Capies not at Bash go Mountain riding

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Mark Hardy

Grey Hound
Jul 31, 2006
Reaction score
KTM 950 Adventure
I didnâ??t feel like sitting home and twiddling my thumbs while most of you were at the BASH so I started an innocent thread for a Sunday ride with any Capies still at home. All was going well until a certain Ulitjie (bless his soul) wrote these wordsâ?¦â?¦

â??We could of course do the "up-the-mountain" ride I told you about Mark, but itâ??s not really for noobs, what you think?â?

And so started one of the most enjoyable and challenging rides I have been on.

The meeting place was at the Shell garage at the bottom of Sir Loureys pass, XT660R (Andy) and I left at 6h50 to meet the others at the pass for 7h30. What a beautiful morning, no wind and nice and cool but not cold. We meet Masehare at the garage and after 10min or so realized that no one else would be joining us. Time to head out to Caledon and Ulitjies farm where we would meet the rest of the â??mountain ridingâ? crew. I really enjoy the ride out that way, all tar, as there are some enjoyable sweeping corners and passes to negotiate.

When we get to Ulitjies place there are four more bike waiting to be ridden, Gavelmad, Ulitjie, Tattoo, Rico. So that 2x KTM950, KTM950SE, 2x XT660R, BMW1150adv, and last but not lest a Valedero. Good mix of machines. After a bit of chit chat it was on the mountain. Stopped at the farmer those land we were going to ride on, really pleasant chap and I felt he was quite happy to see us there and ready to tackle his mountain tracks. We each paid R50 for the ride and by the end of the day I would have gladly paid R500.

â??Start your engines and lets rideâ? or something that from our leader Uiltjie. Not 500m from the farm house the track starts, we were warned that the first kilometer or so would be rocky and loose. That was true and it went up and up and up. First thought through my head was â??Today I will have the ride of my life and I KNOW I will fallâ? on both counts I was right. I donâ??t know how long or far we rode till the first pit stop, but what I do remember is all the switch backs, loose rock and gravel, uneven tracks and the shear beauty of the area we were riding in. This wasnâ??t a gravel rode we were going up but a 2 spoor track. I could not stop smiling and whooping in my helmet.

Some pics of the track to the first Pit Stop.



Maybe M should explain his actions here :D

Left all alone

So where to now.....up I guess

Gavelmad....the happy snapper

Smoke break and where to now chat

Tattoo and his beast

From there we set out for some more wonderful riding and mountain climbing. Most of the time it was 1st, 2nd and maybe 3rd gear. Loose rock, tight corner and up up up. But most of all FUN. I was having a ball and so was every one else judging by their grins and high 5â??s at the next Pit Stop. This is with Ulitjieâ??s son was waiting for us in the 4x4 with some refreshment. Thank you. Popped the Champagne and the bottle got passed around. Beers and Savanna also came out.
Da refreashment

Da views


Da crew

Da track

While we were chatting I looked ahead and saw this track going right up to the top.
Looking at Ulitjie I ask â??Are we riding up Thereâ?
â??No, we are turning right and going to the next mountain trackâ?
â??Well can we ride up thereâ? I ask
â??Go for itâ? he replies.
So Gavelmad, Andy and I head out to climb/ride to the top, being warned to be on the lookout for big loose rocks. Once at the top, the views were stunning.

I will add the rest is calling.
Thanks CO, you would have really enjoyed it.Maybe next time.
I have noticed that I am unable to view the pics on some of the threads, like this one. Anyone have any suggestions???
Meerkat said:
I have noticed that I am unable to view the pics on some of the threads, like this one. Anyone have any suggestions???

Your IT department has decided to block pics hosted by Photobucket
visit for instructions on how to get past the problem
haha, they have blocked hidemyass as well...damn

some threads show pics though
A BIG thanks to Mark and Uiltjie,Mark for starting a great thread,and Uiltjie for organisig an awsome ride with some great people.Many thanks to the farmer who allowed us to use his road to the top of the mountain and the farmer who allowed us to encroach onto his property and test out his 4 x 4 tracks on the mountain.
The scenery as Mark said was breathtaking,the air so crisp and fresh.
There were everlasting flowers every where.




Mark Hardy


The view

More to follw

Uiltjie.....I was speaking to Katoom this morning and we would like you to know that we are really very dissapointed that we were not invited on your "mountain excursion".

