From Ashes to ashes.....and then some bliss!!!!!

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Grey Hound
Aug 18, 2010
Reaction score
KTM 990 Adventure
I was outvoted to start this trip in Pommie taal as opposed to Afrikaans by Dwerg en IDR…..maar ek gaan bietjie die taal meng vir die wat nie omgee nie.

3 Reasons for this trip… say farewell to Glen…gooi his ashes on top of Bastervoet with Brian(Smuggy) his boet..…..enjoy the annual bash….and then have a ball of a trip through Lesotho

We succeeded in all of those departments.

As a matter of fact… superseded any of mine........or our expectations by a very long shot. It was the BEST holiday and bike trip that I have ever had.....and...before you forget....I have travelled plenty in my life before.

Goeie donner…….ek het in my lewe…nog nie so iets beleef nie. Dit was inderdaad…..onoortreflik, verruklik, uit die boonste rakke…..en iets vir die boeke.

We will try and share as many peekchas...videos and stories with you but you and I will not be the same as the real thing.

The route that IDR planned for us could not have been done differently in any way. Day after just kept on getting better and better and with great company and riding partners that you know and trust it turned it into a legend and epic trip for us.

Vir die….wat nie vir Glen geken het of ooit kon ontmoet nie……..dalk sal die vir julle help verstaan……..’n bleddie legend sonder gelyke…

Nice Carrots!!!

I feel very honoured to have written my name in that guestbook at the Elliot Golf Club and having a few dops with Glen.................miss you dude!!!

The initial plan was to leave on the Wednesday to Dortrecht and make it a 2 day trip lekker rustige gravel journey. We would then meet up with Brian at his Mom's place to sleep over and collect Glen's ashes. Bettie was also pulling in from Bloem.

That was until IDR realised at nr 99 that his Grandmother is turning 80....or 90(kannie so mooi onthou nie.....dit is ek nou.....nie die Ouma nie) on the Wednesday.

So the plan changed and it was gonna be a lekker push on the Thursday. Gryshond asked if he could join as well so the 3 Musketeers were ready to gooi.

Packed and ready to go......


5 bells en ons is reg vir mielies gooi



Hentie koud so ons stop om warm te word


Amper in Kroonstad




Ons besluit om in Bloem te stop vir brunch....maar soos in binne in Bloem.....nie 'n Ultra City nie want ons is lus vir 'n bier of so. IDR sit die Dros op die GPS en daar gaat ons. Kom by die Dros aan....maar nou is dit 'n Spur. Daar is nie parking nie waar ons ons bikes kan dophou so ons ry om die blok Rhapsody's toe.

Dit is 10:30......en die hentie twatwaffle wat in beheer is wil nie vir ons kos of bier gee nie.....eers 11:00 se hy volgens sy lisensie. Sy ma se e-pos besluit ons toe sommer en verkas na 'n ander plek toe. Ons word dadelik en baie vriendelik gehelp en wat 'n contrast met wat ons sopas beleef het by daai plek.

Do yourself a favour and go and visit Suzette @ Coobah in the Preller Walk Mall......awesome awesome place.


Ek en Gryshond sit en drink 'n koue bier terwyl ons wag vir IDR wat sy bike moes gaan uitsort maar hy kan julle meer vertel van dit.

Lekker Meneer Wortels!


PS: Het jy al hierdie hentie gesien?
That is a very good ribute.  Never met the man, but after seeing the video I realize he must of been one hell of a bloke.  You did him proud  :thumleft:
That is an awesome tribute.

Subsciribed for the rest.
oo7 said:
Lekker Meneer Wortels!


PS: Het jy al hierdie hentie gesien?

Het jy nie 'n baaik om te restore of iets nie......... :thefinger:........:imaposer:......en ja......dis 'n regte hentie twatwaffle daai!!  :biggrin:

Ons eet mamoerse burgers en ek voel soos 'n akkedis wat 'n warm klip in die son soek na die tyd....maar ons het nog baie myle om te gooi so geen siesta vir ons nie.


Ons maak vol in Bloem voor ons Aliwal se kant toe steek. Petrol joggie vra my met so kaapse aksent.....Mnr......szien djy....van hoe ver af kom julle?

Pretoria se ek.


Ek moer amper agteroor soos ek lag.......

Nou waar gaan djulle Meneer?

Oos Kaap.....dan Lesotho en so......

JAAAAAASAS......djulle travel kak wyd my kroon......

Well you sort of had to be there.....but I was grinning and laughing in my helmet almost all the way to Dortrecht.

The wind is giving us hell but we are lucky with the stop and go's and just before Smithfield I recognise one pimped Isuzu......Dookie en Jo....die vleiswa. They are on route to Lady Grey to sleep over by Jo's parents and then to the bash the next morning.

We fill up in Smithfield....have a beer with them and hit the road. Last stretch.......and we are getting tired now so we gooi mielies.


OFS....keeping us busy and entertained when it gets bored...........


Some gravel at last.............



Ek is so ietwat nervous.......en het 'n hol kol op my maag.......van Februarie af wat Glen oorlede is het ek amper elke week my die Tannie gesels. Gewoonlik Donderdag aande.......en vandag is 'n Donderdag. Tannie het gese sy gaan nie saam Bastervoet toe vir die ashes strooi ek weet dit gaan tough en emotional wees as ons ry die volgende oggend.

I don't know why....but I have been thinking for a couple of months now.....if it will be acceptable to ask for a little bit of his ash. Why? I don't know.

Well maybe I do know.......I would like to put it in one of those 911 ampules....seal it....and let him travel with me wherever I go.

Corny.......crazy..... it what you want.....but it was important to me.

I get some courage from the last stretch of pure bliss gravel roads into Dortrecht......and I must say that I'm looking forward to see Brian again. Almost to the year was me and Glen riding most of the way from Prieska to Vioolsfdrift. Now it was going to be Brian....on the same KLE.


The church in Dortrecht.....


Hallo Tannie!!!!!


Ons groet...pak af....chill....drink 'n koue bier...was ons gatte en gaan sit by die braai en gesels land en sand oor allerhande goete. Tannie en Brian deel stories met ons oor die kattekwaad en twak wat Glen aangevang het asook sy liefde vir die natuur en diere. Ek hoop nie iemand op die forum het sy Jetta gekoop nie....... :peepwall: :pot:

Tannie en Sus bou 'n bobaas aartappel gereg en Brian braai asof dit uit die mode uit gaan. Ek is baie opgewonde oor more......ons gaan bevange paaie ry Snow Valley toe en ons dag is veilig sonder enige probleme agter die rug.

Bettie joins later from Bloem after she contributed to some roadkill on the way there......and to my surprise.....Brian asks if anybody would like some of Glen's ashes. Now I'm happy.

I share a room (not a bed....a room......the bed sharing happened between Gryshond and Brian..... :peepwall: :pot:) with IDR.....and he wins the gold medal in the snoring department by 'n long shot that night.

Ek kannie wag om op die bike te klim more nie.....Dwerg, Justin en Deon wat die res van die pad saam met ons gaan ry kry ons by die bash site more.

Before I forget....I would like to say...that there are not many things...that gives me the same riding my loaded and kitted bike on the start of a 05:00 in the morning on the highway when most people are on the way to work......knuckles already white from gripping the steering wheel of the car and their blood pressure and moer meter climbing at an alarming rate.

I just sit on my bike with a big fat grin in my helmet and think......"eat your heart out"......... :biggrin:
