Zimbabwe's doors are open (THE STORY IS COMPLETE....PHEW!!)

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Awsome report, great pics. Made me a bit home sick

It's time to go up there on the bike, me thinks.
Nice going there in Dec to visit my brother.. but alas will prob be via 4 wheels.. depending..
Enjoyed your interesting RR. Well done to the girls for joining you. Glad to hear the ferry is still running after all these years.
Nice to have met you at the XT rally in Swaziland. Now we can put a face to a name.
Awesome.. this rr is the cherry on the top, now I just have to go back and have a look. When we did Africa we avoided Zim like the plague, the stories on the Bot and Zambia side kept us well away even though I desperately wanted to go to Kariba.. your rr has set things straight.. thanks a mil

Can you give an idea of the budget for a trip like this, we are so used to just camping so I gather staying in lodges, hotels and renting places changes the budget a bit... did you pay for everything in $US or did you use Zim $

:thumleft: :thumleft: :thumleft:
Such an awesome RR I dug up here!!!
You guys went to all my fave spots, Kyle, White Horse, Vic Falls Royal Hotel, Christmas Pass, Troutbeck and even Lion and Elephant!!!
Precious memories to be cherished  :thumleft:
0012 said:
:thumleft: :thumleft: :thumleft:
Such an awesome RR I dug up here!!!
You guys went to all my fave spots, Kyle, White Horse, Vic Falls Royal Hotel, Christmas Pass, Troutbeck and even Lion and Elephant!!!
Precious memories to be cherished  :thumleft:

It was incredible, such a lovely country, such great people. :thumleft: