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                                                                Day 6 – Friday – 13 Jan 2012

I’m not superstitious and today would be as good as the others. I’ve got all day to get home and will take my time. I could not get hold of LGF last night and now send him an SMS to join me for a brekkie. He can’t make it and says I must come around for a cup of coffee. But of course.(After this trip I’ll have enough lead in my pencil that I’ll never need Viagra)

It was too  dark last night to take piccies, but here’s the views you live in at Hooggekraal, my first choise serenity spot.

I arrive at Mike’s (LetsGoFishing) place and we realise we know each other. May 2010, when I rode J-dog’s XL500R from cape Town,  we met at Angie’s  G-Spot. We get our coffee and move to the back stoep. It’s a rustige place. He lives on the river with a beautiful view. We have a very relaxed kuier. Unfortunately Mike has urgent work to get out so I can’t dawdle and when my (only) cup is cold I take my leave. I’ll see him again as I often come here.

I head out and pull in at Storms. No LRP. Its going to be a close call to make it to Humansdorp. I take the R102 and stop at Oude Bosch for my last cup of coffee. I linger. This is it… once I leave here the trip is over. Its home and reality. I miss my family and have hardly seen my youngest daughter, Kayla , the whole holidays. But I want to ride. I still have a day spare. Lyn does not know I’m on my way. Enoughs enough. Don’t spoil it.

I get home and the dogs give me a perfunctory glance. My family is glad to see me. I walk over to say hello to my parents. “Het jy nou genoeg gat geskuur ?” my father wants to know.

Nooit !

Its good to be home. Now I can plan the next trip without interruption.
Dit was werklik 'n genot om hierdie report te lees Jupiter.

Daar is maar net iets anders in om 'n trip alleen aan te pak.

En jy het lyk my 'n vrou wat dit verstaan.

And finally I get around to the most important part :

Piet Coke; V-Strom; Hottie; 2Strokedan & Sarah; Stoetie & Riaana; Poker Face; Snafu; Heimer; Crossed-up; Superfoxi; DirtyHarry & Claudia; Chairman Meow; Firecoast; French the Stench; LouisST; Rommel; The_Wes; Hando; Hentie WOA; R-O-V Rat, Shirley & the Kids; ChrisL & Amanda; Trailrider; Jakkals; DirtCopper; Dusty; Oom Pad and LetsGoFishing.

                                                                                   THANKS !
We thank you Jupiter, to go the extra mile to see so many dogs along your way.
Quite inspiring  :thumleft:
:hello2: :hello2: :hello2: :hello2: :hello2: :hello2: :hello2: :hello2: :hello2:

And thanks to you for a nice RR. 

As jy die kant toe kom - ek het koffie en 4 bekers  :mwink:  :imaposer:
Nice one boet , I'm glad the old girl is treating you well . Sorry I missed you the other day  :thumleft:
Jupiter, it's been some time since I read anything more enjoyable, and especially since it was written with honesty, by a real rider with passion. And also maybe because the solo trip touches something in quite a few of us. Thank you for your time and company and kind words.
You are the type of BMW rider and human being that makes it very difficult for me to tune the BMW okes kak. Maybe they're not ALL bad? :pot: :imaposer:
That was a good read and an even better ride, two things,when you get tired of your day job you can become a "roving bike journo" because people will pay to read stuff like this :)and now I need to get into putting my RR into action it is already too long since we got back
Enjoy planning your next trip and I ordered my cooler bags today  :D

Cheers Whale Kisser
Great RR Jupiter! I'm so sorry that I missed out on the breakfast in Worcester, but I just could not get away from the office!

I'm driving to PE today - in a cage - unfortunately!

Hope to meet soon and thanks again mate!

Ouman(Japie Kuhn)
Thanks for a very enjoyable Ride Report. You inspire us to want to go do long rides.  :ricky:

You are always welcome at my place and the coffee will be flowing freely. 

Greetings from the R-O-V-Rat family.  :) :) :)
R-O-V-Rat said:
Thanks for a very enjoyable Ride Report. You inspire us to want to go do long rides.  :ricky:

You are always welcome at my place and the coffee will be flowing freely.  Greetings from the R-O-V-Rat family.  :) :) :)

Ek het myself nou vir 'n paar dae op detox moes sit  :imaposer:
jupiter said:
And finally I get around to the most important part :

Piet Coke; V-Strom; Hottie; 2Strokedan & Sarah; Stoetie & Riaana; Poker Face; Snafu; Heimer; Crossed-up; Superfoxi; DirtyHarry & Claudia; Chairman Meow; Firecoast; French the Stench; LouisST; Rommel; The_Wes; Hando; Hentie WOA; R-O-V Rat, Shirley & the Kids; ChrisL & Amanda; Trailrider; Jakkals; DirtCopper; Dusty; Oom Pad and LetsGoFishing.

                                                                                   THANKS !
Ou maat ek weet jy wou BOND met jou AIRHEAD en ek weet jy wou SERENITY gaan soek het. Ek weet ook jy het nodig gehad om jou ZEN te kry. Ek glo en vertrou jy het als gevind en is weer salig in jouself. Maar EK wil JOU bedank wat groot moeite wat jy gedoen het om my te kom ontmoed. Dankie vir dit. Soos vroeër genoem. Ek sou net bitter graag baie meer tyd in jou geselskap wou spandeer. Tot 'n volgende geleentheid. :thumleft:
Nou wil ek ook ry !!

Great RR uncle  :thumleft: :thumleft:
As much as I enjoyed the ride, I enjoyed doing this RR reliving it.

