WC Bash - Moordenaars Karoo

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You are not serious about camera Stoetbul. Nice picture Dusty. It was a great weekend.
Carrol said:
You are not serious about camera Stoetbul. Nice picture Dusty. It was a great weekend.
It found it's way to some of the late KUIER brigade, so I need to erase some pic's before posting. :biggrin:
Die manne wat jou kamera beetgekry het is gefasineer deur middel finger fotos so jy sal taamlik moet delete.
Stoetbul said:
Will post my pic's in the morning. Need to filter through the pictures seeing that my camera GOT LOST late Saturday evening. >:D >:D

Jy en Bashes....jy bliksem altyd iets weg!

Lyk na 'n lekker een gewees!  :thumleft:
Hey Guys so cool to see all ya faces...and the familair CA numbers....!!!

I am sure there are some wild pics still to come...thats how I know the WC Dawgs.... >:D >:D

Throttle Jockey, Edgy & Bradleys swopping tales...


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Lekker pics, sorry I missed this one . Piston Pete looks like you outdid even yourself  :mwink:

Nice cake V-Strom , lekker Hottie for giving him this surprise . :biggrin:

Well done Justin , that is the WD spirit . :thumleft:
Thanks Pete for organising another befokte Bash.
Recci riders thanks for a lekker 2 up outride.
Woester honne wat saam gery het, O Matjiesfontein
Nick thanks for stunning Pics, gooi nog man.
Moet se daai koshuisbed slaap beter as n tent.
Sprocketbek said:
Guys I have LOTS of pics to post but it will take a while to do.
In the meantime I'll just post a select few.

I will need help with a forum name here & there, especially with GSA riders. Just like, for instance, Eastern people, they all look the same to me.
1) PottieGS?
2) LMG

:imaposer: :imaposer: Very funny SB . And once again stunning photographs from you , when I grow up I want to take photos like you.  ( my mom asked me yesterday when I was going to stop riding bike and 'grow up ' hehe  :mwink: )
Our first stop Bainskloof pass




Hitting gravel just outside Ceres


Going at a snail pace





Springbokkies, welcoming us to the Karoo


Puncture fixes, i guess we were just lucky


WTF did he do here?





The Enfield, feeling at home 2 up


My butt said left, my girlfriend right... we ended up going right,


at 28km per liter, we did nt fill up here


Sunrise on the N1


We left camp Sunday morning at 4:30AM, hope we did not wake anyone?

Rode to Somerset, to meet Royal Enfield riders, went over Sir Lowry's, Elgin, around Theewaterskloof, and gravel to Botrivier for breakfast

Time to head home again, Through Houwhoekpass, the pass between Elgin and Grabouw, Franschek pass, and ended up in Wellington

Did 600km on Sunday, on a 500cc Royal Enfield
Ja maar jy is mos n dapper muis of hoe?!!!
Mooi julle twee :thumleft:
eikeboom said:
DapperMuis said:

Dit lyk na Nismark in aksie! Een van daai rivierlope 'n hele ent onderkant Oubergpas?

Dit is net hy daai ja. Maar nie onder Ouberg nie. So ent bo Laingsburg in die Moordenaars Karoo.
Dappermuis: Daai eerste pic van jou sal 'n mooi Wella add maak!  Dis die netjiesste kapsel wat ek nog ooit onder 'n helmet sien uitkom het! Ek is gewoond saam met Mof ry, en hy het nie eens hare nie!


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Hinksding said:
Dappermuis: Daai eerste pic van jou sal 'n mooi Wella add maak!  Dis die netjiesste kapsel wat ek nog ooit onder 'n helmet sien uitkom het! Ek is gewoond saam met Mof ry, en hy het nie eens hare nie!

Lyk my of hy baie hare het  :peepwall:
Heimer said:
Hinksding said:
Dappermuis: Daai eerste pic van jou sal 'n mooi Wella add maak!  Dis die netjiesste kapsel wat ek nog ooit onder 'n helmet sien uitkom het! Ek is gewoond saam met Mof ry, en hy het nie eens hare nie!

Lyk my of hy baie hare het  :peepwall:

Ja Heimer, maar hy is besig om deur hulle te groei!! :mwink:

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