A Dirty Wild Dog Rides to God's Country to Visit Da Yoopers, Eh.

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And yet another pic of the lovely sand beach.

And that is when I got busted by the lovely young red head.  She knew I was snapping pics of her and she knew I liked what I was snapping pics of.  When she turned back to see if I liked the pose she gave me, I’m sure this is what she saw.

Nice big lake, no yachts?
Is it too cold in winter?
I like the twisty road.
Your bitch beach? Nice two piece too.  :thumleft:
A couple of photos of the bay the lovely young woman had just swum in.  I enjoy this area as it is a little slice of heaven.

From the bay, I continued north on Lakeshore drive to Brockway Mountain Drive.  BMD is a stretch of twists and turns up the mountain to the West Bluff, though the quality of the tarmac is abysmal, most likely from the weather the tip of the peninsula receives each winter.

The following pics are from the West Bluff of Brockway Mountain, near the city of Copper Harbor, Michigan.

A mountain lake named Lake Manganese in the distance. 

Golf course in the distance.  If I remember correctly, the name is Keweenaw Mountain Lodge.

Keweenaw Copper enlightened and changed our world forever.  Copper from this area made its way all across the globe.

An aerial view of the West Bluff.  The gift shop is no longer there.
