A Dirty Wild Dog Rides to God's Country to Visit Da Yoopers, Eh.

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Oubones said:
big oil said:
Oubones said:
Now that is what I had been waiting for.
It is so clean and tidy there.
Beautiful area!
Keep it coming :thumleft:

Thanks Oubones  :thumleft:

Is your son still practicing Karate?  If so, how's he doing?
Yes and he got one silver and one bronze at his last tournament!
Very good discipline for the youngster.
You should have been here today, we went into the valley to a waterfall, plenty deep rivercrossings, mud, stones and a nearly 2m ledge where you had to ramp the front up and then we manhandled the rest up!
I need to start acting my age, I took my one and only 650 dakar and went with the plastics and youngsters!
Man am I tired! :ricky: :thumleft:
I posted a photo or two in the where has your bike taken you today thread of noneking

Good to hear about your son.
He must enjoy learning Karate.

Sounds like a tough but fun day riding.

On my way to see your pics in noneking's thread.  :thumleft:
My bush camping spot turned out to be not so good.  I had ridden too far inland on the pipeline route.  I was not more than a 200 meters from a main highway, so I was forced to listen to semi-truck traffic all night long.  On top of this the skeeters (mozzies) were salivating at the mouth to swallow my blood.  They were swarming my tent all night long.  If that wasn't enough, there was a buck (male whitetail deer) or a bear snorting throughout the evening, which kept me vigilant.  All total, I bet I slept for a whopping 1 hour.

I awoke looking and feeling like death warmed over, very untypical for a male model caliber looker like myself.  ::)  I longed for a 'cup of mud', but had forgotten my Jet-Boil  :xxbah:

I quickly stuffed my tent and sleeping bag in stuff sacks, mounted the Keep Throwing Money, and started the mission of finding coffee and breakfast.  I figured I'd stop near Onekama, Michigan for both.  Nope, nothing open yet.  No worries, I'm alive........barely, I'll stop in Arcadia.  Nope, nothing.  Okay, no worries, I'll stop in Frankfort or Elberta.  Nope, nothing open yet. 

No worries, the riding is perfect.  Fresh curvy asphalt roads, deer in every field, the sun is peaking up over the horizon.  Certainly, there will be a place to get some brek and covfefe around Crystal or Platte Lake.  No restaurants that I could find.  No worries, the riding is incredibly beautiful on M-22, certainly there will be something open by now, farther north in Empire.

I arrive in Empire.  I see a restaurant with one car parked at the side.  I'm thinking, oh my lord, finally, a hot breakfast with some boiling mud.  The cook is inside, but they don't open until 8am.  :angryfire:  :BangHead: :BangHead:  Just wtf is this world coming too?  8am and can't get a cup of mud yet.  Half the fricken day is over by 8am  :mad:  Okay, breathe you prick, it's your fault you forgot the Jet-Boil, I'm telling myself. 

I see a cool museum across the street, so I ride over to scope it out, certainly they'll have some coffee brewing.  Museum doesn't open until 9am.  :angry5:  At least I get a pic of this kids wagon parked in front.  Cannot figure out for the life of me why they would put such giant wheels on a kids wagon and have them sit on the axle.  :dontknow:  Well, at least it has a roof on it to keep the little lads and lass's dry.  Okay, by the time I arrive in Glen Arbor, certainly they'll be something open for brek n coffee.

Riding north, I decide to stop and get you WD's a pic of the east side of Sleeping Bear Dunes. 

The ticket booth for admission to climb the dune is closed, so I could have climbed for free, but I did not have a defibrillator attached to my back, so I declined.  Climbing the dunes is not easy.  Even folks in excellent condition struggle to make it back up from the Lake Michigan side of the dune.  People have to be rescued often because the sand is sugary.  Sometimes you climb 1 foot and fall back down 2 feet. 

Yes, since I was on a KTM and not a GS :pot:, I could have climbed to the top, but I don't think the Rangers in the Ranger station would have liked that very much and given me a big fine.

Here is a pic from the west side of the dune overlooking Lake Michigan from a previous trip.  The pic does not do the slope or length any justice. 

