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Grey Hound
WD Supporter
Aug 10, 2007
Reaction score
BMW R1200GS Adventure
So many pics - so much to tell... will compile the whole truth & nothing but the truth as the RR today.


just to make you all sit up.... how's THIS pic!!!! (yes it's BIG.... but you can see why?)



  • Wilddogs.JPG
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These people looked very much different when I got there last night........ :biggrin: :biggrin:
To all the WD guys and gals waiting in anticipation on a report / feedback from yesterday's ride to Breede Rivier, wait no more....  The ride was A W E S O M E!!! 

We left my place at about 08:30 heading for the Winelands 1stop on the N1 to buy breakfast, consisting of pies and sausage rolls and coldrinks.  ;)    When we got there, I was in a sweat.  My nerves was shot.  Luckily I managed to get that all under control in no time.  From there we were heading off to the du Toit's Kloof pass.  That part of the journey went much better as I was much more comfortable and at ease.  The mist on the pass was really bad and we couldn't really appreciate the breathtaking view from the top.  :(    Non the less, we stopped for breakfast.  From there, on with the journey.  I can't begin to describe the thoughts going through my mind as we proceeded to Worcester.  It was such a feeling of freedom, totally in touch with Mother Nature.  The thing that made the biggest impression on me was the  "smell" of the trees and plants along the road. It was overwhelming.  Totally different from being in a car.  I even became more and more "windgat" on the back of the bike.  :biggrin:    One hand holding onto Goose, the other holding on the handle at the back.  In Worcester we stopped at a little butchery for meat.  From there, onwards to Breede Rivier.  On our last turn off to the final destination, we had to go through ankle deep water.  Oh my goody gosh!!!  :eek:    All I can say is, we were a little wet.....  ;)  When we reached our destination, I only saw bikes as we came around the corner.  What a sight!!  Ha ha....  I met a couple of the WD, sorry if I can't remember all your names.  But I can definitely say, you are a group of extraordinary people.  I had such a great time. 

Heading home, of course we went through the water, again, sommer 2 times, hie hie.  :ricky:    My husband took a video.  As we were riding closer to home, just after the Huguenot Tunnel, the wind suddenly became a challenge.  Goodness me,  it was blowing with a force.  Luckily we made it home in one piece. 

Last night, as I was reflecting on the days activities, one thought kept on popping back into my mind.  I might be disabled, but that still doesn't stop me from living my life to the fullest.  That includes be pillion on a bike.    :ricky:  :ricky: 

Goose, you really outdone yourself.  Thank you so much for a wonderful day.  Myself and my husband and our two friends who accompanied us, had a wonderful time.  You are truly one good rider.  Hats off to you for the way you handled the wind situation on the N1, back home.    :thumleft:

One last beeeeeeg thank you to freakonaleash for lending me the ATGATT and trusting Goose and me with the loan bike.  You're a real Trooper!
I can see you had fun :thumleft:

Big-up to Goose & Freak and all the WCWD's
Hi Lady-Quickie! Was good to meet you :thumleft:
Brink said:
I can see you had fun :thumleft:

Big-up to Goose & Freak and all the WCWD's


The pic is lovely cos it shows happy people.

well done
Great to have met you. I esp loved ur smile! good for you girl. you like a true wild dog now!
Great to have met you. I esp loved ur smile! good for you girl. you like a true wild dog now!
Hey Ilse GRT to have met you and I am glad you decided to use the alias....... :ricky: :ricky: :ricky: Good on you ;)

Goose and Jen well done for such an effort..... ;) ;) ;)

To all the WD's that helped out and made this a memorable occasion "a special moment in Lady-Quickie's life" Guys you all deserve a medal.  :eek:ccasion14:

We may never relies what this meant to this Lady, I am proud to be a member of Wild Dog Adventure Riders!!  :thumleft:

As for you Lady-Quickie, this could just be the beginning of the end, next it will be more pillion on a bike then Hubby will have to get one and join the Dogs and so it goes on....  >:D 
Go Girl, mountainboy, trailrider and all the rest, it was so good to meet you all too.  I'm proud to be part of the WD's.  Iron Shark, I'm working on the Hubby / buying a bike situation.  I'm totally sold to this! 
Lady quickie was great to meet you ,hope to see you and hubby on 2 wheelssoon.You are part of our pack now  :ricky: :ricky:
Hi LQ. Great to see you enjoyed the jol and a warm welcome to you and hubby as part of the pack.
Doerengone said:
Hi LQ. Great to see you enjoyed the jol and a warm welcome to you and hubby as part of the pack.

Thanx, we already feel part of you guys. 
Lady-Quickie said:
I might be disabled, but that still doesn't stop me from living my life to the fullest. 

I have a friend or two who also face 'challenges' and I've grown to realize one thing with regards to
people in wheelchairs: You are as 'disabled' just as much as what you tell yourself you are.
Once you have adjusted the way you do things life can still be enjoyed at full throttle!

I like your spirit - was very cool to have met you.

Take care!

well done !!!!!!!!!!!!!

and remember when your up our neck of the woods it will be our pleasure to do the same,,,,

harties canals await you
Goose, thanks for giving us the oppertunity to contribute to such a good cause and a big thanks for all the effort by you and the Mrs.

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