Where ...? To Hoedspruit...? Why there ...?

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Sep 13, 2010
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I would rather be in Great Brak...
Honda CRF-1000L Africa Twin
This was Allen's response when I first mentioned it. Why indeed.

I woke up one morning some months back with this thought going around in my head, closely followed by more important items that was conveniently pushed to the side but kept re-emerging. But yes, Hoedspruit.

In 1982 I found myself (and 1400 others) in Valhalla Pretoria at the SAAF intake base for national service. It was all an adventure to me so no real idea but what was soon made clear was I had 2 choices; 4 years short term and I might fly a transporter or 10 years PF and if really good, I might fly something somewhat faster and more exciting. That time frame did not suit my conquer the world plans. Yet somehow 45 of us got chosen for a unit called 250 ADU. ?? ... or Anti-Aircraft Defense Unit Hoedspruit in real language. Even sooner it was made known that is was a real "paraat" unit, no skebengers; "julle gaan afkak daar."
So, I joined the SAAF Valhalla Soccer team, got Northern TVL colours and 250 retreated into the dark depths of my mind ... but for 40 years I have wondered what might have been. I should at least go have a look even thought 250 ADU no longer exists.

So we start planning, it's clear the ride will not be to Namibia this year, everything is so mixed up so let's stay in SA, what can go wrong...? Right?

3 days before I depart GBR, Allen informs me he will not be able to make the trip this year due to a family emergency. Blixsem! Another solo trip looms.

So I head for the Klein Karoo ...

Ian in Great Brak River said:
Sub!! :thumleft: :thumleft:

Lyk vir my dis still in die Baai vandag ...  >:D
Nope hierdie baai is nooit meer stil nie soos die res van die land nou hiernatoe vlug of kom weg kruip vir covid. Erwe wat al 20+ jaar lê word nou verkoop vir mal pryse. As n bouer in Stilbaai nie werk het is dit sy eie skuld op die stadium :deal:
For some reason my default setting when not sure where to go is Sutherland ... this was not the plan 3 days ago but, nou ja, Sutherland is a lekker ride from any direction. ROAM has successfully re-introduced Cheetahs to the Klein Karoo, the last being shot in 1862 I believe if I have the dates correct, they have a mother and 3 eight month old cubs so the first successfull breeding of cubs in over a century, and they are to be commended for it!

ROAM Game Reserve is situated 55km from Klaarstroom on the Beaufort West road from De Rust. One drives to the reserve Managers house and then transfers to a lodge vehicle for the 45min ride to the maximum of 10 guest farm house that will be yours for the night.

All the usual suspects are there to greet guests and they look in fine shape too.

Eish kry ek nou daai bak neute lus, die winterkoue laat my vreet!! ;D ;)
But ROAM is all about the successfull re-introduction of Cheetah to the Klein Karoo and they have spent a lot of time and effort to make this possible. A large herd of Springbokkies provide prey, 5000 hectares provides space and owner and staff commitment provides the rest. She has been collard so tracking her whereabouts is relatively easy and we set out to find her early the next morning.

The reserve was started about 5 years ago. It took 18 months to set it up and introduce the animals, 3.5 years ago it opened to the public and it has taken 2 years to get Mamma Cheetah used to human intrusion. She is fine with the guides and guests but does not like anyone to wear masks.

The cubs consist of two brothers and a little sister, she is the curious and playfull one and we are in for an unexpected treat that has never happened before in the time that they have had the Cheetah's here.

Kamanya said:
Ian in Great Brak River said:
The night drive shows this place in a whole new way, the crew are excellent hosts and I feel very fortunate to be here.

What is this?

Meerkat safe enclosure, they have burrows all around but the Jackals are everywhere and this provides safe retreat.
Wow beautiful seeing the Cheetahs in the veld and not some small enclosure  :thumleft:
250 must have closed in Hoedspruit not long after that time,
cause in '87 it was at Hammanskraal aka "Die Plaas" north of Pta
Tabasco said:
250 must have closed in Hoedspruit not long after that time,
cause in '87 it was at Hammanskraal aka "Die Plaas" north of Pta

... quite correct ... it was never in Hoedspruit ... but I had forgotten that fact and it would take this trip to Hoedspruit to remind me of that fact ... :imaposer: