Unfinished business

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Race Dog
Nov 23, 2010
Reaction score
BMW (all models)
A little over two years ago, a friend and I embarked on a motorcycle tour through SA. Said friend was on a Harley so we had to stick to the grey stuff, but even that proved to much for the American when it neatly tipped over in the Outeniqua pass near George. Ever since that fateful day I have always wanted to go and finish that tour. This time though, I wanted to do it solo. No interruptions, no other people to look out for. Just me and my bike. One item on the agenda though was Gamkaskloof. 'Die Hel'. For that, I wanted an experienced hand to guide me, and Johann van Tonder ( aka Trailrider ) volunteered. But enthusiasm is contagious. No sooner had I mentioned my tour or Kobus ( aka MegaPix ) and Jane were on their way as well. It was a good call.

Kobus, marveling at the sight of the valley.

I need to go back there again, this time with no pillion.

Although its a very easy road, could imagine the fun been solo with no limiter on the back  >:D
First things first though. I wanted to continue the tour where it ended the last time, so the plan was to have my Strom delivered in George, and I fly down. Some might argue that I should be riding down but this was a decision I made and I stuck to the plan. My bike was collected from my house and a few days later ended up in Johann's garage. I had to pack everything in the bike, and only fly with my Camera bag. Game on!

It just had to be the window seat. I had to inconvenience the rich man and his wife to get to my seat. I say rich man, because within 2 minutes of our introduction he mentioned his holiday home in George. Looking down at me for his airy heights, I just thought : “What are you doing on the cheap-ass Kulula flight then?” We exchanged some more pleasantries, but I knew this was going to be a long and silent flight. When the cabin crew came past selling some beverages I knew my wallet was in the overhead locker. More inconvenience for Mr Rich. I just had to have coffee, so I asked the attended to hand me my jacket. As I got my coffee, Mr Rich saw my motorcycle jacket and asked me what that was all about. I told him I was going on a motorcycle tour. “Do you ride a GS?”. I sighed. Why is it that people always assume you have a big German brute ? From then on, we chatted, as I seem to have struck a nerve with him. The two hour flight was over in no time, and he turned out to be a nice guy after all. My friends were there to pick me up at George airport. The excitement grew. It was finally here!

With all my luggage rearranged, Johann’s bike packed, we waited for Kobus to arrive. Soon we heard the sound like a Gatling gun. The KLR was on its way. We greeted, got a quick brief from Johann and then we set off. Three very different bikes, each rumbling in a harmonious choir. Just out of George we turned right onto the Montagu pass. Johann played tour guide and told us tales about each place we stopped. First stop was a fork in the road where the inhabitants of the then George commandeered the famous builder Thomas Bain to build a better and wider road leading to George, rather than Blanco. Blanco was the main trading post at the time, but no-one even knows about it now. Moertjiesklip had another tale to it and when we stopped at Amanda’s grave the view just left me speechless. What made it worse was the fact that Johann was now a mere 9km from his home.


We headed further up, and soon reached the tarred road. A short tar section and we were on the Paardepoort road, heading North kicking up plumes of dust. I was home. It felt good. We headed to Dyselsdorp where we stopped briefly to have a look at their church on top of the little koppie. From there we rode the Ou muragie road to Wilgewandel for a well-deserved lunch and a few cold ones. For the first time in my life I headed up the Swartberg pass. What a scenic road! Kobus and I stopped regularly to take photos while Johann rode to ‘Die top’ and waited for us there.


We were close to the entrance of Die Hel, but Johann knew that the last 48km can take a while. We got to the inconspicuous turnoff and stopped at the sign that said : “Dangerous road”. This sounded ominous, and we proceeded with caution. By this time my bike’s screen had lost a retaining screw already, and I really took it easy. At one of the river crossings, I nearly lost the front of my bike, but luckily I got through unscathed. The road was a terrible state, and my bike took a pounding.

Careful watercrossing

Nothing can prepare you for the last part of this road. The final plunge into the valley has some breathtaking views and gravity defying switchbacks. You can read all you want, see all the photos you want, but until you see the valley with your own eyes, you are the poorer for it.


As Kobus and I approached the kiosk, Johann was already sipping on a cold beer. I was tired. Very tired. Manhandling the Strom took its toll. Johann was worried, so suggested that I sit and have a Coke first. We regrouped and set off to our overnight accommodation at Boplaas. Two more river crossings later, the three Japanese warriors parked in formation in front of Oom Hannes’ House.

The three Japs made it !

We unpacked, got out of our kit, and just relaxed, marveling at the beauty that is Gamkaskloof. That evening the camp fire crackled and the food was simple, but absolutely worth it.



Day 2 : We got up early as we still had some distance to travel today. As we headed into the sun, I vowed to come back here one day and linger longer. As for the present, we had to cover the 48km back to Swartberg pass.



14km from the end of this road, Johann’s bike hit a rock really hard that punched a hole through his oil filter. That was as far as the Honda was going today. As there was no signal where the bike broke down, Kobus and I raced out to find the first spot with signal. With help summoned, Kobus and I headed towards Prins Albert. I thought the first part of Swartberg pass was beautiful, until I saw the second bit! It was just breathtaking.

Kobus riding down.

Riding into Prins Albert, we stopped for lunch at CafePhotoAlbert.

