A Dirty Wild Dog Rides to God's Country to Visit Da Yoopers, Eh.

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As I was admiring my surroundings, it dawned on me I did not remember locking up my valuables and removing my ignition key.  I searched every pocket for my ignition key to no avail.  Normally, when my bike is out of sight, or I’m going to be away from my bike for a length of time, I’ll place my tank bag filled with valuables inside a locked pannier.  Same with my Arai helmet.  I could not remember doing either.  Could it be I’d left my Arai on the mirror, tank bag magnetized to the Duc’s gas tank, and panniers unlocked during this entire time?  I’m a very forgetful person by nature.  I have a great long term memory though I suffer with lack of short term memory.

I descended the mountain concerned whether I’d have a helmet, a tank bag, or a motorcycle for that matter since the ignition key was not on my person. 

I was relieved when I found everything intact.  Key in ignition  ::), tank bag unzipped, though nothing taken, even the stash of cash I’d left in there, the pannier door on the chain side was open with my Rukka Argosaurus gloves still sitting there, and as you can see, my Arai still on the mirror.  Shewwwwww, what a relief.

From Lake of the Clouds, I traveled south out of Porcupine Mountains State Park, destination Ironwood.  Ironwood is one of the furthest western towns, located on the Michigan Wisconsin border.

On the way I stopped to take a pic in Wakefield, Michigan of the bay from Lake Superior.

As you can see on the pics above, it was pouring the rain.  And, the rain was frigid.  I could’ve kicked
my own ass for leaving my heated vest back at camp, I was cold cold cold.  I stopped in a nearby
parking lot to add a layer and don my balaclava.  Luckily, the inhabitants didn’t know what kind of
outlaw was using their parking lot!!

The rain would not let up, many motorcyclists were hunkered down at gas stations under the roofs,
I kept riding just wanting to get to Ironwood for a pic for our Summer School Challenge, and then
get back to the campground as quick as I could.

I made it to Ironwood, took an iPhone pic at the Industrial Park east of town and turned around,
and was outta there heading east back to camp.

It was a long ride in frigid rain, I stopped in Bruce’s Crossing for gasoline, warmed up inside
the store for a few minutes, then gritted my teeth and headed north back to Twin Lakes State Campground.

Upon arriving back at camp, I quickly fired up the bakkie to warm the engine, turned the heater
on high, the heated seats on their hottest setting, and changed clothes.  I sat in my truck shivering
until the heater and seats warmed my body.  I must have sat in the bakkie for an hour, lol.
It was like a sauna by the time I was warm, lol.
I decided I’d take the bakkie and drive to Houghton, Michigan to my favorite lounge in
the Keweenaw Peninsula, the Ambassador, and eat their famous homemade lasagna. 
On the way I shot a pic of the South Range welcome sign for the Summer School Challenge.

A pic from my table inside the Ambassador Lounge.  Not a very good pic.

After eating a huge portion of lasagna and 3 beers, I was forgetting about how cold I was just a few hours earlier.

I went down to the Portage Canal and shot a pic of the famous lift bridge and the signs to give you an idea. 

The bridge separates the two cities of Houghton and Hancock. 

I then traveled south back to Twin Lakes State Park Camp.  Here’s a map of the trip with the bakkie to Houghton and back to camp.

Upon arrival back to camp, the nice Yoopers at the neighboring camp asked if I’d like to
pull up a chair to their raging campfire.  No problem, I enjoyed conversing with them and
the fire was stick to your bones warm.  I wish I had shot a pic of the fire.  They get a nice
bed of coals going, then they had some huge stumps that they hollow out the center of. 
The stumps burn for hours and the fire coming up through the hollowed out stump is fascinating,
I’d never seen that done previously.

Anyway, here’s a pic of my campsite, where I’d attempt to get a much needed nights sleep.

Big Oil I'll subscribe and read this thread/RR once back in SA since I csn unfortunately not see your pics here on Gough Island. Think the host you are using is blocked for us.

Sent from my SM-T231 using Tapatalk

Love this thread.

Big Oil, I am most impressed by the word 'bakkie' in your report. 😁
Nice one, I see you are also AWB! :pot: :peepwall:
Hehe, Not the type with the Nazi notions but an All Weather Biker!
That Ducati is nice.
I am enjoying your viewpoint and the way you do things.