A Dirty Wild Dog Rides to God's Country to Visit Da Yoopers, Eh.

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This area of the USA gets so much snowfall, a delivery sleigh was needed to transport goods and dead bodies from the mortuary.

Another relic, I’m guessing from the mid to late 1800’s.  I’m glad someone kept it and didn’t burn it to be lost forever.

Sometimes it is too difficult to get the trees to the sawmill, so why not make a sawmill one can drive to the trees.

And zoomed in slightly.

Continuing north, I arrived in the small village named Lake Linden.

And then visited this shrine of George Gipp in the village of Calument Laurium.

Not far away, actually just across U.S. Hwy 41 is the location of the Keweenaw National Historic Park.  If you ever find yourself in the peninsula it’s quite a special place.  Do yourself a solid and make the stop.

A couple of the buildings on the property.  Aren’t they incredible?  I love the architecture.

With the amount of snow this peninsula receives each winter, if I remember correctly, the record is just under 40 feet of snow during the winter of 1978-1979, you need some massive snow-removal equipment, even for train tracks.

A fascinating church in the old part of town in Calumet, Michigan.

And now for some negativity from a tradjedy that struck this area.  :-\.

Why you shouldn’t yell ‘fire’ in a crowded place, unless there is a fire obviously!
Today, over 100 years later, this is all that remains of the former Italian Hall.

Seemed fitting to snap a pic of an Italian bike, manufactured 90 years after the tragedy at the Italian Hall.

Interesting and nice places, just not good for biking in winter.
I just wish our downtown areas were as neat and clean.
Here any brandnew building is only neat and clean for a short period.
From Calumet-Larium, I continued north in the Keweenaw Peninsula.  I decided to leave tarmac for a little trail ride in the Cliff Mine area.  Certainly, a wild looking area.