After exiting the parking lot for Sleeping Bear Dunes, I soon arrived in Glen Arbor and the search continued for brek and coffee.  I had at last found the local tavern open for breakfast.  I was unaware just how much that breakfast and coffee would cost...........................​

I really didn't care how much it cost at this point, I had to have it.  And, with the supply of restaurants open in the area, they could pretty much charge what they want.  Turns out Glen Arbor is one of those little resort towns adjacent to Lake Michigan and property is a gazillion dollars per acre next to the beautiful blue waters. 

Now, down where I live, 2 eggs, potatoes, meat, toast or pancakes, with coffee, runs $5.95.  Twenty miles away at a chain restaurant, about $8-$9.  Granted, it was very delicious and the coffee tasted great, my waitress took good care of me, she could tell I'd had a rough night.  She placed the bill on my table, I almost sheet a brick, just shy of $14 for brek.  Oh well, I sat there and drank coffee until I was about to burst and the homemade toast and homemade jams did taste amazing, but I paid for it!

After my delicious breakfast, I headed towards the tip of the Leelanau Peninsula, fueling up in Northport.

After riding up to Leelanau State Park, I turned South along Grand Traverse Bay.  I stopped to capture this photograph of some sailboats moored near a breakwall.  By the way, all the pics so far on this Leelanau Peninsula trip were taken with my iPhone 6.  Later in the report I'll have my DSLR, so the pic quality will improve hopefully.

A few miles south, I stopped to capture a pic facing north.  Notice the pretty wildflowers growing along the shoreline.

A few minutes more, I was about to cross the 45th parallel.

In Suttons Bay, I see this nice little stone building.  Had to get a pic.  Someone has renovated the historic building and now uses it as a Title Insurance business.

I stopped in Traverse City, to look up an old boss.  By now, it was very hot, by my standards, not you WD's, who are used to high temps.  At 30C, I was overheating from my polar bear skin.  I had just missed my old boss, he was heading to the country club for some afternoon golf.  So, I headed south-southwest towards Fife Lake.

Saw a small sailboat with a kicker motor anchored just off the shoreline.  I'm a sucker for sailboat pics.

Some fellas out throwing a line in the water.  I'm not sure what they're fishing for.  I normally don't have any luck fishing in the middle of the day, especially if the sun is shining bright.

A pic of Fife Lake.

I've often wondered what causes the foam, anyone know?

Now, I was trying to decide on whether to spend the night up north or ride on south to home.  After last nights sleep, or lack thereof, I decided I wanted my own bed!  I'm a wimp like that.  I stopped to eat in Mount Pleasant.  At lunch, I scheduled my 1000 kilometer service and ordered my oil and oil filter so I could perform that part of the service to save money.  On my way south, I rode some wonderful sand and gravel roads, going way too fast, but it is such a thrill.  Gosh, I couldn't be happier having a bike suited for this kind of riding.  I love to steer with the rear, yous know what I mean.

Arriving home after a 595 kilometer day on 1 hour sleep, I was exhausted.  Made myself a stiff bourbon and coke, relaxed in front of the tv for a few minutes and was out, sleeping like a log for several hours.

I awoke the next morning at the butt crack of dawn.  My oil and oil filter arrived by courier by 11am, so I got started checking bolts on the bike for tightness while the oil drained.  Always makes me feel good to service my own bike.  One of the rewarding parts of ownership for me.  The next day, Wednesday, I mounted the big Austrian ugly and headed to Kalamazoo to have the remaining part of the 1000 kilometer service performed and have my heated grips installed.  Around $150 dollars later, the bike was issued to me with a clean bill of health and ready for the Upper Peninsula trip.  So, back home to rest up some more before leaving for da UP, eh!

This video will give you an idea on what 'Yoopers' are like and how they talk.  Even though there's not much distance between Detroit and the Upper Peninsula, the people sound much much different.  Because we gave them the name 'Yoopers', they assigned Lower Peninsula inhabitants the name 'Trolls' because we live under da bridge (Mackinaw Bridge).  The MB separates the Lower from the Upper.


