Bad boys at Kleinplaasie 4x4 Worcester

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Piston Pete

Teach Peace
Oct 3, 2007
Reaction score
Cape Town
KTM 990 Adventure
This is not a ride report but rather a report on debauchery & bad behaviour >:D We cruized up from Lanners Landing on Friday with a V8 Disco carrying our spare camping kit. Onboard freezer for ice & drinks...
Fidel sorted a few very nice & speedy dirt roads up there after dark after a few rehydration stop offs ;D
Set camp up & rehydrated. >:D The party got duk carried away & before long we were in discussion with a very young lad about his 'hot' veedubs >:D Came close to blows so Fidel decides to get his bony for a lil burnout but we stuffed it up ::)
So now the owner/organiser comes over & starts treating US as retards.....i remind him off our ages  :-[ & our actuall good boy status & he winds his neck back in & we have a lekker laugh together :thumleft:
Frohan then embarresses us with actually picking up a DOG :p No boet...dont squirm now hey! Jokes....she could not help it only being human ;D
The following day the petrolheads go hell for leather and created a wonderfull spectacle for the very strong crowd....obviously the WHOLE town turns out :)
There were some unfortunate female marshal had a truck ride over her foot & another also an unspecified injury.

Of course no weekend away cannot result in an injury to a WD..... Newguy....hold this drink & watch i mean it literally..... >:D Poor guys foot is knackered & bike trailered home! So...he lost his foot, his bike & is also seperated from his wallet. Not a good time for him :'(

The music blasted away...ryperd the whole frikken night & i feel buggered today....
Eish.....whens the next one  :thumleft:


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pistonpete said:
This is not a ride report but rather a report on debauchery & bad behaviour >:D

That first line says it all...judging buy you report... :imaposer: :imaposer: :imaposer:

What happen to Newguy and how is he?
Kleinplasie honne - kom ons gaan oordeelkundig te werk met die foto's. Ek dink nie dis regverdig as daar specials aan die gang is @ R20 vir twee dubbelbrannewyne+coke nie.

Fidel - ons moet maar bietjie oefen vir die burn-out: Miskien meer tyd in die gym sodat ons die 640 se gat hoer en langer kan ophou! Of miskien 'n kombi piston? Honne - julle moes dit gesien het: Een klein hondjie  laat-aand  op 'n moerse 640 met twee honne wat die gat optel sodat ons bietjie rook uit die agterwiel kan kry vir die Worcester kewers!! En die wyn loop dik. :imaposer:

Piston Petrus - tx vir die strap-joppie op my bike- ek het voor my geestes ogies gesien hoe draai ek om Vrydag middag om toe ons ontdek die frame is in sy moer. ( My lewer is jou egter nie so dankbaar nie)
Phillip - tx vir transport van ons goodies!

EK seker hier gaan nog so 'n paar dingekies uitkom...

Wille Honne - julle is te wild vir Worcester - ek dink ons moet bietjie verder noord ry - 'n lekker laaang trippie met meer ry tyd, minder drinktyd, en kan ons dan asseblief nie weer direk langs die bar kamp nie - dis hopeloos te gerieflik! (En Shane praat van "lekker plasie", nie Kleinplasie nie.
Tx vir 'n great time - maar vanaand kan ek slaap sonder "Ou Ryperd" - ek sien baie uit daarna!
Ja, mense, dit was rof gewees! Ek is nou nog broos... Ek het 'n klomp shockers op my kamera. Of hoe ou frohan... Mar kan eers more oplaai. Watch this space...
I think I wasted my money on the last commedy show I went to, all you need to do is to go camping with this pack of lunatic dogs. Bliksem ek dog ek kan drink maar die donners....
A certain dog on an orange bike took a scary dog for a night ride, and later that night the barral race king decides to antagonize a kombi piston weilding testerone charged Worcestor racer (who's girfriend has a foul foul mouth) close to the point of an immenent barney. What a LAG!!

Hey ouens that R20 for 2 double brandeys first had me wonder about Bus' drinking habits, and then knocked me straight to my tent for a middag slapie. Let the rest tell their own story

Here are some pics, most don't need captions



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Nog foto`s sonder woorde


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En later het Fenderbender en Mapsource on ook gejoin


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Jinne Plore, kyk hoe staan my wange soos ek daai skyf trek. ;D Ek sien Newguy se fiets staan daar nog in die agtergrond, so dit was net voor hy hom in sy m@#r gaan val het.
Frohan, nothing wrong with an experienced girl my man :-\......maar wa de flok was jy die hele Saterdag?

It was a blast. Perhaps not enough riding, but time and a serious thirst was against us. Gouda has a lekker little pub (Gouda Hotel), and the owners are keen for biker support. Go tjek it out.

Julle donders, I wasnt trying to do a burnout, but just to blast them Youngsters with my Acrapov flame thrower. There was too much shouting between the ballies and laaities, so i thought id spice it up a liddle.  ;).......what a flippen laugh. Felt like being back in high school again.  :imaposer:

...but ill work on the burnouts, for next time.

Talk about burnout, some other mother tried to do one in a V8 fitted Cruiser!........priceless!......Jy, wat le daar onder die kar. (propshaft twisted right off)



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