I had to hear from Tattoo's wife that there was a trip.....we are not going to speak to you again.....ever......baastid!! :mad: :mad: :mad:

You were probably too scared.....we understand...2 weekend in a row with us is probably asking a little too much!!!

On a lighter note.....nice report!!

Ok Uil....I feel bad ignoring you for so long......Love you, man...don't let it happen again! ;D ;)

PS: Hope you showed the guys Zanzibar!!! :eek:
Hey Mark! Did I not pass you around 6:50 at the bottom of Richwood ??? Silver KTM ??? That's was just after I zipped around the circle where a blue XT660 was waiting and waving. I never bought a chuck of the island waving to the XT660 there ;D ;D

At the top of Contermans kloof I thought about you guys and wondered...
Thanks to those that came!  It was great, I loved it!

I must lift my hat to Tatoo and Masehare for handling those big heavy bikes in that terrain, you did well - RESPECT!

I asked Mark to do the ride report, and I will do the FALL report! ;D ;D

It was inevitable, someone had to fall, its a given! ;D  When Mark went up the summit, he drooped the KTM, I wasn't there, but he told me.  Then, as we were about to climb onto another road (Well, track) there was this big "jump" to get onto it (see XT's pic where the 4X4 is parked.  5 metres before that, Mark lost it again to a tip-over.  Remember, everything is at an incline on a mountain!  Here Masehare had a spectacular off, with him rolling backwards down the mountain!  Dirtrat, the sweeper on his 950SE, and my son saw it!  Apparently, it was a sight to see! :eek: :eek:  No pics of these falls though....but not to worry, the best is still to come!

Here we are climbing the last bit to the refreshments!



XT660R with MH and Tatoo in pursuit


Masehare with the big BM, followed by sweeper Dirtrat




Dirtrat with the beast KTM 950 SE, what a machine, taking everything you can throw at it!


Having the customery champange on the mountain.



After we did the other mountain, upon our return route, my son said that we should wait for him as he wants to take some pics.  We waited, and Mark set off first!  From about 600m away, we could see what has just happened! ::) ::)

With a cloud of dust, and legs and arms and helmet swapping positions amonst the fynbos, Mark had obviously had an off!

My son took the piccies, in true WD fashion!












Luckily nothing but Mark's ego was hurt.

More to follow...
Almost sorry i went fishing instead......caught two nice Elf though!! Looks like a great area to ride....maybe organise another outride?
Thanks to all 4 a really great ride on Sunday . Uiltjie you and Tatoo really know how to plan a route in this area. Trailrider is really going to be surprised to found out that there are many other places in SA with spectacular views other than his back yard  :p
I'll add some pics later
Coming up 


Scenes from the plateau


And then still higher for 3 of us


Getting deeper into the fynbos

By the way, no fynbos was damaged during the making of this piece of history
See the little path  going up, thats were we went

more pics of the boys having fun




One of the machines compliments of Tatoo
Uil, sorry i missed this. Your rides are always spectacular.

Mark, respect !
It takes me a few minutes longer than that to see the funny side. Cheers
Gravelmad said:
Thanks to all 4 a really great ride on Sunday . Uiltjie you and Tatoo really know how to plan a route in this area. Trailrider is really going to be surprised to found out that there are many other places in SA with spectacular views other than his back yard  :p
I'll add some pics later
Firstly thanks Gravelmad for thinking I helped with the ride, but being such a standup fellow I cannot take any credit for this fantasric ride its all Uiltjies doing. Then thank you Uiltjie it was great. I do quad enduro's and holding the Vara in this terain gave me a work out on par to a good 3hour race, slept like a baby Sunday night. Glad with all the entertainment and acrobatics no one was hurt. Thanks to all that went along it always great meeting new dogs and seeing the one's you know already fantastic. Then to all that missed it shame man I feel for you guys. Dankie weereens Uiltjie en ek gaan nie my 2 fotos wat ek geneem het vir jou stuur nie, nie na ek al die profesionele foto's op die thread gesien het nie.
Groete Rico
Tatoo, dit was 'n groot plesier.  Dit was lekker om my ou Vara weer te sien, en ook om te sien sy is in goeie hande!

Anyway, more pics of the diehards going past Mark's accident scene.



Die Uilman




And coming down, myself


Mark Hardy


Tatoo, check, front wheel in the air!


And a good day was had by all!
Ma julle staan dan almal ;D ;D

Lyk asof julle pret gehad het - cool 8)

Mooi wereld daai een van die Caledonners (soos Hermanus se dominee gese het) >:D