The XChallenge shake-down -- the_wes, the_dogs & the_gemsbok

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the_wes said:
Ama ride ride said:
Wes, you happy so far with the XCha?

:thumleft: :thumleft: :thumleft: :thumleft: :thumleft:


at least you know you can drop it............ >:D

Wish I had been able to join you guys yesterday, next time for sure.
he he he

what a rush

have I been asleep all this time??

little bikes with lotsa power  - man o man

I had an absolute blast with the XR - my mud monster

thanks again wes -what a ride

like I said yesterday - its a far cry from aour first Vespa ride!!

but the X Challege is just soooooooooooo  sweet looking  :thumleft:
This hooligan (aka Mountainboy) was spinning and sliding his noisy cricket all over the show  :ricky:
That BM is gonna be standing in the garage a lot from now on  :deal:
Alright, I have some pics to post, but before then, let me elaborate on this farmer story.

So we stop at the end of the one train section, and this oke pulls up...

(ok i'm paraphrasing here)

Oke: "was it you guys riding along the tracks"

Wes: "Ja"

Oke: "Ok, well, you see that fence you were riding along? That's a nature reserve. We've got 25 gemsbok on it, when they heard your engines, they bolted, that's 25 gemsbok at R10 000 a head. This is a private road, you guys aren't allowed to ride here"

Wes: "O, really, because I didn't see any closed gates, or any private road signs"

Oke: "Well it's a private road, and you can't ride here. I'm sick of you guys riding here, I had a run in with some quad bikers as well"

Someone else: "Well, quad bikers are bad people"

Oke: "Well, I know how it goes because my sons and I ride bikes and stuff, but you okes can't ride here, we live here for our peace and quite, we have enough nopise with the trains, and now you guys come tearing through here scaring the animals. these roads aren't on a map, because they are private"

Wes: "Well, I have a dual purpose bike, so, if I see a road, I ride it. and since there was no closed gate, and no "no entry" or "private road" sign, I road through. I also wasn't aware of the nature reserve, but I'll definitely spread the word to all the other riders I know"

Oke continues to go on and on. i mean, this dude was lank pissed off, but eventually began to calm down. "you can't ride here", "we live out here for our peace and quiet", etc

Oke: "you say it's not a private road, but you're riding unlicensed bikes (pointing at newguys DRZ, the 1 bike without a plate on".

Wes: "Actually his plate broke off, see, it's in his backpack (points at newguy, who turns around and points at his backpack with the license attached to it, almost as if we were advertising a product). Ok, well you've made your point. We're through now anyway so there's no need to discuss this any further, we're leaving now, and i'll be sure to spread the word about the nature reserve"

Oke says his goodbyes and starts to walk away, then adds this little gem

Oke: "because if you don't listen, we'll do it like we did in the old days: I warn you once, and then next time I put a piece of wire across the road. first oke hits the wire and comes off, and you won't do it again. if you don't listen, we'll do it the hard way"

and he walks away.

both mr big and I want to say something, but we don't. We're both wondering at which point aggression became neccessary? why did he have to now, after talking through it, threaten us?

and in restrospect, that's the part where I should have let him have it. I mean, what a a-hole. I had no reason to listen to him, i could have told him to vlieg in his moer, instead i was diplomatic and apologetic, and his response is to threaten me.

I mean, I have a pregnant wife at home, so ok, let's say I come there again (on a spoornet road, not his road) and he puts up a wire, and I'm leading the ride, BAM I'm dead and my wife is left to raise our child alone? His ass.

and what sort of IDIOT threatens 9 bikers, while he's all alon?? seriously, i don't get it.

and what stupid dork puts a nature reserve next to a train track? and how crap is his fencing if he lost 25 gemsbok?

either way i left it, and we proceeded to regroup. we were just about to hit the next section of spoor when ANOTHER oke pulls up and tunes us it's private and we can't ride there. not lus for anymore hassle, we just hit the tar to darling. this oke (while i didn't speak to him personally) seemed a little more friendly, as he even gave mne a thumbs up thanks as we abandoned the trail and headed onto the tar.

Damn, always miss the good stuff. probably just as i left, right? murphy se ma se . . . . . . .
I shoulda been there...

I wonder how his precious gemsbokke react to a farking train then???

Or can they distinguish between bikes and trains?


He made a direct threat against you guys and its not even his property...

Maybe another trip is in order very soon  :mad:
which pic was his private land?

all your pics looked like rail road roads or public roads as they had 100kph speed limit signs on?
the_wes said:
Oke: "because if you don't listen, we'll do it like we did in the old days: I warn you once, and then next time I put a piece of wire across the road. first oke hits the wire and comes off, and you won't do it again. if you don't listen, we'll do it the hard way"

So, who is going to lead the next ride along that road?
just do a mass ride - very very very slowly everyone revving the shit out of their bikes

get some 2 strokers as well - they make a lovely sound early in the mornings  >:D
I would have loved to just get his name. Just to know who we dealing with.
Do some home homework so to speak.

What this guy don't seems to understand is that none of us most of us are not the stereotype biker.
Which is weird coz the stereotype biker would've kicked his ass.
MrBig said:
What this guy don't seems to understand is that none of us most of us are not the stereotype biker.
Which is weird coz the stereotype biker would've kicked his ass.

We tried to make that point, but he wasn't listening.

Its odd cause him and his kids can ride bikes and quads and not scare the animals, yet our bikes frighten them.

He was a dick.

And I defnitely think we should continue to do that ride.
Next time he stops us, he should have to prove that the road is his - otherwise fuck him.

Those farms are not any where near classed as Game Reserves, they are jast farms. The fencing that surrounds those farms are farm fences ie to keep cattle, sheep etc in. If it was a Game Reserve it is required by law to have Fencing of such a hieght the the Game/buck can not jump over it.

Those roads/tracks that we ride are spoornet service roads and if anyone has the right to tell us not to ride there it would be spoornet.
Mark Hardy said:
Those farms are not any where near classed as Game Reserves, they are jast farms.

Thats what I was thinking, just cause he's got some game doesn't make it a game reserve.

We should ask him to prove that as well.
I wouldn't fcuk around with a farmer too much
some of them can be pretty vindictive and self-righteous

You sometimes hear of farmers sabotaging roads just to spite their neighbours

I love the story of that Namaqualand farmer who chiselled away bushman rock paintings because he would not allow heathen "k*ffer kuns" on his land :eek:
Thanks for a great ride Wes and Briv for taking us hom the long and awsome way.

One of you computer pro's can print out a letter with spoornet letterhead saying that we got permision to ride the road then that farmer's got nothing.
LuckyStriker said:
I wouldn't fcuk around with a farmer too much
some of them can be pretty vindictive and self-righteous

You sometimes hear of farmers sabotaging roads just to spite their neighbours

Which is why Wes doesn't want to lead the next ride - in case the doos actually does put a wire across the road.

However, doing something like that, we could sue him for attempted murder and untold damages to the bikes.