And, another video where Skinnerdee Nault demonstrates Yooper Noodling  :imaposer:


I've often wondered what causes the foam, anyone know?

It's all the pee in the water!! :peepwall: :p ;) :lol8:

People drink a lot of beer on them yachts. :deal: ;)
ChrisL - DUSTRIDERS said:
I've often wondered what causes the foam, anyone know?

It's all the pee in the water!! :peepwall: :p ;) :lol8:

People drink a lot of beer on them yachts. :deal: ;)

:imaposer:  It does happen!
:thumleft: to my understanding and when i see it this side i think its human waste/pollution that causes that to happen. i was about to ask why you not going on backroads. and then you went on a few. did you not take many pics of that side? would be interested to see what your back roads and surrounds look like.
My understanding on the foam in the water is that it is a protein build up from the waste from the marine life and plant and animal decay. Waves act as natural protein skimmers that deposit the excess protein on the shore.
Hey Dude , loving this , not many ADV riders get up and go with little or no planning , that's the I ride , have way points and take it like a man. Oh by the way my mean workshop stoep kaker [dog]is tearing my workshop apart , He has eaten my speeker wires twice now , I have rags and toilet paper everywhere, what Ifined amuising he doesn't walk , he runns like hell everywhere, iesh nothing is safe with him around, oh shit there goes my washing sponges


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Sea foam, ocean foam, beach foam, or spume is a type of foam created by the agitation of seawater, particularly when it contains higher concentrations of dissolved organic matter (including proteins, lignins, and lipids) derived from sources such as the offshore breakdown of algal blooms.
a protein build up from the waste from the marine life and plant and animal decay.

Fish pee. :deal:
Mr Zog said:
How do you know if a KTM rider has an iPhone?  :sip:

By the way, all the pics so far on this Leelanau Peninsula trip were taken with my iPhone 6.

He'll tell you...  :deal:  :imaposer: :pot:

:biggrin:  Is there any other brand of cell phone?  iPhone for life  :pot:

Normally I have my Canon DSLR accompanying me on trips, but didn't bother to take it on the Leelanau portion this time.  But, I did take it to the UP so better pics to come hopefully.
dirtyXT said:
:thumleft: to my understanding and when i see it this side i think its human waste/pollution that causes that to happen. i was about to ask why you not going on backroads. and then you went on a few. did you not take many pics of that side? would be interested to see what your back roads and surrounds look like.

I did not.  It's easy to take riding the sandy and gravel roads for granted because there are so many of them.  I'm starting to get the feel though that people actually want to see pics of those types of roads more than pavement or places.  I do have some pics of some gnarly places I had to take the Ducati later in the report.  I think you'll be quite surprised at what kind of terrain I had to ride through on the Duc after getting terribly lost.

Next report though, I can already tell that I need more terrain pics. 
yes. i think that is primarily what we want to see. the off the beaten path stuff. as that is what we try and do the most. get away and find something remote to explore. the more dirt and the lessor known and dangerous the better. if i car cannot get there then you get the full 10 out of 10.
Slim Jim said:
Hey Dude , loving this , not many ADV riders get up and go with little or no planning , that's the I ride , have way points and take it like a man. Oh by the way my mean workshop stoep kaker [dog]is tearing my workshop apart , He has eaten my speeker wires twice now , I have rags and toilet paper everywhere, what Ifined amuising he doesn't walk , he runns like hell everywhere, iesh nothing is safe with him around, oh shit there goes my washing sponges

:lol8:  Puppy destroy everything.

My puppies destroyed a hot tub.  None of the wood frame was left after they got done with it.  I believe they would have eaten the tub, but one of them must have chewed into a 220 volt wire because all of sudden they just stopped chewing on the hot tub  :imaposer:

I didn't have waypoints on the first portion, just a map.  I like those kind of trips, you just leave and don't have any real destination planned, just ride  :thumleft:
where's the rest of this trip? don't get sucked into religion and politics threads. it's a black hole of confusion and misery. where's the next installment?
a black

hey watchit no colour mentioning here on the forum!! :deal: :lol8:
dirtyXT said:
where's the rest of this trip? don't get sucked into religion and politics threads. it's a black hole of confusion and misery. where's the next installment?

