Verneukpan not to be

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Eish! Ek kry sommer 'n kopseer soos ek die report lees.

Lekker soos 'n krekker.
JEEEEEZ Ireally missed a good one ,BUT dammit the next one, start planning Simone >:D Hopefully make the pan :mwink:
Kom manne, ek weet daar is nog BAIE pics

Cough it up...
Nee, nee, dit het niks met die trip te doen nie. Dis maar net iets wat ek toevallig probeer het voor die trip.

My jetting moet effens aangepas word vir die 440 kit, of ek moet meer lug inkry.

En ek wil nie 'n gat sny in my enigste side cover nie.

Goed genoeg vir my :p

Daars baie min fotos na Sutherland!! Wat gaan aan?

Soos ek verstaan het dit julle 'n dag geneem vanaf Strandfontein tot in Laaiplek?
Fokkit, it was a lekker trip, Bus' sexual molestation and exihibitionism notwithstanding.  :biggrin:

The Lucky one refilling his fuel tanker.

If pigs can fly, tappet covers can leak ...

Pole dancing. Monkey-heeeeee! made me do it.

Jan receiving some monkey love.

Monkeying around. Bunch of frikken apes.

Where murdered monkey-heeeee! ended up ...

In Middelpos me and Bus had a fall-out. Things were looking bad. We wanted to settel it, for once and for all...

... fortunately, sanity prevailed and we made up, everyone enjoying a drink in the hotel's bar. Phew.

Ons het 'n reel gehad, niks meer as 10km sonder 'n dop nie...
OK, so after the mess we left behind in Sutherland, we decided that the heat on Verneukpan was gonna be way too much for our fragile bodies to handle. After a bit of deliberation we decided to head to the West coast.

So off towards Calvinia by dirt. You could see that everyone was taking it really easy, cant imagine why…

It was searing hot so we made a stop at Middelpos for some much needed refreshments.


It was here, on the front stoep, that Plore made the mistake of saying something odd about the Post office. Everybody seemed to jump on the bandwagon and teased him for the rest of the weekend. It was just one of those things. Sorry Plore, but you took it well.

Interesting that the place is called Midel-POS, eh? :eek:scar:

Then on to Calvinia. On the way we encountered a flash hale storm and then a weird sand/mud storm in quick succession. Bizarre…

Refill at Calvinia and Wanabee with flat rear tyre.



We then had another dop while Wanabee got his tyre sorted at the garage.

Then on to Nieuwoudtville by tar. We had a massive head wind all the way. Terrible, I tell you. So we had another dop at the Hotel. No pics, the others will surely have some.

Then tar again to Vanrhynsdorp, where Plore had a minor mishap on a diesel spill. But bliksim, he was up so quick that no one knew about it til he told us!!! Well done!!

Then tar again to Vredendal and Doringbaai. My ringpiece was hating me at this stage and it was still stupidly hot. It was the greatest feeling in the world descending on Strandfontein & Doringbaai, where the ice-cold sea breeze hit us square in the face, awesome!!!

Had some dops at the Midon Sport pub


Then headed back to camp at Strandfontein.
Here I realized that my rucksack was not with me anymore!!! Last place I remembered it was at the Nieuwoudtville hotel… I phoned them and they confirmed that it was indeed still there, 150kms back, on tar… I swear, my ass had a deep vein thrombosis at the notion of doing another 300kms on tar to retrieve my bag.

But Vliegvark was so nice as to offer me the use of “The Couch” (His GS1200) to do the trip on Saturday morning. Of course I said yes!!!

So the next morning at 6am I was off with the couch on the bag retrieval mission.

Now I understand why people want to cross continents on these bikes. And also why a lot of posers don’t take these bikes off road. They are brilliant on the road!!! I have never ridden one off road, but a lot of people have proved that its very good at that also.

Anyways, got a nice pic on the Vanrhynspass on the way back.

Thanks Vliegvark!!!

Then we took a fruity little track next to the beach to Doringbaai. Here, Luckystriker struck it not so lucky and led us down to the beach into a dead-end. Unlucky for Andy950 he had gone too far already and got stuck in the skulpies and soft sand trying to do a u-turn.




Eventually we all got out and took a lekker sandy road to Lambertsbay for breakfast, (I think)
Then along the coast again to Elandsbay for… yes you guessed it… a dop…

Then on to Laaiplek where we spent the night at the Stywe Lyne caravan park.


Those are all my pics, I will let the others fill in the gaps again.

Oor en uit
Bus said:
Then we took a fruity little track next to the beach to Doringbaai. Here, Luckystriker struck it not so lucky and led us down to the beach into a dead-end. Unlucky for Andy950 he had gone too far already and got stuck in the skulpies and soft sand trying to do a u-turn.

Issie ekkie ;D

I was just following Fouriekop
LuckyStriker said:
Bus said:
Then we took a fruity little track next to the beach to Doringbaai. Here, Luckystriker struck it not so lucky and led us down to the beach into a dead-end. Unlucky for Andy950 he had gone too far already and got stuck in the skulpies and soft sand trying to do a u-turn.

Issie ekkie ;D

I was just following Fouriekop

Yes, you would NEVER do something like that.
Damn, the trip looks unbelievable.
Great pics, and my condolences to that poor munkeeeeeeeeey
thats what a gs should look like full of dust and cables hanging out sound lekker and go like hell untill the tappet gets a hole due to driver problems , but she got going again!
vliegvark said:
thats what a gs should look like full of dust and cables hanging out sound lekker and go like hell untill the tappet gets a hole due to driver problems pilot error , but she got going again!

fixed.  :biggrin:
no no the driver has got a problem not a error . :drif:


:biggrin: :biggrin: :biggrin:

Nothing like a lekker boys weekend!
Looks like a nice ride with a great bunch of guys.

But ffsakes, never complain about river pissing again !  ;)
This is just the type of behaviour non-bikers see....disreputable, deviant, exhibitionism.....can i go on the next one pleez! 8)