Western Cape Amageza qualifier 5 November (video page 6)

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Well done for finishing the ride, J-dog.  It was good to meet you. 

You deserved a bit of luxury after that epic.
Truly a nicer bunch of guys one couldn't hope to meet. Thanks again CT dogs!!
Kameelkop , jy het hier n wenner beet , ek dink ook die ding gaan groei . Hel dit lyk na werk , maar ook lekker .........se n man wat op die kantlyn sit .  ;D  Geluk aan almal wat dit gemaak het , julle verdien dit . Daai fyn gesifte fnokken sandpaadjies maak man moeg !!! Well done ouens .  :thumleft:
Miskien sal die WC quarry spannetjie voortaan ons Macassar bende se uitnodigings ernstiger oorweeg? :peepwall:
Sprocketbek, ernstiglike mooi fotos daardie, lekker om hier te sit en lees en kyk. Dankie aan Kameelperdkop, Firecoast, Wayneh en al die supporting actors vir hierdie groot pret!!
Take 2!!!

Still lots of pics I would like to post. Pure Orange used my spare DSLR body (because he had broken his) and ALL the subsequent pics were taken by him. I just have the shit job to choose, edit & post them.

But firstly I wish to thank my driver & navigator for the great job he did: Abel, it is greatly appreciated.
It allowed me to concentrate on what I was there for.

The start:


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Some pics are not so sharp but I'll be giving some uncalled for tips as we progress.  >:D

I reckon that sandy start was quite daunting on a "nugter maag".


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J-dog™ said:
If anyone has a pic of me taking the berms Dakar style on the 500, gooi it up on the fred  :laughing4:

Errr...no I don't but I think we can all take a lesson from GJ:


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Now for a quick field lesson in this type of photography:
1) Set your focus to the centre spot. Normally one should keep the focus on the subject's eyes but it's impossible to do with bikes. Go for the front of the bike or the rider's chest....keep that red dot nailed there.
2) Identify a good (& safe) vantage point. Trim or trample a few weeds if need be.
3) If you're doing a close-up of an elephant or rhino, rather over-expose. In Atlantis sand, rather under-expose.

I'm incuding this dodgy pic of Kamanya simply because I cannot believe how he takes whoops on a 950:


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Great photo's Sprocketbek, and a big thumbs up for everyone that entered Amageza!

Hoe gaan dit met die "oefenprogram"?  :mwink:



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:laughing4: :laughing4: :laughing4:
Jacko said:

Hoe gaan dit met die "oefenprogram"?  :mwink:

In die woorde van Mellet Mol:

Jy was nie daar nie.

Archangel said:
Jacko said:

Hoe gaan dit met die "oefenprogram"?  :mwink:

In die woorde van Mellet Mol:

Jy was nie daar nie.


Isn't he maybe trying to keep the weight lowwww down on the bike?  :peepwall:

PS: I wonder when Oom Kameelkop is going to say who made it through? He sure is taking his time about it.  :eek7:  :pot:
Jacko said:

Hoe gaan dit met die "oefenprogram"?  :mwink:

My woorde vanoggend aan my vrou:

"nee oo hel nou is ek al weer dik soos ek was".

Nadat ek die kiekie gesien het  :imaposer:. Ek is nie weer helemal daar nie, maar ek is nie ver agter nie. Ek sal moet begin hol, trap en rol sodat ek weer die vinnigste bles ou in die Kaap kan wees.

Tenminste is vet mense happy mense.

Jacko said:

Hoe gaan dit met die "oefenprogram"?  :mwink:
Los hom, ek maak hom vet sodat ek hom goed in sy moer kan ry.