Thanks to you all for reading and enjoying it with me. I would have liked to respond to each reply individually, but its hard work and have not yet sorted the multiple quote thing.

See you around an my next Social Tour... Kwa Zulu Natal and South Coast I think. Have to go see if my old RS is being treated well.  :biggrin:
Hando said:
Veldbrand said:
roxenz said:
I've really enjoyed reading this RR so far, Jupiter! Thanks for taking the time to put it together.

I've got Ted Simon's books as well, and although I feel him to be quite a different person to myself, the books are great to read. He has a sort of detached involvement which is quite zen...  Z & the Art of MC Maintenance I'm reading for the 3rd time, and have the same reaction as on the previous occasions: it seems as if I haven't read it at all yet! A bit of a chameleon book.

Then: I see Stoetie's papegaai must take after him, but his wife has managed to chain the papegaai at least!   :biggrin:
What you don't see outside/below the photo is that the chain is attached to a.......you guessed it, a toy trailer!
Can you imagine how much k@k that Grey has learnt to talk with a dad like that.
Jupe, did the Grey's T-shirt say: “I are Stoeties voël”

I got that photo !!!!!

here you go
1st Of: Jup, what does this mean:"Stoetie......Well he is Stoetie."  :peepwall: :peepwall:
2DE: Julle almal se MOERE behalwe Jup! :biggrin:
Stoetbul said:
Hando said:
Veldbrand said:
roxenz said:
I've really enjoyed reading this RR so far, Jupiter! Thanks for taking the time to put it together.

I've got Ted Simon's books as well, and although I feel him to be quite a different person to myself, the books are great to read. He has a sort of detached involvement which is quite zen...  Z & the Art of MC Maintenance I'm reading for the 3rd time, and have the same reaction as on the previous occasions: it seems as if I haven't read it at all yet! A bit of a chameleon book.

Then: I see Stoetie's papegaai must take after him, but his wife has managed to chain the papegaai at least!   :biggrin:
What you don't see outside/below the photo is that the chain is attached to a.......you guessed it, a toy trailer!
Can you imagine how much k@k that Grey has learnt to talk with a dad like that.
Jupe, did the Grey's T-shirt say: “I are Stoeties voël”

I got that photo !!!!!

here you go
1st Of: Jup, what does this mean:"Stoetie......Well he is Stoetie."  :peepwall: :peepwall:
2DE: Julle almal se MOERE behalwe Jup! :biggrin:

"...and Stoetie... well he is Stoetie. One can't help but enjoy his (enthusiastic) over the top company."  EDIT

Jy moes alles lees wat geskryf is. Ek wou nie te veel  meer se oor jou innemende, aangename, groothartige, sprankelende, sorgsame ens, persoonlikheid  nie, want dan het jou tjomme jou dalk eers gebyt  >:D  :3some:, maar nou moet jy vir jou kry.  :imaposer:

jupiter said:
See you around an my next Social Tour... Kwa Zulu Natal and South Coast I think. Have to go see if my old RS is being treated well.  :biggrin:

Thanks for the warning, I'll make sure is bling just before you get here. And you know you have a place to stay (and drink coffee) when you get here.

Great reading, thanks. Like I said in my email, I NEED to do the solo ride too, dont know why but I know I have to do it.
Dirty Boy said:
jupiter said:
See you around an my next Social Tour... Kwa Zulu Natal and South Coast I think. Have to go see if my old RS is being treated well.  :biggrin:

Thanks for the warning, I'll make sure is bling just before you get here. And you know you have a place to stay (and drink coffee) when you get here.

Great reading, thanks. Like I said in my email, I NEED to do the solo ride too, dont know why but I know I have to do it.

Me have a plan.  :deal: We ride solo together... I ride ,you ride... I see you later in the day.  :ricky:
jupiter said:
Stoetbul said:
Hando said:
Veldbrand said:
roxenz said:
I've really enjoyed reading this RR so far, Jupiter! Thanks for taking the time to put it together.

I've got Ted Simon's books as well, and although I feel him to be quite a different person to myself, the books are great to read. He has a sort of detached involvement which is quite zen...  Z & the Art of MC Maintenance I'm reading for the 3rd time, and have the same reaction as on the previous occasions: it seems as if I haven't read it at all yet! A bit of a chameleon book.

Then: I see Stoetie's papegaai must take after him, but his wife has managed to chain the papegaai at least!   :biggrin:
What you don't see outside/below the photo is that the chain is attached to a.......you guessed it, a toy trailer!
Can you imagine how much k@k that Grey has learnt to talk with a dad like that.
Jupe, did the Grey's T-shirt say: “I are Stoeties voël”

I got that photo !!!!!

here you go
1st Of: Jup, what does this mean:"Stoetie......Well he is Stoetie."  :peepwall: :peepwall:
2DE: Julle almal se MOERE behalwe Jup! :biggrin:

"...and Stoetie... well he is Stoetie. One can't help but enjoy his (enthusiastic) over the top company."  EDIT

Jy moes alles lees wat geskryf is. Ek wou nie te veel  meer se oor jou innemende, aangename, groothartige, sprankelende, sorgsame ens, persoonlikheid  nie, want dan het jou tjomme jou dalk eers gebyt  >:D  :3some:, maar nou moet jy vir jou kry.  :imaposer:
Ag dankie ou partner!!!!!! Voel ek nou sommer heel goed hier in die bloedige Bolandse hitte. :biggrin: :biggrin: ;)