Next installment coming soon.  I completed picture editing last night, now just to come up with the words.
With the Katoom freshly serviced with Castrol and a clean bill of health from the dealership, it was time to embark on my adventure to the Upper Peninsula.  I was up before dawn, relaxed with a few cups of mud so I could open my lids.  Destination for the day was somewhere in the northern Lower Peninsula or just north of the Mackinaw Bridge separating the LP from the UP.  Here is the route I took for the day.

I figured I'd mark a few more cities off the summer challenge list, our local community schools had started, so my first stop is Rosebush, Michigan.  I stopped at the entrance of town to gather a pic of a landmark.  The crops are growing nicely and there's a nice John Deere baler.  I like JD tractors and farm implements.

After exiting Rosebush, I decided it was time to find some gravel.  I'd dead headed to Rosebush on the main highway.  Enough of that, I found a nice groomed gravel road heading north.

After riding the nicely groomed gravel road for several miles north, I saw this old farm with a nice International sitting in the field.

Once I arrived in Gladwin, I was starting to get hungry for breakfast.  I found a small diner just off of Highway 61 East of Gladwin.  Had a fabulous tasting breakfast for about $7.  After leaving the diner, I noticed a sign that had the word 'tit', so I had to stop for a pic.

The Tittabawassee River is a stream which flows in a generally southeasterly direction through the Lower Peninsula of the U.S. state of Michigan. The river begins at Secord Lake in Clement Township, at the confluence of the East Branch and the Middle Branch. From there it flows through Gladwin, Midland and Saginaw counties where, as a major tributary of the Saginaw River it flows into it at Saginaw. Some of its tributaries include the Chippewa, Pine, and Tobacco rivers.

Significant communities located on or near the Tittabawassee River include Saginaw, Midland, and Sanford. At Edenville, the river is impounded by the hydroelectric Edenville Dam to create Lake Wixom. In Saginaw County, the river flows through Tittabawassee Township which is named for the river and contains the unincorporated community of Freeland.

The main river is 72.4 miles (116.5 km) long[2] and drains an area of 2,471 square miles (6,400 km2)

Looks like some folks have a nice view of the river and enjoy floating on their pontoon, ski, or fishing boats.

Another view of a portion with a softer bottom.

I was making my way East towards Lake Huron when I spotted the famous Au Gres (pronounced Aww Grey) river.  The Au Gres River is a river in Michigan. Its mouth is at Lake Huron in the city of Au Gres, Michigan. It flows through Arenac, Iosco and Ogemaw counties. It formerly had an eastern branch, which was severed from the parent river and rerouted along the Whitney Drain to Lake Huron north of Au Gres. The main stream is 46.7 miles (75.2 km) long.

Notice how crystal clear the water.

With the clear water in many spots, it makes a nice river for fly fishing.

The mouth of the river begins in the city of Au Gres.  The Saginaw Bay of Lake Huron waters creates the route for some monster fish.

Like this Steelhead.

Steelhead are sometimes more colorful like this monster.  Steelhead is the name given to a migratory Rainbow Trout.  These fish always return to where they spawned.

Brown Trout are also caught in these waters like this nice one here.

A beautiful Brook Trout.

I'm not sure there is anything more peaceful than standing in the middle of a river like this, slinging a little fly onto the surface of the water.

After spending a few minutes taking in the scenery on the Au Gres river, I continue on my journey.  I found this old grain bin interesting.

I continue heading east toward East Tawas, Michigan on the western shores of one of our 5 Great Lakes, Lake Huron.

I have finally arrived to capture a few pics of the freshwater Lake Huron.

A pic of the shores of Lake Huron.  You can see an RV trailer camp in the distance.  Old Glory is flying fast from the wind coming off Lake Huron.

Another pic of Lake Huron from East Tawas, MI.

Canada is a long way across this huge freshwater lake.  Can you see Canada?  I cannot.

This marks approximately the 1/2 way point of day 1 on my way to the Upper Peninsula.  Feeling good, the sun is out, comfortable temperature.  Riding is beautiful.  Day 1 to be continued........​