe we should try and get the farmers that have ground next  to the rail line's names and
approach them with some suggestions. Evidently they have not heard of the Wilddog involvement with Sanwild.  ;) It is definately not their property  ;)
the_wes said:
I mean, the other day when we illegally rode in the du toit's kloof pass emergency tunnel, and opened an emergency door into the main tunnel, the emergency services guy who spoke to Lito was so flippen cool about everything, even though we were completely in the wrong, and he was the right guy to kark us out about it. but he was chilled out, and treated us like intelligent adults.

My 2c

I'm not very active on the forum as my work takes me abroad for long periods, so maybe my opinion would not be rated as highly as the regulars.

the_wes to me it looks like you are compulsive trespasser. You go into places that you know you should'nt , but still proceed. 
Then you play innocent. In long run it is experiences like this that makes people negative about bikers trespassing and then lock them out.

Maybe you should look at the bigger picture and not only your selfish needs :pot:
Thundermerwe said:
the_wes said:
I mean, the other day when we illegally rode in the du toit's kloof pass emergency tunnel, and opened an emergency door into the main tunnel, the emergency services guy who spoke to Lito was so flippen cool about everything, even though we were completely in the wrong, and he was the right guy to kark us out about it. but he was chilled out, and treated us like intelligent adults.

My 2c

I'm not very active on the forum as my work takes me aboard for long periods, so maybe my opinion would not be rated as highly as the regulars.

the_wes to me it looks like you are compulsive trespasser. You go into places that you know you should'nt , but still proceed. 
Then you play innocent. In long run it is experiences like this that makes people negative about bikers trespassing and then lock them out.

Maybe you should look at the bigger picture and not only your selfish needs :pot:

thundermerwe, with all due respect, you don't know me, and your assesment of me is a tad off...

if you take my post above into context, yes i am fully aware that i was trespassing (the du toits kloof incident). all i was trying to do, in my post, was illustrate the point that the emergency services guy that confronted us had a great attitude, whereas the farmer (who's land we were NOT UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES trespassing on) saw fit to be aggressive, confrontational and threatening

i am not at all a compulsive trespasser, nor am i attempting to play innocent. In fact, in this weekend's case, i wasn't trespassing at all (not to my knowledge, since i didn't see any "private road" or "no entry" signs, nor did i open any gates). in fact, the du toit's kloof incident is the only time i have knowingly gone into restricted space. hardly compulsive, don't you think?

if you look at my reaction to the farmers aggression, i was civil and apologetic. hardly "selfish" at all, and hardly "playing innocent"

and being new, or not posting often, doesn't make your opinion less valid. but perhaps you should get to know me, or ask a few of the other members who know me, before you make character-attacking statements like that

I was just about to post along the line...."Thundermerwe just thundered into a sh&tstorm" and Wes bet me to it..... >:D
Sorry. I did'nt mean to hurt your feelings.

I can see from your reponse your a honest and good citizen.

Looks like I owe you a beer.  I will be down in Capetown in 3 weeks time for 4 days.
So watch out. Thundermerwe is coming to town. ;)
the_wes said:
Thundermerwe said:
the_wes said:
I mean, the other day when we illegally rode in the du toit's kloof pass emergency tunnel, and opened an emergency door into the main tunnel, the emergency services guy who spoke to Lito was so flippen cool about everything, even though we were completely in the wrong, and he was the right guy to kark us out about it. but he was chilled out, and treated us like intelligent adults.

My 2c

I'm not very active on the forum as my work takes me aboard for long periods, so maybe my opinion would not be rated as highly as the regulars.

the_wes to me it looks like you are compulsive trespasser. You go into places that you know you should'nt , but still proceed. 
Then you play innocent. In long run it is experiences like this that makes people negative about bikers trespassing and then lock them out.

Maybe you should look at the bigger picture and not only your selfish needs :pot:

thundermerwe, with all due respect, you don't know me, and your assesment of me is a tad off...

if you take my post above into context, yes i am fully aware that i was trespassing (the du toits kloof incident). all i was trying to do, in my post, was illustrate the point that the emergency services guy that confronted us had a great attitude, whereas the farmer (who's land we were NOT UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES trespassing on) saw fit to be aggressive, confrontational and threatening

i am not at all a compulsive trespasser, nor am i attempting to play innocent. In fact, in this weekend's case, i wasn't trespassing at all (not to my knowledge, since i didn't see any "private road" or "no entry" signs, nor did i open any gates). in fact, the du toit's kloof incident is the only time i have knowingly gone into restricted space. hardly compulsive, don't you think?

if you look at my reaction to the farmers aggression, i was civil and apologetic. hardly "selfish" at all, and hardly "playing innocent"

and being new, or not posting often, doesn't make your opinion less valid. but perhaps you should get to know me, or ask a few of the other members who know me, before you make character-attacking statements like that

You are proving you point... again. Nice man.
In support of Wes, yesterday was my first ride, no where did I see any sign or fence or anything to suggest that we weren't permitted to ride there, trust me if I had I would have brought it up, thats just the way I am.
Damm Wes sorry to hear that this ou toppie gave you such a hard time.

I advise all WD to be careful in future when riding this route as you will get a prick that will put a wire up. This is what happened in parklands area.

Take care wes, BUT NOW WE NEED THE PICS ;)