XR650 l running poorly.

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Pack Dog
Jan 10, 2010
Reaction score
Ariel (all models)
Hi All.

One of my friends bought a XR650L from another friend.
This bike has less than 3000ks on it.
  First buddy sold it 'cause he could'nt get it running.
Friend no 2 got it going albeit poorly. You can't whack the throttle open. It just stumbels and misfires.
So we swapped my bikes CDI with his and it ran fine. Only took it for a short run though and thought we found the problem.
A new CDI was bought from Honda and installed. It ran perfect...... for a short while and then same kakkies.
Now before my one mate kills the other one and I'm stuck with the widow, please give advice urgently.( The wife is a hotty though, maybe I should delete this post!)
I must mention that friend no1's last ride ended with a wheelie  that went wrong.
Please help guys, the new owner is at wits end.