We started talking about the rest of the day’s riding and changed our minds every 10 minutes. Eventually we settled on Hartenbos, abandoning the idea of me going to Barrydale and Kobus to Koedoeskloof. It was a good idea in the end. We covered some more passes on the way back, and when we rode into Hartenbos, we went our separate ways. I visited friends,  Des and Louis and went hunting for a place to sleep. I found a nice place close to the beach as I needed some alone time with my thoughts. That evening I met Alta and Koos who questioned me on my bike. I was amazed when Alta said “Nice V-Strom!”. We knew that there was going to be loadshedding, so Kobus and I had an early dinner and by 8 o’clock, Hartenbos was in darkness. As we sat by  a candle we agreed to meet at 7 then next morning to be up and running, but still had no clear idea of where we were heading the next day.

Hartenbos quiet time.


Day 3

As the sun made its way over the Indian ocean, I was still undecided about today’s destination.

There is just something tranquil about the ocean

By the time Kobus arrived, I made up my mind to ride to Cape Town. Kobus was heading up to Koedoeskloof, so we rode together till we got to Ronnie’s Sex Shop. This is a famous pub on Route 62, and one of those ‘must visit’ places.



Kobus and I had a quick drink and then said our goodbyes. As the gatling gun headed North, I stopped for a moment to reflect. Now I was alone again. I loved the idea. The iPod dealt me a nice song, and I pointed the Suzuki towards Barrydale. I filled up in Barrydale and headed over the Tradouw pass, all the way to Cape Town. That evening I had a most enjoyable stay with my friends Leon and Hestia. As the evening went on, I told them that I would start my journey back the next day. They convinced me to stay another day, just taking it easy.
Day 4.

Hestia made a delightful breakfast, and soon the Strom headed into Cape Town traffic. Far worse than what Johannesburg can ever dish up. I had to get out. Away for this madness. I rode North to get to Paternoster. The town is full of little white houses. A little Cypus looking place. I stood on the beach and let the reality of it all just sink in. Here I am. Over a thousand kilometers from home, standing on the beach with my trusty steed taking a breather.



I wandered around a bit, and when I felt my urge to ride again get the better of me, I spent a moment with Marius Nortje. Destitute and  looking for handouts. How do you sink so low into this abyss, and how can someone like him ever hope to salvage a life, destroyed by whatever it was that put him down like this. I felt utterly guilty when I mounted the Strom.


I drove slowly out of town and pointed South again. I decided to have the Suzuki checked in Cape Town, and after a quick oil top-up and chain-clean I headed into town to find a geocache.

Bloubergstrand detail

That evening I treated my hosts to an eat-as-much-as-you-can Sushi dinner. The next morning would see me tackle the road back home.
Day 5

I was up early. I wanted to miss the maddening traffic. I was heading to the Du Toits kloof tunnel when the sun peered out behind the mountains.


I covered the distances uneventfully. In Lainsburg I had my breakfast. Decision time again. Stay on the N1, or head to George via the Seweweekspoort pass. I decided on the latter. The beautiful tar road soon turned into a glorious gravel highway.



I was hot. Very hot, and stopping for a quick geocache was a exercise in itself. I decided to head to George via the Outeniqua pass and relive some good memories. In George, I had a quick meet-up with Johann again but turned in early.

Day 6

I left my guesthouse early and headed towards Knysna. As i switched on my iPod, the first song for the day was Phil Collins' Another day in paradise. It was so fitting!


I had breakfast in the Wimpy and I giggled at the row of eight people, all dining alone. I joined the row, but faced the other way. I just wanted to be different. From there, I rode back towards Simola and onto ‘Kom se pad’ It was breathtaking! I stopped a lot. On one of my stops, a very angry sounding HP came roaring past. The rider stopped and introduced himself as Grolls from the forum. We had a chinwag and he disappeared in a cloud of dust!


I knew today was going to be a long ride to Murraysburg, so I took it really easy. I stopped in De Vlugt at the farmstall of Annelize. She poured me a coffee and served a melktert of note. As we sat in the shade of a tree we talked about their uncomplicated life. I asked for a second helping and as we were the only people there we chatted some more. I did not want to leave. I could sit here all day. I took a picture of her and packed up.


The road called. I headed to Uniondale and onto Willomore. There I came across a herd of Harley Davidsons. Or what is the correct term for a collection of sheep ? All decked out in all the HD gear. I avoided their gazes and went for coffee in town. It was still unbearably hot. From Uniondale I went to Graaff-Reinet, and turned left to Murraysburg I was going to spend the night with friends on a farm. The hospitality of the Karoo people is just absolutely amazing.

Flying through the Karoo.

Just before sunset I got to photograph Jacques from the group Joshua na die reën.

Day 7.

My tour was nearing completion and I reluctantly packed the Strom this morning. After an early morning shoot, I said goodbye to my new friends and headed back to civilization.


I just rode, covering the distances, and after a quick stop in Colesberg, my destination, Bloemfontein loomed. But before I got there, I saw a massive rainstorm approaching. For the first time a long while I was looking forward to getting soaking wet. Did I mention the heat ?


An evening spent with and old school friend turned into a very late night. Kobus was still here in Bloem, and we agreed to ride home from Bloem the next morning. 

Day 8 was just a boring trek home.

This was an amazing journey full of amazing highlights.

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