Zimbabwe Gravel Travel

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@Just Blip It! invented this stupid game for the two of us to play......... Everytime you see a Baobab, You have to shout BAOBAB!! into the Cardo microphone. It was a very irritating game to play for 13 days, even though I was the clear winner at the end of the trip.

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Ja ja! You wish! I invented the game and as I have final word and having tallied the results through Delloitte and Touche I was found to be the winner by a large margin. Remember you couldn't hear me half the time nor I you!
We book into the Frog and Fern outside town. One half of us stay in an old house while the other half book into a 5 star chalet 😉

At least I get a room with toilet as my gut is still giving me cold sweats and I already had to do emergency boskak at Tessa’s pool 😮

Around this time @Chrisl sends me a message to ask how the route has been thus far and whether the sadist aka @Just Blip It! has been up to his old tricks?
I reply that the route has been easy so far and I doubt it'll get much more technical..... I never learn, do I? :devilish:

The next day we head for Nyanga and the Party is over.......

But first, some video highlights of Day 3

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I wake up feeling weak after a night of shuffling frantically between my bed and the toilet. Mark and I adjust our chains which became noisy the previous day and wait for breakfast to be served.

We stop to wait for the rest high up in the mountain among the Msasa trees. There is a tweespoor heading up into the mountain and it seems like it leads to something special that Mark wants to go show us.

I'm happy for the opportunity to head into the bush with my white gold to ease the cold sweats that have accompanied my cramping bowels all morning.

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